Abstract:The evergreen broad-leaf forest of trees of the Castanopsis kawakamii species is located in the Wakeng area of Sanming City(117˚20′E,26˚10′N), Fujian Province, on the southern boundary of the mid-subtropical region in China. The floristic composition of the communities in 31 plots totalling 3100m2 in area consists of 139 species of vascular plants, 52 families and 90 genera. Of the 90 genera, 75.6% are single species genera. Analysis of floristic geographical elements indicated that the percentages of tropical and pan-tropical elements are high, making up 61.5% and 67.8% of the total numbers of families and genera respectively. The physiognomy of the communities was analyzed on the basis of the life forms of the plants and their leaf characters, which showed this forest was a transition type from south-subtropical rain forest to mid-subtropical laurilignosa(evergreen broad-leaf forest).The homogeneity and Shannon-Wiener’s index of species diversity of Castanopsis kawakamii forest were 20.9342% and 4.3992 respectively. Analysis of the age structure of the trees of the forest showed that it was a community of relative stability.