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Development and evaluation of fertilizers cemented and coated with organic-inorganic materials.


应用水基成膜法制备4种有机-无机复合胶结包膜材料,利用圆盘造粒机制备其胶结包膜肥料(B2、PS、F2、F2F),并对其性质进行了测定.性能测试结果表明:胶结包膜肥料成粒率、抗压强度和成膜性由好至差均为B2>PS>F2>F2F.土柱淋洗试验结果表明:B2氮素累积溶出曲线最平缓;48 d内氮素累积溶出率表现为:54.65%(B2)<56.16%(PS)<59.47%(F2)<63.12%(F2F).玉米田间试验结果表明:与等量NPK化肥配施处理相比,4种有机-无机复合材料胶结包膜肥料处理的玉米产量均有所提高,其中B2处理的增产效果最显著(P<0.05),其玉米产量和肥料利用率分别提高了19.72%和20.30%,F2F处理差异不显著,PS和F2处理效果居中且前者好于后者.

Four kinds of organic-inorganic cementing and coating materials were prepared by a coating method using water as the solvent, and the corresponding cemented and coated fertilizers (B2, PS, F2, and F2F) were produced by disc pelletizer. The tests on the properties of these fertilizers showed that the granulation rate, compression strength, and film-forming rate were B2>PS>F2>F2F. Soil column leaching experiment showed that the curve of accumulated nitrogen dissolving rate was the gentlest for B2. In 48 days, the accumulated nitrogen-dissolving rate was in the order of B2, 54.65%<PS, 56.16%<F2, 59.47%, <F2F, 63.12%.Field experiment showed that compared with the same application amount of NPK, all the test fertilizers had better effects on corn yield, among which, B2 was the best, with the corn yield and fertilizer use efficiency increased by 19.72% and 20.30%, respectively. The yield increasing effect of other test fertilizers was in the order of PS>F2>F2F.

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