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全 文 :浙江大学学报牗农业与生命科学版牘 32牗6牘牶683~ 686牞2006
Journal of Zhejiang University牗Agric. & Life Sci.牘
Article ID牶1008-9209牗2006牘06-0683-04
  Received date牶2006-01-08
Foundation i tem牶Project sup ported by the Nature S cien ce Foundation of Zhejiang Province牗Y304072牘牣
Biography牶JI M eng-cheng牞male牞born in 1966 in Jiangxi牞profess or牞engaged in teaching and res earch w ork s of b ry ological
taxonomy牣Tel牣0571-63742250牷E-m ail牶mchji@163牣com牣
Leucomium牗Leucomiaceae牘牞a moss genus new to Jiangxi Province
JI Meng-cheng1牞CAI Jian-guo 1牞EN ROTH Johanne s2(1牣School of Landscape Architecture牞Zhej iang Forestry
College牞L inan牞Zhe jiang 311300牞China牷2牣Department o f Biolog ical and Environmental Sciences牞University
of Helsinki牞FI-00014 F inland)
Abstract牶Based on the identification o f one specimen from Ma toushan Na ture Reserv e牞Leucomium
strumosum was repo rted from Jiangx i Pr ovince牞China fo r the fir st time牣The family Leucomiaceae and
genus Leucomium Mitt牣w ere also new to this prov ince牣 A detailed de scription of geme tophy tic
char acte ristics and illustr ations of this species w ere prov ided牣L牣strumosum is mo rpho log ically closest to
Vesicularia reticulata w hich is common in China牞but the la tter is densely pinnately br anched牞has
pseudopar aphy llia牞as w ell as a distinct double co sta and clea rly serrulate uppe r marg ins in the leaves
which diffe rs from L牣strumosum牣Some fea tures牞 such as the small and ra re plants牞absence o f
spo rophytes牞suggested that the everg reen broad-leaved fore sts in M atoushan do no t pro vide an optimally
eco log ical environment fo r L牣strumosum牣
Key words牶Leucomium Mitt牣牷new reco rd牷Jiangxi P ro vince
CLC number牶Q949牣35   Document code牶A
季梦成1牞蔡建国1牞ENROTH Johannes2牗1牣浙江林学院 园林学院牞浙江 临安 311300牷2牣赫尔辛基大学
生物与环境科学系牞芬兰 赫尔辛基 F I-00014牘
摘 要牶依据一份采自马头山自然保护区的标本牞报道白藓为江西新记录牞并对该种的配子体形态特征
作了详细描述和绘图牣同时白藓科 、白藓属也是江西首次记录牣白藓与中国广布种鳞叶藓特征相似牞区别
在于后者羽状分枝 、有假鳞毛 、叶具明显双中肋和叶上部边缘有细锯齿牣植物体小牞罕见及孢子体不发育
关 键 词牶白藓属牷新记录牷江西
  Matoushan is a well know n Nature Reserve
in northeast Jiangxi Province of China牗Fig牣1牘
with an area of 21570 km2牣 Its geographical
posi tion spans 24°29′N-30°05′N牞117°08′5″
  On a field survey to this region in March
2001牞the first two authors came across a moss
specimen which was very small牞 lacked a
spo rophy te and grew on rotten Lithocarpus logs
in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest牣
Fig. 1  Outline map of China showing the locality of
Matoushan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province
Further studies undertaken in Botanical Museum
of Helsinki University牞Finland牞revealed it was
Leucomium strumosum 牗Hornsch牣牘 Mitt牣The
genus Leucomium Mit t牣牞 or the family
Leucomiaceae in which it belongs牞had previously
not been recorded from Jiangxi Province犤1-4犦牣
  Leucomium was established by Mitten for a
group of mosses previously placed in either
Hookeria or Hypnum犤5犦牣Brotherus established
the family Leucomiaceae to accommodate
Leucomium and Vesiculariopsis牞and placed the
family near Hypnaceae and Sematophy llaceae犤6犦牣
Buck and Goffinet placed in Leucomiaceae the
genera Leucomium牞 Philophy llum and
Rhynchostegiopsis牞of w hich the latter two are
Neotropical taxa犤7犦牣 Allen compared twelve
gemetophytic and sporophytic characteristics of
Leucomium牞 Hookeria牞 Potamium and
Vesicularia牞studied 26 validly published species
names in the genus牞 and recognized but two
species牗L牣strumosum and L牣steerei牘犤8犦牣Of
those only L牣strumosum has been recorded from
  Leucomium strumosum 牗Hornsch牣牘 Mitt牣牞
  Plants small and slender牞soft牞yellow ish-to
pale-green牞more or less glossy牞in loose mats牣
Stems creeping and irregularly or sparsely
branched牞to ca牣2 cm long牞ca牣2 mm wide with
leaves牞 densely leaved牣 Stem leaves slightly
asymmetric牞to牗1.4-1. 7 mm牘×牗0. 5-0. 7 mm牘牞
oblong-ovate牞narrow at base牷apices acute to
acuminate牷leaf margins plane牷costa absent牣Leaf
cells smooth牞thin-walled牞elongate-hexagonal or
elongate-rhomboidal to linear-rhomboidal牞apical
laminal cells牗55-65 μm牘×牗10-18 μm牘牷median
laminal cells牗65-110 μm牘×牗11-18 μm牘牷basal
laminal cells similar to median laminal cells牞
shorter牞牗60-80 μm牘×牗10-20 μm牘牷alar cells
indistinct or no t differentiated牣 Branch leaves
similar to stem leaves but smaller牞牗1. 1-1. 4 mm牘
×牗0. 4-0. 5 mm牘牣 Pseudoparaphy llia absent牣
Perigonia牞perichaetia and sporophy tes absent in
present material牣
  Specimen examined牶 China牣 Jiangxi
Province牞 Zixi County牞 Matoushan Nature
Reserve牞ca牣900 m牞in the subtropical everg reen
broad-leaved fo rests牞 on rotten logs of
Lithocarpus牣20牣V牣2001牞Mengcheng J i and
J ianguoCai 12630牣牗JXAU牘
  It is very dif ficult to separate Leucomium
f rom Vesicularia in sterile condition牣If it w as a
species of Vesicularia牞it should have narrow
pseudoparaphyllia牞 while the species of
Leucomium lack pseudoparaphy llia牣Leucomium
strumosum is morphologically closest to
Vesicularia ret iculata which is not rare in China牶
bo th species have fairly g lossy leaves of a similar
shape牞acute to acuminate apices牞and smooth牞
thin-walled牞 elongate-rhomboidal leaf cells牣
However牞 V牣 ret iculata differs f rom L牣
strumosum牞 the former is densely pinnately
branched牞has narrow pseudoparaphyllia牞as w ell
as a distinct double costa and clearly serrulate
upper margins in the leaves牣
  Leucomium strumosum has been recorded
from Africa牞South America牞Central America牞
Caribbean牞 New Caledonia牞 Fiji牞 India牞 Sri
Lanka牞 Thailand牞 Malay sia牞 Indonesia牞
Philippines and Papua New Guinea犤8犦牣 L牣
aneurodictyon as a taxonomic synonym of L牣
684 第 32卷 
  Scale bars牶A for牗a牘~牗d牘牞B for牗e牘~牗h牘牣牗a牘 and牗b牘牶Stem leaves牣牗c牘and牗d牘牶Branch leaves牣
牗e牘牶Median laminal cells牣牗f牘牶Alar region牣牗g牘牶Margin at midleaf牣牗h牘牶Stem leaf apex牣
Fig. 2 Leucomium strumosum
685 第 6期
strumosum has been reported previously from
Taiw an犤11-14犦牞 Guizhou犤15犦 and Hainan犤16-18犦 in
China牣Based on specimens examination牞Wu and
Crosby confi rmed the distribution of L牣
strumosum f rom the provinces of Yunnan牞Xizang
and Hainan in Chinese mainland牣Wu et al牣also
reported this species from National Chebaling
Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province
犤19犦牣It w as
recorded from Jiangxi for the first time牣
  Leucomium is a genus with pantropical
犤8犦牣Some features牞such as the very
small plants and absence of spo rophy tes牞 or
indeed perigonia and perichaetia牞suggested that
the evergreen broad-leaved forests in Matoushan
do not provide an optimally ecological
environment for L牣strumosum牣
犤1犦 Fang Yan-ming牞 Enroth J牞Koponen T牞 et a l牣 The
bryophytes in Jiangxi Province牞China牶 An annotated
Checkli st犤J犦牣Hikobia牞1998牞12牶343-363牣
犤2犦 JI Meng-cheng牞WANG Jing牞CHEN Yong-jun牗季梦成牞
王静牞陈拥军牘牣Study on the bryophytes resou rces in
Matoushan Natu re Reserve牞 Jiangxi Province 犤J犦牣
Subtropical Plant Science牗亚热带植物科学牘牞2002牞31
牗2牘牶6-12牣牗in Chinese牘
犤3犦 JI Meng-cheng牞Tan B C牣A new checkli st of mosses of
Jiangxi Province牞China犤J犦牣Hikobia牞2003牞14牶87-106牣
犤4犦 JI Meng-cheng牞CHEN Yong-jun牞WANG Jing牗季梦成牞
陈拥军牞王 静牘牣 Study on the bryophytes flora of
Matoushan Nature Reserve牞 Jiangxi Province 犤J犦牣 J牣
犤5犦 Mit ten W牣Musci Aust ro-Americani犤J犦牣J牣Linn牣Soc牣
犤6犦 Brotherus V F牣Leucomiaceae犤M犦牤牤Engler A牞Prant l K牣
Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien牣 Leipzig牶Englemannn牞
犤7犦 Buck W R牞Goffinet B牣Morphology and classificat ion of
mosses犤M犦牤牤 Shaw A J牞Gof finet B牣Bryophyte Biology牣
Cambridge牶Cambridge University Press牞2000牶71-123牣
犤8犦 Allen B H牣 A revision of the genus Leucomium
牗Leucomiaceae牘犤J犦牣Yew York Bot牣Garden牞1987牞45牶
犤9犦 Redfearn P L牞Tan B C牞He Si牣An newly updated and
annotated checklist of Chinese mosses犤J犦牣J牣Hattori Bot牣
犤10犦 JIA Yu牞LI Zhi-hua牣Leucomiaceae犤M犦牤牤 WU Peng-
cheng牞C rosby M R牣Moss Flora of China牗Hookeriaceae-
Thuidiaceae牘牣English vision牣VI牣Beijing牶Science Press
and New York牶Missou ri Botanical Museum牞2002牶41-42牣
犤11犦 LAI Ming-zhou牞 Wang-Yang J R牣 Index
bryof loraeformosensis犤J犦牣 Taiwania牞 1976牞 21牗2牘牶
犤12犦 LIN Shan-xiong牣Notes on some Formosan mosscollections
at the Taiw an Museum犤J犦牣Bryologist牞 1984牞 87牶
犤13犦 LIN Shan-xiong牣List of mosses of Taiwan犤J犦牣Yushania牞
犤14犦 KUO Cheng-meng牣Index to Taiwan mosses犤J犦牣Taiwania牞
犤15犦 ZHANG Zhao-hui牣A catalog of Musci of Maolan karst
forest area牞Lipo County牞Guizhou犤J犦牣J牣Guizhou Normal
Univ牣牗贵州师范大学学报牘牞 1993牞11牶33-69牣牗in
犤16犦 陈邦杰牞万宗玲牞高谦牞等牣中国藓类属志牗下册牘犤M犦牣
犤17犦 TAN B C牞LI Zhi-hua牞LIN Bang-juan牣Preliminary list of
mosses reported f rom Hainan Island牞China犤J犦牣Yushania牞
犤18犦 LIN Bang-juan牞Koponen T牞Piippo S牣Bryophyte f lora of
Jianfenling Mts牣牞Hainan Island牞China犤J犦牣Bryobrothera牞
犤19犦 吴 翰牞林邦娟牞张 力牞等牣车八岭国家级自然保护区科
686 第 32卷