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全 文 :  铁线莲属绣球藤组修订  
王 文 采
(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室 北京 100093)
A revision of Clematis sect.Cheiropsis (Ranunculaceae)
WANG Wen_Tsai
(Laboratory of Systemiatic and Evolutionary Botany , Insti tute of Botany , the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100093)
Abstract In the present revision of the sect.Cheiropsis are recognized 22 species and 23 variet-
ies , which are keyed , described , and illustrated , and the classification of this section proposed by
Wang (2000b)is followed with no change.The brief taxonomic history , the evolutionary trends of
the important morphological characters , and the geographical distribution of the section are given.
The phenomenon that the pedunculate , bibracteate cyme is reduced to a single only pedicellate flow-
er in the Clematis is discussed , and five modes of origin of the only pedicellate flower are dis-
Key words Clematis;Sect.Cheiropsis;Taxonomical revision;Only pedicellate flower
摘要 笔者在中国科学院植物研究所标本馆和欧 、美一些著名植物标本馆研究了铁线莲属植物标本之
后 ,完成了此属绣球藤组的修订 , 确定此组含有 22 种和 23 变种。本文还提供了组下分类群的检索表 、
各种植物的形态描述 、地理分布 、生长环境等 ,并附有多幅插图。笔者曾在 2000 年根据此组的重要形态
特征的演化趋势制定出一个新分类系统 ,此系统在本修订中继续得到应用。此组重要形态特征的演化
趋势的原始状态是:萼片平展 , 呈倒卵形 ,顶端圆形或钝 , 外面边缘无狭短绒毛带;雄蕊花药呈长圆形或
狭长圆形 , 药隔顶端不突出;花组成具花序梗和 2 枚分生苞片的聚伞花序 , 生于当年生枝叶腋。衍生状
态是:萼片斜上展或近直立 , 变狭呈长圆形 、长椭圆形 、披针形或倒披针形 , 顶端急尖 、渐尖或渐狭 ,外面
边缘出现狭短绒毛带(仅文山铁线莲一种);雄蕊花药呈条形 , 药隔顶端有小突起;花组成具花序梗和 2
苞片合生形成总苞的聚伞花序 ,或花单生 , 只具花梗 ,而无花序梗和苞片 ,自老枝的腋芽中生出。在铁线
莲属近 300种植物中 , 具有上述原始特征的只有 6 种:短梗铁线莲 C.brevipes 、美花铁线莲 C.potaninii 、
绣球藤 C.montana 、薄叶铁线莲 C.gracilifolia 、丽叶铁线莲 C.venusta 和金毛钱线莲C.chrysocoma。这6
种中有 5种特产我国西南部横断山区一带 ,只 1 种(绣球藤)分布较广 ,东自我国台湾省向西经过我国亚
热带山区分布到喜马拉雅西部。此外 ,简要回顾了本组的分类历史 , 绘出本组分布区图 , 以及讨论了铁
关键词 铁线莲属;绣球藤组;分类学修订;仅具花梗的花
The sect.Cheiropsis was founded by de Candolle(1818), consisting of C.cirrhosa L., C.
semitriloba Lag., C.balearica Rich., C.napaulensis DC., and C.montana Buch._Ham.ex
DC.In his classification of the Clematis , Prantl (1888)incorrectly transferred C.montana to
sect.Flammula subsect.Rectae there with such unrelated species as C.apiifolia DC., C.son-
garica Bunge , C.chinensis Osb., C.flammula L.etc.Prantls above treatment was followed by
Schneider(1906), who esteblished a subsection for C.montana under sect.Flammula , and by
 2002-01-30收稿 , 2002-03-19收修改稿。
植 物 分 类 学 报 40(3):193~ 241(2002)
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
Rehder &Wilson(1913).Rehder &Wilson(1913)placed C.fargesii Franch.(=C.potaninii
Maxim.)in sect.Flammula ser.Vitalbae together with such unrelated species as C.apiifolia
DC., C.grata Wall., C.gouriana Roxb.ex DC., and C.brevicaudata DC., and this treat-
ment was followed by Johnson (1997)and Grey_Wilson (2000)in their recent revisions of the
Clematis.In his revision of the Chinese Clematis , Handel_Mazzetti (1939)followed Schneider to
place the subsect.Montanae under sect.Flammula , but for the first time put C.montana with its
allies C.gracilifolia , C.acerifolia , C.brevipes , C.potaninii , C.chrysocoma , C.william-
sii , C.fasciculiflora and C.napaulensis together into the same group.So , the main content of the
sect.Cheiropsis was for the first time ascertained by him , though these species were included in
subsect.Montanae under sect.Flammula instead of sect.Cheiropsis.This content was adopted by
Tamura (1956 , 1967 , 1995), Chang(1980), and Wang (2000b)in their treatments of the sect.
Cheiropsis.Based on the sepals of C.heynei lacking a narrow strip of velutinous indumentum on
the margin of the abaxial surface , this species was considered to be a member of the sect .Cheiropsis
by Wang(2000a).In 2000 , I (Wang , 2000b)proposed a classification for the sect.Cheiropsis ,
and in this paper it is adopted with no change.
In the first half of the nineteenth century , two English botanists successively noticed the same
phenomenon that the flowers of Clematis montana resemble those of Anemone sylvestris.In the pro-
tologue , Don (1825)gave the interpretation about the meaning of the specific epithet of his new
species , Clematis anemoniflora D.Don (=C.montana)as follows :`Flores patuli , albi , fere
Anemonis sylvestris .Just as Don did , Loudon(1842)also provided similar interpretation for the
name of his new section , § Anemoniflora , founded on the basis of C.montana :` Derivation.
From the flowers being like those of the Anemone sylvestris .In fact , among the some three hundred
species of the Clematis(Johnson , 1997 , Grey_Wilson , 2000)there are only six species , i.e.C.
brevipes , C.potaninii , C.montana , C.gracilifolia , C.chrysocoma , and C.venusta with
flowers similar to those of the genus Anemone , which is a close ally of Clematis , and more primitive
than it.In these species just mentioned , the flowers are bisexual , the sepals are petaloid , spread-
ing , membranous in texture , obovate in outline , at apex rounded , adaxially glabrous , abaxially ap-
pressed_puberulous , without narrow velutinous margins , and the stamens are glabrous with oblong or
narrowly oblong anthers(only in some varieties of C.montana and C.venusta , the anthers are
sometimes linear in outline)(Wang , 2000b).Possessing such a syndrome of primitive features ,
these six species might be the early descendants of the extinct primitive group of the Clematis
(Wang , 1998), and possessing such archaic species , the sect.Cheiropsis may be the extant primi-
tive group of that genus.
The morphology of the sepals and stamen anthers of the six species mentioned above may repre-
sent the primitive phase of the evolutionary trends of the section.On the other hand , the following
floral morphological characters such as the ascending or nearly erect , narrowed , obovat_oblong , long
elliptic , lanceolate , or oblanceolate sepals with acute , acuminate , or attenuate apexes and narrow
strips of velutinous indumentum on the margin of the abaxial surface(C.wenshanensis), the linear
anther without or with projected connective (C.heynei , C.montana var.grandiflora etc.)may
represent advanced phace.
In the genus Clematis , flowers are usually arranged in pedunculate , bibracteate cymes arising
from leaf axils or apexes of hornotinous branch.However , in most species of sect.Cheiropsis , the
flowers are either solitary , only pedicellate(C.montana etc.)or in pedunculate , bibracteate(C.
194  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
williamsii)or involucrate(C.cirrhosa), 1_flowered cymes arising alone or with leaves from axil-
lary buds of old branch.These phenomena are considered to be `secondary and an adaptation to the
temperate climate .(Tamura , 1967).In subsect.Cirrhosae , the two bracts of the cyme are usual-
ly connate into a campanulate structure , and this phenomenon is regarded as an advanced state.
The phenomenon that the pedunculate , bibracteate cyme is reduced to a single only pedicellate
flower occurs in several diverse evolutionary lines of the Clematis , such as in subsect.Acerifoliae
(C.acerifolia), subsect.Montanae(C.montana , C.khasiana etc.), and subsect.Fasciculi-
florae (C.fasciculiflora)of sect.Cheiropsis , in sect.Fruticella [ C.viridis(W.T.Wang &M.
C.Chang)W.T.Wang] , in subsect.Orientales of sect.Meclatis [ C.tangutica (Maxim.)
Korsh.] , in sect.Viticella (C.patens Morr.&Decne.), in ser.Pogonandrae(C.pogonandra
Maxim.etc.)and subsect.Bebaenanthera(C.barbellata Edgew., C.pseudopogonaldra Finet&
Gagnep.etc.)of sect.Viorna , in sect.Atragene [ C.alpina (L.)Mil., C.macropetala
Ledeb.etc.] , and in sect.Pseudanemone (C.africolineariloba W.T.Wang etc.).The modes
of the origin of the only pedicellata flower in the genus Clematis may be discerned as follows:(a)
Two only pedicellate flowers alone or with leaves arise from an axillary bud of an uppermost leaf of
the stem as in C.acerifolia;(b)The only pedicellate flowers with leaves together arise from an ax-
illary bud of old branch as in C.montana , C.barbellata , C.alpina etc.;(c)The only pedi-
cellate flowers singularly or in pair arise from the leaf axils of horotinous branch as in C.khasiana ,
C.pogonandra etc.;(d)The only pedicellate flowers singularly arise from apexes of the axillary
short or strongly abbreviated branchlets as in C.viridis;and(e)A single pedicellate flower is ter-
minal to stem or hornotinous branch as in C.tangutica , C.patens , C.africolineariloba etc.
Fig.1 Diagrams showing the five modes about the origin of the only pedicellate flowers in the genus Clematis
(for explanation see text)
According to the evolutionary trends mentioned above , in the sect.Cheiropsis , subsect.Pota-
ninianae with spreading , obovate sepals , oblong or narrowly oblong anthers , and cymes arising from
leaf axils of hornotinous branch may be regarded as its primitive group.Subsect.Heynianae is
somewhat remote from other subsections in its often many_flowered cymes and linear anther with pro-
jected connectives.In habit and morphology of stamens and fruits subsect.Williamsianae is similar
to subsect.Montanae.However , it is difficult to explain the occurrence of the curious imbricate
aestivation of the sepals.Thus , for understanding of the relationship and systemtic position of the
two subsections just mentioned further study is needed.
In the present revision of the sect.Cheiropsis , 22 species and 23 varieties are recognized.Of
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them most are wide_spread in the subtropical montane regions of China and the Himalayas , and only
three species are scattered in Beijing of North China (C.acerifolia), Southern Japan (C.wil-
liamsii)(Tobe , 1980), and central India(C.heynei)in Asia and one(C.cirrhosa)of the two
species of subsect.Cirrhosae disjunctively occurs in the coastal regions of southwestern Asia , south-
ern Europe , and northern Africa (Fig.2).Of the six archaic species mentioned above , five are
concentrated in the Hengduan Mountains and adjacent regions of Southwest China , and one (C.
montana)ranges widely from the Taiwan Island of China westwards through the subtropical regions
of China to the western Himalayas.Owing to the archaic age of these species , the distribution area
of them may be significant for searching the centre of origin of the genus Clematis.
Fig.2 Map showing the distribution of the eight subsections of the sect.Cheiropsis
Clematis L.sect.Cheiropsis DC.Syst.1:162.1818;et Prodr.1:9.1824;Maxim.in
Bull.Acad.Sci.St.Petersb.22:222.1877;Tamura in Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.4:51.1955;
in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.16:80.1956;in Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.16(2):34.1967;M.C.
Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:212.1980;Tamura in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.38:41.1987;
et in Heipko , Englers Nat.Pflanzenfam., ed.2 , 17a (4):379.1995;M.Johnson , Klematis
365.1997;W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):497.2000.———Cheiropsis (DC.)
Spach , Hist.Nat.Veg.Phan.7:260.1839.———Clematis subgen.Cheiropsis (DC.)Peterm.
Deut.Fl.3.1846;Grey_Wils.Clematis 75.2000.Lectotype:C.cirrhosa L.(Tamura , 1955).
196  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Sect.Flammula DC.subsect.Montanae sensu Hand._Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:
210.1939 , non Schneid.
Woody vines , seldom small erect shrubs.Seedling leaves alternate (known only in C.mon-
tana , C.chrysocoma , C.napaulensis , and C.cirrhosa ——— Essig , 1991).Cauline leaves op-
posite , once or twice ternate or pinnate , rarely simple.Flowers bisexual , medium_sized , rarely
large or small , in 1 ~ 3 (_many)_flowered , pedunculate , 2_bracteate cymes or pedicellate only ,
arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch , or often alone or together with several leaves from an
axillary bud of old branch.Sepals 4(~ 5 ~ 8), petaloid , spreading , ascending , or nearly erect ,
white , rarely pink or purple , obovate , oblong , elliptic , lanceolate , or oblanceolate , inside gla-
brous , seldom puberulous , outside puberulous or velutinous , seldom glabrous , on the very margin
puberulous or glabrous , seldom velutinous(C.wenshanensis).Stamens glabrous;filaments linear;
anthers usually narrow_oblong , sometimes oblong or linear , at apex obtuse , seldom minutely apicu-
late.Achenes compressed , not or rarely rimmed at margin;persistent styles plumose.
22 species , in Asia , S Europe , N Africa.
Key to infrasectional taxa
1.Sepals spreading , valvate.
 2.Flowers in pedunculate , 2_bracteate 1_3_flowered cymes arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;woody
  3.Leaves once or twice pinnate;sepals obovate , 4 or 5 ~ 7;cymes 1 ~ 3_flowered;anthers oblong or narrow_
oblong , at apex obtuse(Subsect.1.Potaninianae).
   4.Leaves pinnate;cymes 1_flowered;sepals 4;ovaries pubescent 1.C.brevipes………………………
   4.Leaves bipinnate;cymes 1~ 3_flowered;sepals 5~ 7;ovaries glabrous 2.C.potaninii……………
  3.Leaves ternate;sepals oblanceolate , 4;cymes 3_many_flowered;anthers linear , at apex minutely apiculate
(Subsect.2.Heynianae) 3.C.heynei…………………………………………………………………
 2.Flowers only pedicellate , 1 to several alone or with several leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , or
rarely singularly or in pair from leaf axils of hornotinous branch.
  5.Small erect shrubs;leaves simple , palmately 5_lobed;sepals 5 ~ 8 , narrowly obovate , glabrous(Subsect.
Acerifoliae) 4.C.acerifolia……………………………………………………………………………
  5.Woody vines;leaves ternate , rarely pinnate;sepals 4(~ 6~ 8), at least outside hairy.
   6.Leaves more or less hairy , ternate , rarely pinnate;leaflets at margin usually dentate , seldom entire;se-
pals 4(Subsect.4.Montanae).
    7.Sepals obovate or broadly or narrowly obovate , at apex rounded or obtuse(Ser.1.Montanae).
     8.Leaves ternate.
      9.Central leaflets 3_lobed or undivided.
       10.Leaflets whitish_puberulous;persistent sty les whitish_plumose , only in C.montana var.gla-
brescens slightly fulvous_plumose;sepals 4.
        11.Leaflets ovate , narrow_ovate , or elliptic, seldom lanceolate , at margin dentate or denticu-
late , seldom entire;achenes broadly rhombic , broadly obovate or ovate , persistent styles
2~ 7 cm long 5.C.montana…………………………………………………………
         12.Sepals outside appressed_puberulous;pedicels up to 5~ 13 cm long.
          13.Ovaries and achenes glabrous.
           14.Achenes broadly rhombic or broadly obovate , at apex acute;anthers narrow_oblong ,
up to 3 mm long.
            15.Leaflets ovate or elliptic , 2 ~ 7 cm×1 ~ 5 cm , at margin dentate , often 2~ 3_
lobed , sometimes undivided;flowers 3 ~ 5 cm in diam.;pedicels 3 ~ 12 cm
long;persistent styles 2.5~ 4 cm long 5a.var.montana…………………
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        15.Leaflets smaller , elliptic , long elliptic , narrow_ovate , or lanceolate , 1~ 4(~ 5)cm×0.5
cm~ 2 cm , at margin on each side 1(~ 2)_dentate or entire , undivided;flowers smaller ,
1.5~ 4 cm in diam.;pedicels 1 ~ 4 cm long;persistent styles up to 2 cm long
       14.Achenes ovate , at apex attenuate;anthers narrow_oblong or linear , 3~ 5.5 mm long.
        16.Leaflets narrow_ovate or broadly lanceolate , 3.2 ~ 4.5 cm×1 ~ 2 cm , at margin denticulate
or entire , undivided;flowers 3.6~ 5.5 cm in diam.;pedicels 5~ 9.5 cm long;anthers
narrow_oblong or linear , 3 ~ 4 mm long 5c.var.angustifoliola………………………
        16.Leaflets larger , ovate or narrow_ovate , 5.5~ 7 cm×2 ~ 3 cm , at margin dentate , usually
undivided;flowers larger , 6 ~ 9 cm in diam.;pedicels 7.5 ~ 13 cm long;anthers linear ,
4.5~ 5.5 mm long 5d.var.grandiflora………………………………………………
      13.Ovaries and achenes puberulous.
       17.Flowers developing after leaves , 1.8~ 4.5 cm in diam. 5e.var.brevifoliola……………
       17.Flowers developing before leaves , 1.6 ~ 3 cm in diam. 5f.var.praecox…………………
     12.Sepals outside along margin velutinous;pedicels usaully longer , up to 18~ 24 cm long.
      18.Sepals rose_pink , outside along margin thinly velutinous;pedicels 6.5~ 11 cm long;ovaries gla-
brous 5g.var.rubens………………………………………………………………………
      18.Sepals white , outside along margin very densely velutinous;pedicels up to 18 ~ 24 cm long.
       19.Ovaries and achenes glabrous;persistent styles whitish_plumose.
        20.Sepals obovate , at apex not emarginate.
         21.Sepals at apex often mucronate(mucro ca.1 mm long), without tail_like projection …
         21.Sepals at apex each with a tail_like projection 5 ~ 10 mm long ………………………
        20.Sepals narrow_obovate , at apex usually emarginate 5j.var.wilsonii……………………
       19.Ovaries and achenes puberulous;persistent styles slightly fulvous_plumose ………………
    11.Leaflets lanceolate , at margin entire;achenes narrow_ovate , glabrous , persistent sty les ca.1 cm long
   10.Leaflets yellowish_strigose;persistent styles fulvous_plumose;sepals 4(~ 5 ~ 8);ovaries and achenes
hairy 8.C.chrysocoma……………………………………………………………………………
  9.Central leaflets 3_parted.
   22.Leaflets adaxially puberulous;flowers 2 ~ 2.7 cm in diam.;sepals white , obovate_oblong , 11~ 15 mm
×4~ 6 mm 9.C.tripartita………………………………………………………………………
   22.Leaflets adaxially glabrous;flowers larger , 2.7~ 3.2 cm in diam.;sepals larger , purplish_red , obovate
or narrow_obovate , 13 ~ 17 mm×8~ 13.5 mm 10.C.ningjingshanica……………………………
 8.Leaves pinnate , 5_foliolate , occasionally a few 3_foliolate , or sometimes nearly 2_pinnate …………………
  23.Leaflets 2~ 3_lobed or undivided.
   24.Ovaries and achenes glabrous.
    25.Flowers 2 ~ 3.5 cm in diam.;anthers 1.6~ 2 mm long 6a.var.gracilifolia……………………
    25.Flowers 5 ~ 6.5 cm in diam.;anthers 2.8~ 3.2 mm long 6b.var.macrantha…………………
   24.Ovaries and achenes puberulous 6c.var.lasiocarpa…………………………………………………
  23.Leaflets 2~ 3_parted to 2 ~ 3_sect;ovaries and achenes glabrous 6d.var.dissectifolia…………………
7.Sepals long elliptic , lanceolate , or oblanceolate , at apex acute , acuminate , or attenuate(Ser.2.Tongluenses).
 26.Sepals on the very margin not velutinous.
  27.Sepals inside glabrous.
198  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
    28.Flowers with leaves together arising from an axillary bud of old branch.
     29.Leaflets long elliptic or lanceolate_oblong , at margin entire or 1 ~ 2_denticulate on each side;ova-
ries glabrous 11.C.wallichii…………………………………………………………………
     29.Leaflets ovate or elliptic, at margin dentate;achenes nearly glabrous 12.C.manipurensis……
      30.Branches glabrous 12a.var.manipurensis…………………………………………………
      30.Branches densely appressed_puberulous 12b.var.lasioclada………………………………
    28.Flowers singularly or in pair arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;ovaries and achenes hairy.
     31.Leaflets coriaceous or subcoriaceous , abaxially on veins sparsely puberulous;persistent styles ca.3
cm long 13.C.khasiana……………………………………………………………………
     31.Leaflets papery , abaxially strigose;persistent styles 9 ~ 11 mm long
   27.Sepals inside puberulous. 15.C.tongluensis………………………………………………………
    32.Sepals outside glabrous 15a.var.tongluensis……………………………………………………
    32.Sepals outside densely appressed_puberulous 15b.var.mollisepala………………………………
  26.Sepals outside on the very margin velutinous 16.C.wenshanensis……………………………………
 6.Leaves glabrous , pinnate , rarely ternate , leaflets at margin entire;branches glabrous;sepals 4 or 6 , oblanceo-
late or obovate_oblong , at apex rounded (Subsect.5.Hastatae).
  33.Sepals 4 17.C.hastata………………………………………………………………………………
  33.Sepals 6 18.C.glabrifolia……………………………………………………………………………
1.Sepals ascending or nearly erect , 4.
 34.Flowers only pedicellate , not in bibracteate or involucrate cymes , 2 ~ 4 alone or with leaves arising from an ax-
illary bud of old branch;sepals valvate , nearly erect;achenes lanceolate , glabrescent(Subsect.6.Fascicu-
liflorae). 19.C.fasciculiflora…………………………………………………………………………
  35.Leaflets narrow_ovate or lanceolate , 0.8~ 3.5(~ 5)cm broad 19a.var.fasciculiflora………………
  35.Leaflets linear_lanceolate , 3~ 6(~ 10)mm broad 19b.var.angustifolia………………………………
 34.Flowers in pedunculate , bibracteate or involucrate 1_flowered cymes , usually with leaves arising from axillary
buds of old branch;achenes ovate or oblong_elliptic, more or less densely puberulous.
  36.Cymes bibracteate;sepals imbricate , ascending , broadly ovate(Subsect.7.Williamsianae) …………
  36.Cymes involucrate , rarely bibracteate;sepals valvate , nearly erect , oblong_obovate or oblong(Subsect.8.
   37.Leaves subcoriaceous or coriaceous , rarely papery , usually simple , undivided or 3_lobed to 3_sect , sel-
dom ternate(C.cirrhosa var.balearica);petioles shorter , 0.5~ 2.4 cm long 21.C.cirrhosa…
    38.Two opposite bracts connate into a involucre with a tube and two lobes.
     39.Involucre campanulate , surronding and covering pedicel and calyx base , on top indistinctly 2_lobed;
pedicel 3~ 5 mm long , shorter than involucre.
      40.Leaves simple , usually undivided 21a.var.cirrhosa………………………………………
      40.Leaves simple , variously divided , or ternate.
       41.Leaves simple , 3_lobed to 3_sect , rarely undivided , their lobes at margin few_denticulate or
entire 21b.var.semitriloba……………………………………………………………
       41.Leaves simple , 3_sect , or ternate;leaflets or segments 2~ 3_parted , at margin incised_dentate
     39.Involucre not covering the pedicel and more or less separated from the calyx base , distinctly 2_
lobed;pedicel(4~ )16 ~ 20 mm long , slightly or much longer than involucre.
      42.Leave simple , undivided or 3_lobed to 3_sect , at margin 1~ 2_denticulate or entire;cymes singu-
larly arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;involucre 6 mm long , its lobes deltoid or
ovate , 2.5~ 4 mm long;pedicel 4~ 20 mm long;anthers oblong , 1.2 mm long …………
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  42.Leaves simple , undivided , at margin densely , coarsely serrate;cymes 2 with leaves arising from a terminal
bud of annotinous branch;involucre larger , 15 mm long , its lobes narrow_triangular or narrow_ovate , 9 ~ 10
mm long;pedicel ca.16 mm long;anthers narrow_oblong , 3~ 3.4 mm long 21e.var.barnadesii……
 38.Two opposite bracts free , spreading 21f.var.bibracteata………………………………………………
37.Leaves herbaceous , ternate with undivided leaflets , seldom simple;petioles 3~ 7.5 cm long;cymes 1 ~ 3 with
leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , with campanulate involucres 22.C.napaulensis…………
Subsect.1.PotaninianaeW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.36(2):162.1998 , sphalm.
Potanianae , et 38(5):401.et(6):499.2000.———Sect.Clematis subsect.Potaninianae M.
Johnson , Klematis 410 , 451.1997 , p.p.excl.C.trichotoma Nakai;Grey_Wils.Clematis 45.
2000 , p.p.excl.C.trichotoma Nakai.TYPE:C.potaninii Maxim.
Woody vines.Leaves once or twice pinnate.Flowers in pedunculate , 2_bracteate , 1 ~ 3_flow-
ered cymes arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch.Sepals 4 ~ 7 , valvate , spreading , obovate
or narrow_obovate , at apex rounded.Anthers oblong or narrow_oblong , at apex obtuse.
2 species , endemic to SW China.
1 短梗铁线莲 Fig.3:4 ~ 5
Clematis brevipesRehd.in J.Arn.Arb.9:39.1828;Hand._Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.
13:190.1939;M.Johnson , Klematis 387.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 79.2000.TYPE:Chi-
na.Gansu (甘肃), Between Kaichow and Minchow , 1925_04 , Rock 12075(holotype , GH !;iso-
types , K !, P !, S !).
Woody vine.Branches very shallowly 4_sulcate , glabrous or only on nodes sparsely puberu-
lous;branchlets densely puberulous.Leaves pinnate , 5_foliolate;leaflets papery , broad_ovate or
broad_rhombic , 1.5 ~ 4 cm×0.7 ~ 3 cm , at apex acute , at base subtruncate or broadly cuneate ,
3_lobed to 3_parted , central lobe subrhombic , at margin on each side 1_dentate , lateral lobes ob-
liquely cuneate , unequally 2_lobulate or undivided , adaxially on slightly impressed veins sparsely
puberulous , abaxially on veins pubescent , basal veins nearly flat;petioles 3.6 ~ 5 cm long , puber-
ulous.Cymes axillary , 1_flowered;peduncles 2.5 ~ 6 mm long , puberulous;bracts narrow_lanceo-
late , 2 ~ 4 mm long , puberulous.Flower ca.3 cm in diam.;pedicel 0.6 ~ 1.5 cm long , puberu-
lous.Sepals 4 , white , broad_obovate , orbicular_rhombic , or broad_elliptic , 1.2 ~ 1.8 cm×1 ~
1.5 cm , at apex rounded , inside glabrous , outside appressed_puberulous.Stamens 8 ~ 10 mm
long , glabrous;anthers oblong or narrow_oblong , 1.6 ~ 2mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries pubes-
cent;styles ca.8 mm long , densely villous.Fl.Apr.
China(S Gansu).Only known from the type specimens.
2 美花铁线莲 Fig.3:1 ~ 3
Clematis potaninii Maxim.in Acta Hort.Petrop.11:9.1890;Diels in Bot.Jahrb.29:
333.1900;Rehd.in J.Arn.Arb.4:187.1923;Hand._Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.
1939;Iconogr.Corm.Sin.1:750 , fig.1500.1972;Fl.Tsinling.1(2):296.1974;M.C.
Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:226 , pl.75.1980;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:112.
1984;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:530.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 451.
1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 45.2000;W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(5):402.2000;
in Fl.Yunnan.11:234.2000.——— C.montana DC.var.potaninii (Maxim.)Finet &
200  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.3 1~ 3.Clematis potaninii Maxim.1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from Sichuan Exped.8231);Achene(from X.Li
72435).4 ,5.C.brevipes Rehd.4.Flowering branch;5.Stamen(from Rock 12075).6 ,7.C.heynei Rau 6.Flowering
branch;7.Stamen.(from Hamddri 104271)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 201 
Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:525.1903.TYPE:China.Gansu (甘肃), Monte I_ts-
chu_Schan , 1885_07_15 , Potanin s.n.(lectotype , LE !, designated here;isolectotype , PE !);in-
ter pagos Morping et Wuping , 1885_07_04 , Potanin s.n.(syntype , LE !).Sichuan(四川), valle
Heiho , 1885_07_24 , Potanin s.n.(syntype , LE !).
C.fargesii Franch.in J.de Bot.8:273.1894;Finet &Gagnep.in l.c.;Rehd.&Wils.
in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:335.1913;Hand._Mazz.Symb.Sin.7:321.1931;Rehd.Man.Cult.
Tr.&Shr., ed.2 , 217.1940.———C.potaninii var.fargesii (Franch.)Hand._Mazz.in Acta
Hort.Gotob.13:211.1939;M.Johnson , Klematis 452.1997.———C.potaninii ssp.fargesii
(Franch.)Grey_Wils.Clematis 46.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan(四川), Chengkou (城口),
1400 m , Farges 477(holotype , P !;isotype , GH !).
  C.fargesii var.souliei Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:523.1903;Rehd.
&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:336.1913;Hutch.in Curtis , Bot.Mag.143:t.8702.1917.
———C.souliei Finet &Gagnep.in l.c., pro syn.TYPE:China.Sichuan (四川), Kangding
(康定), Soulie s.n.(syntype , P !), Pratt 520(syntype , P !;isosyntype , K !).
Woody vine.Branches shallowly 5 ~ 6_sulcate , appressed_puberulous.Leaves usually twice ,
sometimes once pinnate;leaflets thin_papery , ovate or broad_ovate , 1.5 ~ 6 cm×0.8 ~ 5.5 cm , at
apex acute or acuminate , at base broadly cuneate , rounded , or subcordate , at margin serrate , on
both surfaces sparsely appressed_puberulous , basal veins flat;petioles 3 ~ 5 cm long.Cymes axil-
lary , 1 ~ 3(~ 4)_flowered;peduncles 5.5 ~ 15 cm long;bracts ternate or simple , 3_lobed.Flower
3 ~ 7 cm in diam.;pedicel 3 ~ 9.8 cm long , appressed_puberulous.Sepals 5 ~ 6(~ 7), white ,
cuneate_obovate or narrow_obovate , 1.8 ~ 3.8 cm ×0.8 ~ 2.4 cm , at apex rounded , often mucr-
onate , inside glabrous , outside densely appressed_puberulous.Stamens 7 ~ 18 mm long , glabrous;
anthers narrow_oblong , 2 ~ 3 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;styles 7 ~ 11 mm long ,
densely villous.Achenes strongly compressed , obovate or broadly rhombic , 3 ~ 4.5 mm×2 ~ 2.8
mm , glabrous;persistent styles 2.5 ~ 3.2 cm long , plumose.Fl.Jun.-Aug.
China (S Gansu , S Shaanxi , N &W Sichuan , E Xizang , NW Yunnan).On slopes , at forest
margins , or in forests;1400 ~ 4000 m.
Additional specimens examined.China.Gansu (甘肃):Minxian (岷县), T.P.Wang
4673(PE);Zhouqu (舟曲), T.P.Wang 14322 (PE);Taohe River (洮河), Purdom 1024
(K), Rock 12948 (GH , LE , UPS);Zhuoni (卓尼), T.P.Wang 5347 (PE), Rock 12886
(GH , K , P);Tianshui(天水), W.Y.Hsia 5719(PE).Shaanxi(陕西):Foping(佛坪), P.
C.Kuo 1788(PE);Ningshan(宁陕), H.W.Kung 3015(PE);Taibaishan(太白山), Purdom
540(GH , K), T.N.Liou &P.C.Tsoong 1224 , 1443 , T.P.Wang 1714(PE).Sichuan(四
川):Muli (木里), Rock 16731(GH , US), T.T.Yu 6274(PE);Jiulong (九龙), T.T.Yu
6855 , W.L.Chen et al .6379(PE);Kangding (康定), X.L.Jiang 36121 (PE), Potanin
s.n.(LE), Soulie 541(G), Pratt 191(K , P), E.H.Wilson 2467 , 3117(GH , K), H.Smith
10623(GH , PE , S , UPS);Jinchuan(金川), X.Li 77638(PE);Xiaojin(小金), X.S.Zhang
6315(PE);Balangshan Mt., E.H.Wilson 4144 (GH);Lixian(理县), X.Li 74148(PE);
Barkam(马尔康), X.Li 71538(PE);Hongyuan (红原), Sichuan Exped.9051 (PE);Zoige
(若尔盖), Sichuan Exped.10112(PE);Songpan (松潘), H.Smith 2795 (S), 3662 (GH ,
UPS);Nanping (南坪), W.L.Chen et al .8539 , 8663(PE).Yunnan (云南):Zhongdian
(中甸), Zhongdian Exped.63 ~ 2360(KUN);without precise locality , Forrest 28694(PE).
Chang (1980)reduced Clematis fargesii Franch.and C.fargesii var.souliei Finet &Gag-
202  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
nep.to the synonymy of C.potaninii Maxim.I agree with her , and in this revision adopt her re-
Subsect.2.Heynianae W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38 (5):402 et (6):499.
2000.TYPE:C.heynei Rau.
Woody vines.Leaves ternate.Flowers in pedunculate , 2_bracteate , 3_many_flowered cymes
arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch.Sepals 4 ~ 6 , valvate , spreading , oblanceolate , at
apex rounded.Anthers linear , at apex minutely apiculate.
1 species , endemic in central India.
3 Clematis heynei Rau in Sharma et al .Fl.Ind.1:67.1993;W.T .Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin.38(5):402.2000.———C.triloba Heyne ex Roth , Nov.Pl.Sp.Ind.Orient.251.1821 ,
non Thunb.1794;DC.Prodr.1:8.1824;Wight &Arn.Prodr.Fl.Penn.Ind.Orient.1:2.
1834;Hook , f.&Thoms.Fl.Ind.7.1855;et in Hook.f.Fl.Brit.Ind.1:3.1872;Kuntze
in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:150.1885;Prantl in Bot.Jahrb.9:259.1888;Finet &Gag-
nep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:526.1903;Cooke , Fl.Pres.Bombay 1:2.1903;Mukerjee
in Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind.1:140.1959;Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 54:pl.18.
1961;Kapoor in l.c.78:56.1962.———C.heynei M.Johnson , Klematis 432.1997;Grey_
Wils.Clematis 37.2000.TYPE:E India.Type specimen not seen. Fig.3:6 ~ 7
Woody vine.Branches nearly not or very shallowly 8 ~ 10_sulcate , densely appressed_puberu-
lous , glabrescent.Leaves ternate , upper ones sometimes simple;leaflets papery , narrowly to broad-
ly ovate , 1.2 ~ 3.6(~ 7)cm×1 ~ 3.6(~ 7)cm , at apex acute , at base rounded , subtruncate ,
or broadly cuneate , at margin entire , undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobed , on both surfaces appressed_puberu-
lous , basal veins abaxially slightly prominent;petioles 2.5 ~ 7 cm long.Cymes axillary and termi-
nal , 3_many_flowered;peduncles 2 ~ 6 cm long , with pedicels densely pubescent;bracts petiolate ,
ovate , 1.8 ~ 3 cm long or foliaceous.Flower 2.5 ~ 3.6 cm in diam.;pedicel 2.8 ~ 4.5 cm long.
Sepals 4 ~ 6 , white , oblanceolate , seldom oblong_lanceolate , 13 ~ 21 mm ×4 ~ 7 mm , at apex
rounded , obtuse , or acute , mucronate , inside glabrous , outside sericeous , onmargin puberulous or
sometimes glabrous.Stamens 5 ~ 8 mm long , glabrous;anthers linear , 3 ~ 3.8 mm long , at apex
minutely apiculate.Ovaries densely pubescent;styles ca.6 mm long , densely villous.Achenes
compressed , narrow_elliptic , 3 ~ 4 mm×1.5 ~ 2 mm , appressed_pubescent;persistent styles ca.
2.4 cm long , plumose.Fl.Oct.-Nov.
India (Madhya Pradesh , Maharashtra , Karnataka).On slopes;up to 500 m.
Specimens examined.India.Pachmarhi , Hole 1969(GH), Haines 2907(K);Maharashtra ,
Janardhanan 72888(K), Hamddri 104271(BM);Concan , Law s.n.(K), Stocks &Law s.n.
(K);Decan Hills , Gibson s.n.(K).
Subsect.3 AcerifoliaeW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.36(2):101.1998 et 38(6):
499.2000.TYPE:C.acerifolia Maxim.
Small erect shrubs.Leaves simple , palmately 5_lobed.Flowers 2 alone or with leaves arising
from an axillary bud of uppermost leaf , pedicellate only , without peduncle and bracts.Sepals 5 ~
8 , valvate , spreading , narrow_obovate , glabrous.Anthers oblong or narrow_oblong , at apex obtuse.
1 species , endemic in Beijing , N China.
The simple , palmately divided leaves of C.acerifolia , as those of C.ranunculoides Franch.
(sect.Viorna subsect.Connatae)and C.trifida Hook (sect.Pseudanemone)are typical in the
Ranunculaceae , and rare in the genus Clematis.
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 203 
The glabrous sepals are curious in the Clematis , and in it there are only two species , C.
acerifolia Maxim.and C.sichotealinensis Ulan(sect.Clematis sect.Rectae)with glabrous sepals
(Wang , 2000b).In other species of the Clematis , the sepals are usually outside variously hairy ,
inside glabrous and sometimes on both surfaces hairy.
4 槭叶铁线莲 Fig.4:10 ~ 12
  Clematis acerifoliaMaxim.in Bull.Soc.Nat.Mosc.54:2.1879;Kuntze in Verh.Bot.
Ver.Brand.26:143.1885;Forb.&Hemsl.in J.Linn.Soc.Bot.23:1.1886;Pritz.in Bot.
Jahrb.29:333.1900;Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:524.1903;Ulbr.in
Repert.Sp.Nov.Beih.12:376.1922;Rehd.in J.Arn.Arb.4:187.1923;Hand._Mazz.in
Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939;Fl.Beijing.1:304 , fig.249.1962;Iconogr.Corm.Sin.
1:750 , fig.1499.1972;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:214 , fig.31.1980;He ,
Fl.Beijing , rev.ed., 1:247.1984;J.W.Wang in Fl.Hebei .1:470.1986;M.Johnson ,
Klematis 386.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 76.2000.TYPE:China.Beijing(北京), Baihuashan
(百花山), 1877 , Bretschneider s.n.(holotype , LE !;isotype , PE !).
Small erect shrub.Stem 20 ~ 60 cm tall , glabrous;branches nearly terete , not sulcate;bud
scales ovate or ovate_oblong , 4 ~ 8 mm long , near apex puberulous.Leaves simple , glabrous;leaf
blade thin_papery , pentagonous , 3 ~ 7.5 cm ×3.5 ~ 8 cm , at apex acute , at base subcordate ,
rarely broadly cuneate , palmately 5_lobed , at margin sparsely dentate , basal veins abaxially nearly
flat or slightly prominent;petioles 2 ~ 5 cm long.Flowers 2 ~ 4 alone or with leaves arising from an
axillary bud of uppermost leaf , 3.5 ~ 5 cm in diam.;pedicels 5.5 ~ 10 cm long , glabrous.Sepals
5 ~ 8 , white or pinkish , spreading , narrow_obovate or oblong , 1.5 ~ 2.5 cm×0.7 ~ 1.5 cm , at
apex obtuse or subrounded , on both surpaces glabrous.Stamens 5 ~ 8 mm long , glabrous;anthers
narrow_oblong or oblong , 1 ~ 2 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries pubescent;style ca.4.5 mm
long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , narrow_ovate , 2.5 ~ 3 mm×1.2 ~ 1.8 mm , densely
pubescent ;persistent styles ca.2.5 cm long , plumose.Fl.Apr.-May.
China(Beijing).On cliffs;ca.200 m.
Additionl specimens examined.China.Beijing.Fangshan (房山), Shangfangshan (上方
山), K.C.Kuan 75003 , W.T.Wang et al .7(PE);Mt.Xiayunling (霞云岭), Med.Pl.
Exped.71 ~ 30(PE);Pinggu(平谷), W.Z.Gong 11(PE);Yundu (云都), Z.D.Xia 99
(PE);Hsiao Hsi Tian , J.C.Liu 2257(GH , K).
Subsect.4 Montanae Schneid.Ill.Handb.Laubh.290.1906;M.Johnson , Klematis
386.1997 , p.p.——— Clematis sect.Anemoniflora Loudon , Encycl.Trees and Shrubs 14.
1842.——— Subgen.Cheiropsis sect.Montanae Grey_Wils.Clematis 75.2000 , nom.seminud.
TYPE:C.montana Buch.-Ham.ex DC.
Woody vines.Leaves ternate , rarely pinnate , 5_foliolate.Flowers 1 ~ 6 with several leaves
arising from an axillary bud of old branch , pedicellate only , or singularly from leaf axils of hornoti-
nous branch.Sepals 4 , valvate , spreading , obovate or long elliptic or lanceolate.Anthers oblong ,
narrow_oblong , or linear , at apex obtuse , rarely minutely apiculate.
12 species , wide_spread from the island Taiwan of China westwards through the Chinese sub-
tropical regions to the western Himalayas.
Ser.1 Montanae Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:331.1913;Tamura in Sci.Rep.
Osaka Univ.4:51.1955;et in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.16 (3):80.1956;W.T.Wang
204  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.4 1 , 2.Clematis wallichii W.T.Wang  1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from wallich 4681B).3 ~ 5.C.montana
Buch.-Ham.ex DC.var.montana 3.Flowering branch;4.Stamen;5.Achene(f rom C.C.Hsieh 41172).6, 7.C.montana
var.praecox(Kuntze)Bruhl 6.Flowering branch;7.Stamen (from Stainton et al.2626).8 ~ 9.C.montana var.steri lis
Hand.-Mazz 8.Flowering branch;9.Stamen(f rom T.T.Yu 8163).10~ 12.C.acerifolia Maxim 10.Apical part of the
flowering plant;11.Stamen(fromMed.Pl.Exped.71-30);12.Achene.(f rom Xia Zhen_Dai 99)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 205 
in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):500.2000.LECTOTYPE:C.montana Buch.-Ham.ex DC.
Sepals obovate or narrow_obovate , at apex rounded or obtuse.
6 species , with the proximately same distribution area as the subsection.
5 绣球藤
Clematis montana Buch.-Ham.ex DC.Syst.1:164.1818;et Prodr.1:9.1824;Wall.
Pl.As.Rar.3:t.27.1830;Lindl.in Bot.Reg.n.s., 3:t.53.1840;Hook.f.&Thoms.
in Hook.f .Fl.Brit.Ind.1:2.1872;Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885;
Franch.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 33:362.1886;Pl.David.2:2.1888;et Pl.Delav.5.
1889;Maxim.in Acta Hort.Petrop.11:10.1890;Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Cale.5(2):72.
1896;Pritz.in Bot.Jahrb.29:333.1900;Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:
524.1903;Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:332.1913;Ulbr.in Repert.Sp.Nov.Beih.
12:374.1922;Rehd.in J.Arn.Arb.4:187.1923 , 8:106.1927 et 10:186.1929;Marq.
in J.Linn.Soc.Bot.48:153.1929;Pai in Contr.Inst.Bot.Nat.Acad.Peiping 3 :260.
1935;Tsoong in l.c.4:119.1936;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939;Rehd.
Man.Cult.Tr.&Shr.ed.2 , 214.1940;Tamura in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.15:118.1954;
W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.6(4):380.1957;Mukerjee in Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind.1(1):
139.1959;Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:42.1966;Iconogr.Corm.Sin.1:
749 , fig.1497.1972;Fl.Tsinling.1(2):295.1974;Fl.Hupeh.1:366.1976;Liu &Hsieh
in Fl.Taiwan 2:486.1976;Hara in Hara &Williams , Enum.Flow.Pl.Nepal 2:15.1979 , p.
p.;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:220 , pl.73 , fig.1.1980;Ding et al.Fl.
Henan.1:457.1981;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:111.1984;Grierson &Long , Fl.Bhu-
tan 1(2):286.1984;M.Y.Fang in Fl.Xizang.2:91.1985;Lin &Zhao in Fl.Fujian.2:
30.1985;Y.K.Li in Fl.Guizhou.3:65.1986;X.W.Wang in Fl.Anhui 2:334.1986;
W.T.Wang in Fl.Guangxi 1:290.1991;Z.H.Lin in Fl.Zhejiang 2:284.1992;L.Q.Li
in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:529.1993;Rau in Sharma et al .Fl.Ind.1:69.1993;W.
T.Wang in Keys Vasc.Pl.Wuling Mount.167.1995;Yang &Huang in Taiwania 40(3):233.
1995;et in Fl.Taiwan , ed.2 , 2:582 , pl.250.1996;L.H.Zhou in Fl.Qinghai.1:349.
1997;M.Johnson , Klematis 394.1997;J.Q.Fu in Fl.Loe._Plat.Sin.1:454.2000;Grey_
Wils.Clematis 82 , fig.42 , 43.2000;K.M.Li in Fl.Hunan.2:680.2000;W.T.Wang in
Fl.Yunnan.11:228.2000.——— C.anemoniflora D.Don , Prodr.Fl.Nepal.192.1825.
TYPE:Nepal.Buchanan s.n.(holotype , BM !).
C.punduana Wall.Cat.n.4682.1828 , nom.nud.
C.montana ssp.normalis Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885;Gupta in
Bull.Nat .Bot.Gard.Lucknow 80:pl.34.1963.
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.incisa Kuntze in l.c.Type specimen collected from Ku-
moan , not seen.
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.pubescensKuntze in l.c.Syntypes Collected from Kumoan
andManipur , not seen.
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.obtusisepala Kuntze in l.c.Type specimen not designat-
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.nutantiflora Kuntze in l.c.Syntypes collected from Ku-
moan and Khasia , not seen.
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.uniflora Kuntze in l.c.Type specimen collected from
206  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Khasia , not seen.
? C.montana ssp.normalis var.brevipedunculata Kuntze in l.c.Type specimen collected
from the Himalayas , not seen.
C.kuntzeana Levl.&Van.in Bull.Acad.Intern.Geogr.Bot.11:171.1902.TYPE:
China.Guizhou(贵州), Xingyi (Hin_y_fu 兴义), 1897_04_20 , Bodinier 1576(holotype , E !).
C.insulari_alpina Hayata , Ic.Pl.Formos.3:3 , fig.1.1913.TYPE:China.Taiwan(台
湾), XingaoshanMt., 1912_06 , Mori s.n.(holotype , TI!).
C.montana var.wilsonii Sprague f.platysepala Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:
334.1913;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939.TYPE:China.Sichuan(四川),
Washan(瓦山), 1908_06 , E.H.Wilson 2461(holotype , GH !;isotype , E !).
C.spooneri Rehd.&Wils.var.subglabra S.Y.Hu in J.Arn.Arb.61(1):74.1980.
TYPE:China.Hubei (湖北), 1948 , W.C.Cheng &C.T.Hua (holotype , GH !;isotype ,
PE !).
C.montana is wide_spread in Asian subtropical montane regions and variable in leaf , flower
and fruit morphology.In the present revision , are recognized ten varieties of it , of which most are
concentrated in Southwest China and the Himalayas , and only var.montana extends from Southwest
China eastwards to the Taiwan Island of China.
5a Var.montana Fig.4:3 ~ 5
Woody vine.Branches terete , often shallowly 4 ~ 10_sulcate , puberulous , often glabrescent.
Leaves ternate;leaflets papery or herbaceous , ovate , rhombic_ovate , or elliptic , 2 ~ 7 cm×1 ~ 5
cm , at apex acuminate , at base broadly cuneate or rounded , at margin sparsely dentate , occasional-
ly entire , undivided , or 2 ~ 3_lobed , on both surfaces sparsely puberulous , basal veins abaxially
nearly flat;petioles 2.5 ~ 9 cm long.Flowers(1 ~)2 ~ 4(~ 6)with several leaves arising from
an axillary bud of old branch , 3 ~ 5 cm in diam.;pedicels 3 ~ 10 cm long , sparsely puberulous.
Sepals 4 , white , obovate , 1.3 ~ 3 cm×0.8 ~ 1.5 cm , at apex rounded , inside glabrous , outside
appressed_puberulous.Stamens 6 ~ 10 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , (1.5 ~ )2 ~ 3
mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;styles 5 ~ 7mm long , densely villous.Achenes strong-
ly compressed , broadly rhombic or rhombic_ovate , 4 ~ 5 mm×3 ~ 4 mm , at apex acute , glabrous;
persistent styles 2.5 ~ 4 cm long , plumose.Fl.Apr.-Jun.
Afghanistan.Bangladesh.Bhutan.China (S Anhui , N W Fujian , S Gansu , N Guangxi ,
Guizhou , S W Henan , Hubei , Hunan , Jiangxi , S Ningxia , S Qinghai , S Shaanxi , Sichuan , Tai-
wan , S Xizang , Yunnan , Zhejiang).N India.Kashmir.N Myanmar.Nepal.N Pakistan.In
bushes or forests , at forest margins , or by streams;1200 ~ 4000 m.
Specimens examined.Bangladesh.Bengal , Griffith 11(GH).
Bhutan.Kyapcha , Grierson &Long 892(K);Mo Chu , Sinclair &Long 5144(K);Sintoka
Dzong , Bartholomev et al.1538(GH , US);Thimbu , Bartholomev et al .1710(GH).
China.Anhui(安徽):Jinzhai(金寨), H.Qian 92(PE), K.Yao 9040(GH , K);Qian-
shan(潜山), C.S.Fan &Y.Y.Li 223(G);Huangshan(黄山), R.C.Ching 3045(GH),
W.Y.Hsia 3525 , C.Pei 3926 , P.C.Tsoong 3496(PE);Jiuhuashan(九华山), R.C.Ching
2787(K , PE).Fujian(福建):Huanggangshan(黄岗山), C.P.Jian et al .400808(PE).
Gansu (甘肃):Xiahe (夏河), K.T.Fu 1056(PE);Yuzhong (榆中), Huanghe Exped.56_
3258 (PE);Lanzhou (兰州), Shengan Exped.10302 (PE);Tianshui (天水), Huanghe
Exped.3793 , 3944(PE).Guangxi(广西):Xingan(兴安), Guangxi Exped.53_4208 (PE).
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 207 
Guizhou(贵州):Anlong (安龙), P.C.Tsoong 1500(PE);Xingyi (兴义), Bodinier 1976
(P);Zhenfeng (贞丰), C.Z.Dang 2486 (HGAS);Leishan (雷山), S Guizhou Exped.59_
914 , C.P.Jian et al.51126(PE);Kaili (凯里), S.Guizhou Exped.59_1802(PE);Jiangkou
(江口), Z.S.Zhang et al .400496 (PE);Fanjing Mt.(梵净山), Steward et al .501 (K ,
US), N Guizhou Exped.59_937(PE).Henan(河南):Lushi(卢氏), K.M.Liou 5049 , 5164
(PE);Xixia(西峡), Henan Exped.60_1236(PE);Songxian(嵩县), Forest.Exped.59_1166
(PE).Hubei(湖北):Mao Dulien , W.Y.Chun 4079(GH);Yichang (宜昌), Henry 204 ,
207 , 1240(K);Badong (巴东), Henry 5437 , H.C.Chow 318(GH);Xingshan(兴山), Y.
Liu 466(PE);Shennongjia(神农架), G.X.Fu 1028(PE);Fangxian(房县), E.H.Wilson
2464(GH , US).Hunan(湖南):Chengbu(城步), T.R.Cao 82113 (HUIF).Jiangxi(江
西):Wugongshan(武功山), Jiangxi Exped.54_1035 , 57_55 (PE);Lushan Mt.(庐山), K.
K.Tsoong 4284 , X.X.Yang 10879(PE).Qinghai(青海):Huangyuan (湟源), G.X.Liu
s.n.(PE).Shaanxi(陕西):Hanzhong(汉中), J.W.Wang s.n.(PE);Fengxian(凤县),
K.M.Liou 10712(PE);Longxian(陇县), T.P.Wang 4069(PE);Zhouzhi (周至), J.X.
Yang 360(PE);Taibaishan(太白山), Purdom s.n.(k), T.N.Liou &P.C.Tsoong 363 ,
2514(PE);Huashan(华山), T.N.Liou 10914 , T.P.Wang 19621(PE).Sichuan(四川):
Muli (木里), T.T.Yu 5940(PE);Yanyuan(盐源), Schneider 3561 (GH), Fliegner et al .
1173(K);Huili (会里), T.T.Yu 1382 (GH);Mianning (缅宁), S.K.Wu 1772(PE);
Yuoxi (越西), T.T.Yu 952 , 1031(GH);Shimian(石绵), C.Z.Xie 40049 , 41602(PE);
Daxiangling (大相岭), C.Y.Chiao 1626 (GH);Butuo (布拖), Vegetation Group 13836
(PE);Meigu(美姑), Liangshan Exped.1714(PE);Leibo (雷波), Q.S.Zhao 1295 (PE);
Pingshan(屏山), F.T.Wang 22784(PE);Emeishan(峨眉山), Fabr 740(K), E.H.Wil-
son 4693(K), D.H.Du 305 , G.H.Yang 55075 , 55343(PE);Erlangshan(二郎山), K.C.
Kuan &W.T.Wang et al .1973 (PE);Kangding (康定), W.C.Cheng 788 , X.L.Jiang
35703 , 36046(PE), Pratt 125(GH), Soulie 745 (K), 746 (P), Stevens 370 (GH);Batang
(巴塘), Bonvalot &Henri d Orleans s.n., Soulie 3513(P);Jinchuan(金川), X.Li 77002
(PE);Baoxing(宝兴), T.T.Yu 2193(PE);Dujiangyan(都江堰), W.P.Fang 2219 , 2375
(GH), E.H.Wilson 4145(GH), F.T .Wang 20884(PE);Wenchuan(汶川), F.T.Wang
21046(GH , PE);Maoxian(茂县), Aba Exped , 59_2643(PE);Chengkou(城口), Farges 477
(G_Bois , LE , P), W.P.Fang 10142 , T.L.Dai 100766 , 107261(PE);Wanyuan(万源), P.
Y.Li 6140(PE);Wushan (巫山), G.H.Yang 58048(PE);Wuxi (巫溪), G.H.Yang
58835(PE);Fengjie (奉节), M.Y.Fang 24300(PE);Nanchuan(南川), W.P.Famg 956
(P), 973 , 1010 (GH).Taiwan (台湾):Xinzhu (新竹), Shimizu 20301 (KYO);Yilan(宜
兰), Tamura &Shimizu 20718(KYO);Taizhong (台中), Tamura 21161(KYO , S);Yushan
(玉山), Tamura et al.21154 , 22282(KYO), Mt.Morrison , E.H.Wilson 10949(K , US).
Xizang(西藏):Gyirong (吉隆), Med.Pl.Exped.72_47 (PE);Yadong (亚东), J.W.
Zhang 2470(PE);Kombo:Pem La , Ludlow , Sherriff &Elliot 15077(GH);Zayǜ (察隅), C.
W.Wang 65588(PE);Markam (芒康), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.11823 , 11894(PE).Yunnan
(云南):Gongshan(贡山), T.T.Yu 22792(PE);Düqün(德钦), Soulie 1495(G), C.W.
Wang 69803(GH , PE), T.T.Yu 8282(PE), Rock 22948(GH);Zhongdian(中甸), T.T.
Yu 11235 , K.M.Feng 1346(PE);Bijiang(碧江), H.T.Tsai 58077(GH , PE);Weixi(维
西), T.T.Yu 9026(PE);Lanping (兰坪), H.T.Tsai 50620(GH , PE);Jianchuan(剑川),
Forrest 23494(PE);Lijiang(丽江), Rock 3778 , 8220(GH , US), C.W.Wang 64783(GH),
208  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
K.M.Feng 21673(PE);Yongning (永宁), Forrest 5609(K), Schneider 1767(GH), T.T.
Yu 5338(PE);Heqing(鹤庆), Schneider 2924(K), T.T.Yu 11143(PE);Yangbi (漾濞),
R.C.Ching 22504(PE);Dali (大理), H.T.Tsai 53871 , C.W.Wang 63262 (GH , PE);
Binchuan(宾川), Ducloux 5335(P);Luquan(禄劝), P.Y.Mao 971(PE);Qiaojia (巧家),
B.X.Sun 1062(PE), Ducloux 5670(GH , P);Zhaotong(昭通), Ducloux 3295(P), H.T.
Tsai 50852(GH , PE);Mengzi (蒙自), Henry 10748(MO , US);Wenshan(文山), Z.H.Ji
460(PE).Zhejiang(浙江):Longquan(龙泉), Hangzhou Bot.Gard.Exped.5580(HHBG).
India.Balcha , Gamble 26676 (K);Chitral , Harriss 15855 (BM);Garhwal , Falconer 2
(GH), Gamble 22998 (K), Osmaston 628 (GH);Jumnotri , Rau 15760 (GH , P);Kumoan ,
Strachey &Winterbottom s.n.(GH);Punjab , Stewart 1904(K , MO , S), Koelz 1872 (US);
Simla , Brandis 711(S), Parker 2807(GH);without precise locality , J.D.Hooker &Thomson
1067 , Jacquemont 458(P).
Kashmir .Chaugam , Winterbottom 159(K);Pahlgam , Stewart 8112a (GH);Sprinngar ,
Lancaster 36(GH);Sunkhola , Stewart 17472(US).
Myanmar.ChinHills , Dickason 8544(GH);Kambaiti , Malaise 135(S);Sirhoi , F.King-
don Ward 17260(GH).
Nepal.Bagmati Zone , Nicolson 3350(US);Bhartha , Polunin et al .1937(US);Bhujung ,
Stainton et al.5118 (S);Chyangma , Zimmermann 194 (G);Doti , Tabata et al.657 (GH);
Dhumpu , Stainton et al.955(P);Ghanpokhara , Stainton et al .5118(US);Gulfughang , Shar-
ma 309(BM);Junbesi , Tabata et al .10305(GH);Kangrang La , Williams 733(BM);Kapter ,
Dobremez 1959(G);Langtang , Lyon 57(BM), Polunin 547(GH);Lumsum , Stainton et al .
2594(P);Maine , Polunin et al.752(US);Sibpuree , Sharma 309 (MO);Tarakhola , Stainton
Pakistan.Hazara , Sanndas s.n., Webster &Sack 5651(K), Dar et al .550(GH);Jaiu
Turtung , Sheh 1502(GH).
Sikkim.Tebu Valley , Gammie s.n.(US);without precise locality , J.D.Hooker s.n.,
Hara et al .502(GH).
5b 小叶绣球藤  Fig.4:8 ~ 9
Var.sterilis Hand.-Mazz.Symb.Sin.7:320.1931;et in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.
1939;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:223 , pl.73 , fig.6.1980;C.Y.Wu.Ind.
Fl.Yunnan.1:112.1984;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:530.1993;L.H.
Zhou in Fl.Qinghai.1:349.1997;M.Johnson , Klematis 401.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 85 ,
fig.47.2000;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yunnan.11:230.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan (四川),
Yanyuan (盐源), 3150 ~ 3350 m , 1914_05_12 , Handel_Mazzetti 2215(holotype , WU , not seen;
isotype , GH !).
Leaflets elliptic , long elliptic , narrow_ovate , seldom lanceolate , 1 ~ 3(~ 5)cm×0.5 ~ 2
cm , at apex acute or acuminate , at margin 1(~ 2)_denticulate on each side or entire , undivided.
Flowers developing after seldom before leaves , 1.5 ~ 3(~ 4)cm in diam.;pedicel 1 ~ 4.5 cm
long.Sepals white , narrow_obovate or obovate , outside appressed_puberulous.Anthers narrow_ob-
long , (1.2 ~)2 ~ 3 mm long.Achenes broadly rhombic , 4 ~ 5 mm×3 mm , at apex acute , gla-
brous;persistent styles up to 2 cm long.Fl.Apr.-Jun.
China(SE Qinghai , W Sichuan , N Yunnan).On slopes or in bushes or forests;2260 ~
3300 m.
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 209 
Additional specimens examined.China.Sichuan (四川):Batang (巴塘), Soulie 4001
(P);Jiulong (九龙), T.S.Ying 3996(PE);Muli (木里), T.T.Yu 5940 , S.K.Wu 3263
(PE);Ningyuen , Handel_Mazzetti 1348 (K), Schneider 883 (G , GH , K), 1034 (G , GH);
Yanyuan(盐源), Schneider 3561(K), S.Jiang 5503 (PE);Xichang (西昌), W.L.Chen ,
C.J.Chen et al .5266(PE);Shimian (石棉), C.C.Hsieh 39873 , 42699 (PE);Kangding
(康定), Soulie 507 , 705(G , P), 1108 (G), E.H.Wilson 4345 (GH).Yunnan (云南):
Düqün(德钦), K.M.Feng 6270(PE);Weixi (维西), H.T.Tsai 59969 (PE);Zhongdian
(中甸), K.M.Feng 995 (GH);Lijiang (丽江), Forrest 5581 , 10159 , 10194 (PE), Rock
3284(GH , K , P , US), 8182(GH , US), 24762 , 24821(GH), C.W.Wang 70674 , T.T.Yu
8163(PE), R.C.Ching 20108 , 30196(GH);Heqing (鹤庆), Delavay 3 , 891(P), K.M.
Feng 765(PE);Dayao (大姚), Maire s.n.(G);Luquan (禄劝), P.Y.Mao 960 (PE);
Dongchuan(东川), Maire s.n.(G), S.B.Lan 666(PE);Qiaojia (巧家), Ducloux 5670
(GH);Kin_tchong_chan , Maire 3321(LE).
5c Var.angustifoliolaKuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885.TYPE:India .`Ku-
maon , 2300 m , the collector name and number of the type specimen not mentioned in the protol-
ogue. Fig.5:7 ~ 10
C.montana var.anemoniflora Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):73.1896 , non C.
anemoniflora D.Don.SYNTYPES:India.Kumaon , Naini Tal , Royal s.n.(not seen);Garhw-
al:Massuri , Duthie s.n.(not seen);Simla , Gamble s.n.(not seen).Kashmir , Clarke s.n.
(not seen).
Leaflets lanceolate or narrow_ovate , 3.2 ~ 4.5 cm×1 ~ 2 cm , at apex acuminate , at margin
denticulate , undivided.Flowers developing after leaves , 3.6 ~ 5.5 cm in diam.;pedicels 5 ~ 9.5
cm long.Sepals white , obovate , outside along margin slightly densely appressed_puberulous.An-
thers narrow_oblong or linear , 3 ~ 4 mm long.Achenes narrow_ovate , ca.7mm×3.2 mm , at apex
attenuate , glabrous;persistent styles ca.2.8 cm long.Fl.May.
N India , Kashmir.In montane regions;2000 ~ 3000 m.
Specimens examined.India.Garhwal , Drummond 14778 , Madden s.n.(K);Kumaon ,
Thomson 550 , Strachey &Winterbottom 7(K);Simla , Drummond 1129c , 1135a , Collett 26(K);
without precise locality , Royal s.n.(K).
Kashmir.Gamble 5883A(K).
5d Var.grandiflora Hook.in Curtis , Bot.Mag.70:t.4061.1844;Bruhl in Ann.Bot.
Gard.Calc.5(2):74.1896;Mukerjee in Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind.1(1):139.1959;M.John-
son , Klematis 396.1997 , p.p.;Grey_Wils.Clematis 84.2000 , p.p.;W.T.Wang in Acta
Phytotax.Sin.38(4):306.2000.———C.montana ssp.normalis Kuntze var.anemoniflora
Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885 , non C.anemoniflora D.Don.Lectotype:t.
4061 , l.c.(Wang in l.c., 2000). Fig.5:3 ~ 6
Leaflets ovate or narrow_ovate , 3.5 ~ 7 cm ×2 ~ 3 cm , at apex long acuminate , at margin
dentate , usually undivided.Flowers developing after leaves , 6 ~ 9 cm in diam.;pedicels 7.5 ~ 13
cm long.Sepals white , obovate , outside along margin slightly densely appressed_puberulous.An-
thers linear , 4.5 ~ 5.5 mm long.Achenes ovate , ca.5 mm×3mm , at apex attenuate , glabrous;
persistent styles ca.2.5 cm long.Fl.May-Jun.
N India.Kashmir.N Pakistan.Nepal.2000 ~ 3000 m.
Specimens examined.India.Chamba , Ellis s.n.(K);Garhwal , Falconer 2(LE);Simla ,
210  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.5 1 ,2.Clematis laxistrigosa(W.T.Wang &M.C.Chang)W.T.Wang 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(f rom T.P.
Wang 9614).3~ 6.C.montana Buch.-Ham.ex DC.grandiflora Hook.3.Leaf;4.Flower;5.Stamen(from Ellis s.n.);6.
Achene(from Clarke 29206B).7~ 10.C.montana var.angustifoliola Kuntze 7.Leaf;8.Flower;9.Stamen;10.Achene.
(f rom Royal s.n.)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 211 
Thomson s.n.(K);without precise locality , Sounders s.n.(K).
Kashmir.Banahal Pup , Thomson s.n.(K , LE , P);Doarian , Schmid 1704 (G);Pabal
Gam , Tuller 814 (K);Trybol , Clarke 29206B (LE);wihout precise locality , Jacquemont 247
Pakistan.Changla Gali , Webster &Sack 5651(G , GH);Murree , Stewart 27544(G).
Nepal.Tui , Dobremez 74_750(G).
5e 伏毛绣球藤 Fig.10:1 ~ 3
Var.brevifoliola Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885;W.T.Wang in Acta
Phytotax.Sin.38(4):307.2000.TYPE:Sikkim.Jungh , 1849_07_23 , J.D.Hooker s.n.
(lectotype , K !;isolectotype , G !).
C.montana var.chumbica Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):73.1896.———C.
montana ssp.praecox var.chumbica (Bruhl)Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:
50.1966;M.Johnson , Klematis 404.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 87.2000.SYNTYPES:Sik-
kim.King s collector s.n.(CAL , not seen);Chumbi , King s collector s.n.(CAL , not seen).
Leaflets ovate , narrow_ovate , or elliptic , 1.8 ~ 6 cm×1.5 ~ 3 cm , at apex acuminate , at
margin dentate , undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobed.Flowers developing with or after leaves , 1.8 ~ 4.5 cm in
diam.;pedicels 2.6 ~ 7 cm long.Sepals white , obovate , outside appressed_puberulous.Anthers
oblong or narrow_oblong , 1.8 ~ 3.2 mm long.Achenes broadly ovate , ca.4.5 mm×3.2 mm , at
apex acute , appressed_puberulous;persistent styles 2.5 ~ 3.5 cm long.Fl.Jun.-Jul.
Bhutan.China (S Xizang , Yunnan).NW India.N Myanmar.Nepal.Sikkim.On slopes , at
forest edges , in bushes;800 ~ 4200 m.
Additional specimens examined.Bhutan.Kitiphu , Gould 427 (K);Phojiding , Bedi 596
(K);Sega La , Bedi 350(K);Mo Chu , Sinclair &Long 5144(K);Shado Jimpu , Cooper 1487
China.Xizang(西藏):Chumbi (春丕), Dungboo s.n.(G , K), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.
74_2472(PE);Yadong (亚东), Gould 1530 , Hobson s.n.(K), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.74_
2449(PE);Dinggye(定结), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.75_5500(PE);Mainling (米林), Qing-
hai_Xizang Exped.74_1933 (PE);Nyalam (聂拉木), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.75_6136 (PE).
Yunnan(云南):Mahong , 1912_05 , Maire s.n.(G).
Myanmar.Sirhoi , F.Kingdon Ward 17260(BM).
Nepal.Everest Mt., Hingston s.n.(K);Gosainkun , Fell 25 (BM);Gupa Pakhari , Do-
bremez 1560(G);Lantang , Polunin 497(BM);Thudam , Stainton 361(BM).
Sikkim.Dzongri , Starling et al .254 (K);Larher , J.D.Hooker s.n.(K);Phedang ,
Starling et al .29(K);Thangshing , Starling et al .190(K).
5f 早花绣球藤 Fig.4:6 ~ 7
Var.praecox(Kuntze)Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):73.1896.——— C.mon-
tana ssp.praecox Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:142.1885;Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.
Gard.Lucknow 80:pl.37.1963;Kapoor in l.c.124:49.1966;Rau in Sharma , Fl.Ind.1:
71.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 403.1997.TYPE:Sikkim , 3300 m , J.D.Hooker s.n.(ho-
lotype , B , not seen).
Leaflets rhombic_ovate or long elliptic , 1 ~ 4.6 cm×0.7 ~ 4.2 cm , at apex acuminate , at
margin dentate.Flowers developing before leaves , 1.6 ~ 3 cm in diam.;pedicels 1.5 ~ 4 cm long.
Sepals white , obovate or obovate_oblong , outside densely appressed_puberulous.Anthers narrow_ob-
212  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
long , 1.8 ~ 2.4 mm long.Achenes broadly ovate , 4 ~ 5mm×3 mm , at apex acute , appressed_pu-
berulous;persistent styles 2.5 ~ 3 cm long.Fl.Apr.-May.
China(S Xizang).Nepal.Sikkim.In bushes or in forests;2700 ~ 4000 m.
Specimens examined.China.Xizang(西藏):Kada (卡达), P.C.Tsoong 6305(PE);
Tsanpo Valley , below Tsetang , F.Kingdon Ward 5634(K).
Nepal.Thammu , Zimmermann 404(G);Thyangboche , Zimmermann 502(G);UttarGonga ,
Stainton , Sykes &Williams 2626(G , P);without precise loclity , Wallich 4681A(K).
5g 粉红绣球藤
Var.rubens Wils.in Flora &Sylva 3:252 , cum fig.1905;Jouin inMitt.Deutsch.Dendr.
Ges.16:257.1907;Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:333.1913;Fl.Hupeh.1:366.
1976;M.Johnson , Klematis 398.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 85.2000.TYPE:described on the
basis of plants cultivated from seeds collected from western Hupeh , China.No type specimen desig-
Leaflets narrow_ovate or rhombic_elliptic , 4 ~ 9.5 cm×2 ~ 4 cm , at apex acuminate or long
acuminate , at margin dentate , usually undivided.Flowers developing after leaves , 4 ~ 8 cm in di-
am.;pedicels 6.5 ~ 11 cm long.Sepals rose_pink , broad_obovate , outside along margin on each
sidewith a broad strip of finely velutinous indumentum.Anthers narrow_oblong , 2.5 ~ 3.5 mm
long.Ovaries glabrous.Achenes unknown.Fl.May-Jun.
China(W Hubei , W Sichuan).In thickets or rocky places;1300 ~ 2600 m.
Specimens examined.China.Hubei(湖北):Changyang (长阳), E.H.Wilson 587 , p.
p.(GH);Badong (巴东), H.C.Chow 318(PE);Yichang (宜昌), E.H.Wilson 587 , p.
p.(GH , US);Xingshan(兴山), E.H.Wilson 587 , p.p.(GH).Sichuan(四川):Chiu_
ting_shan , E.H.Wilson 2466(GH , US).
5h 长梗绣球藤 Fig.6:1 ~ 3
Var.longipesW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(4):306.2000.TYPE:China.Si-
chuan(四川), Emei Mt.(峨眉山), 2400m , fl.white , 1957_06_11 , G.H.Yang 55295(holo-
type , PE !).
C.montana var.grandiflora auct.nonHook.:Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:333.
1913;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.
28:222 , pl.73 , fig.2 ~ 3.1980;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:111.1984;Y.K.Li in
Fl.Guizhou.3:65.1986;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:529.1993;W.T.
Wang in Keys Vasc.Pl.Wuling Mount.168.1995;M.Johnson , Klematis 396.1997 , p.p.;
Grey_Wils.Clematis 84.2000 , p.p.
Leaflets ovate , rhombic_elliptic , or narrow_ovate , 3 ~ 10 cm×2 ~ 4.5 cm , at apex acumi-
nate , at margin coarsely dentate , undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobed.Flowers developing after leaves , 4 ~ 7
(~ 9)cm in diam.;pedicels 8 ~ 21 cm long.Sepals white , obovate , outside along margin on each
side with a broad strip of densely velutinous indumentum.Anthers oblong , narrow_oblong , or nearly
linear , 2 ~ 4 mm long.Achenes broadly ovate , 3.8 ~ 4 mm×2.8 ~ 3.2mm , glabrous , sometimes
on apex puberulous;persistent styles 3 ~ 6.5 cm long.Fl.Apr.-Aug.
China(S Gansu , Guizhou , W Henan , W Hubei , W Hunan , S Shaanxi , Sichuan , SE Xi-
zang , NW Yunnan).NE Myanmar.In bushes or forests , at forest edges , or by streams;900 ~
3800 m.
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 213 
Fig.6 1~ 3.Clematis montana Buch.-Ham ex DC.var.longipes W.T.Wang 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from X.L.
Jiang 10692);3.Achene(from J.H.Xiong 92534).4~ 6.C.montana var.glabrescens(Comb.)W.T.Wang &M.C.
Chang  4.Flowering branch;5.Stamen(from R.C.Ching 20811);6.Achene.(from K.M.Feng 21329)
214  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
  Additional specimens examined.China.Gansu(甘肃):Wenxian(文县), S.Jiang &C.
L.Jin 328(PE).Guizhou(贵州):Fangjingshan (梵净山), Steward et al .501 (K , P , PE ,
S), North Guizhou Exped.431 , 510 , 937(PE);Leishan (雷山), South Guizhou Exped.928 ,
C.P.Jian et al .50487 , 51126(PE);Kaili(凯里), South Guizhou Exped.2096(PE).Henan
(河南):Xixia(西峡), Henan Exped.59_574(PE).Hubei(湖北):Hefeng (鹤峰), Y.M.
Wang 6162(PE);Xuanen(宣恩), H.J.Li 3554(PE);Jianshi(建始), W.B.Lin 86(PE).
Hunan(湖南):Qianyang (黔阳), Anjiang Agr.Coll.Exped.1244(PE);Longshan(龙山),
L.H.Liou 10186(PE).Sichuan(四川):Shimian(石棉), C.C.Hsieh 41242(PE);Yuexi
(越西), T.T.Yu 952 , 1032 (PE);Xingwen (兴文), Econ.Pl.Exped.59_436 (PE);
Hanyuan(汉源), Q.S.Zhao 1086(PE);Daxiangling(大相岭), C.S.Liu 541(PE);Emeis-
han(峨眉山), E.H.Wilson 4693(GH), W.P.Fang 2838(P), F.T.Wang 20938 (PE),
23362(LE), G.H.Yang 21045(PE);Erlangshan(二郎山), W.G.Hu &Z.He 10228 , X.
L.Jiang 34192 , 34299 , K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang et al .1973(PE);Dujiangyan(都江堰),
W.P.Fang 2219 , 2375(PE);Baoxing (宝兴), David s.n.(P), T.T.Yu 1965 , T.H.Tu
4249 , X.S.Zhang 7379 (PE);Wenchuan (汶川), E.H.Wilson 2462 (GH , US), 4110
(GH), F.T.Wang 20938 , 21045(PE);Maoxian(茂县), S.Jiang 7104(PE);Pingwu(平
武), X.L.Jiang 10196 , 10692 (PE);Chengkou (城口), Farges s.n.(G), T.L.Dai
100300(PE);Nanchuan(南川), W.P.Fang 955 , K.L.Chu 1287 , G.F.Li 61456 , 61612 ,
61677 , J.H.Xiong &Z.L.Zhou 90797 , 91026 , 92534(PE);Youyang (酉阳), Econ.Pl.
Exped.59_2551(PE).Xizang(西藏):Mainling (米林), Med.Pl.Exped.72_4084(PE);
Müdog (墨脱), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.74_3744(PE), Z.C.Ni et al .3028 (PE).Yunnan
(云南):Düqün(德钦), Soulie 1369(P);C.W.Wang 64714 , T.T.Yu 22414 , K.M.Feng
6271 , 6523(PE);Gongshan(贡山), T.T.Yu 13299 , 19332 , 20347 , 22140(PE);Zhongdian
(中甸), T.T.Yu 12178(PE);Lijiang (丽江), R.C.Ching 20547(PE).
Myanmar.Miyitkyina , Kermode 17268(K).
5i Var.urosepalaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):500 , fig.2:1.2000.TYPE:
Myanmar.Tama Bum , 3000 m , 1953_06_20 , F.Kingdon Word 21038(holotype , GH!).
Leaflets rhombic_ovate , 4 ~ 8 cm×3 ~ 5 cm , at apex long acuminate , at margin incised_dent-
ate , 2 ~ 3_lobed.Flowers developing after leaves , 4.5 ~ 5 cm in diam.;pedicels 19 ~ 21 cm long.
Sepals white , narrow_obovate , at apex rounded , with a tail_like projection 5 ~ 10 mm long , outside
along margin on each side with a broad strip of densely velutinous indumentum.Anthers narrow_ob-
long , 2.5 ~ 3 mm long.Achenes unknown.
N Myanmar.
5j 晚花绣球藤 Fig.7:1 ~ 2
Var.wilsonii Sprague in Curtis , Bot.Mag.137:t.8365.1911;Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.
Pl.Wils.1:333.1913;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939;M.C.Chang in
Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:323.1980 , p.p.excl.syn.;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:112.
1984;M.Johnson , Klematis 402.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 86.2000.TYPE:t.8365 , l.c.
Leaflets ovate , 3 ~ 8 cm×2 ~ 5.2 cm , at apex acuminate , at margin coarsely dentate , usually
2 ~ 3_lobed.Flowers developing after leaves , 3.5 ~ 6 cm in diam.;pedicels 6 ~ 20 cm long.Se-
pals white , narrow_obovate , at apex often emarginate , outside along margin on each side with a
broad strip of grey densely velutinous indumentum.Anthers narrow_oblong , 2.2 ~ 3.2(~ 4)mm
long , at apex minutely apiculate.Achenes broadly rhombic or broadly rhombic_obovate , ca.3.5
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 215 
mm×3.2 mm , glabrous;persistent styles ca.4.5 cm long.Fl.Jul.-Aug.
China(W Sichuan , SE Yunnan).In bushes or forests , at forest edges , or on grassy slopes;
2300 ~ 2800 m.
This variey was described from cultivated plant introduced by E.H.Wilson from Central Chi-
na , and no type specimen was designated.In this case , the original coloured table accompanying
the original description may be served as the nomencletural type according to Article 8 of ICBN
(Greuter et al.2000).
Specimens examined.China.Sichuan (四川):Leibo (雷波), Econ.Pl.Exped.59_990 ,
59_8674 , Q.S.Zhao 1295(PE);Hongxi (洪溪), Econ.Pl.Exped.59_1284 , Z .T.Guan
7455(PE);Ebian(峨边), Z.T.Guan 6617(PE);Emeishan (峨眉山), W.P.Fang 2838
(K , P), K.C.Kuan et al .4107 , Sichuan Exped.73_138(PE);Baoxing(宝兴), E.H.Wil-
son 868a (E , K);without precise locality , W.P.Fang 6651 , 7679 , 8193 (PE).Yunnan(云
南):Mengzi (蒙自), Henry 10748(GH).
5k 毛果绣球藤 Fig.6:4 ~ 6
Var.glabrescens(Comb.)W.T.Wang &M.C.Chang in Acta Bot.Yunnan.15(4):
351.1993;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yunnan.11:230.2000.———C.chrysocoma Franch.var.
glabrescens Comb.in Not.R.Bot.Gard.Edinb.18:234.1934;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.
Gotob.13:211.1939;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:107.1984;M.Johnson , Klematis
390.1997.TYPE:China.Yunnan(云南), Lijiang (丽江), 1906_05 , Forrest 2246(holotype ,
E !);same locality , Forrest 5609(paratypes , E !, P !, PE !);Shweli_Salwin divide , Forrest 8952
(paratype , E !).
C.montana var.trichogyna M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:222 , 359 , fig.33.
1980;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:112.1984;M.Y.Fang in Fl.Xizang.2:91.1985;
L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.HengduanMount.1:529.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 401.1997;Grey_
Wils.Clematis 85.2000.TYPE:China.Yunnan(云南), Düqün(德钦), K.M.Feng 23740
(holotype , KUN !).
Leaflets ovate or narrow_ovate , 3 ~ 14 cm×2 ~ 6 cm , at apex acuminate , at margin dentate or
crenate , sometimes entire , 2 ~ 3_lobulate , 2 ~ 3_lobed , or undivided.Flowers developing after
leaves , 5 ~ 8.8 cm in diam.;pedicels 10 ~ 24 cm long.Sepals white , obovate or narrow_obovate ,
at apex often mucronate , outside along margin on each side with a broad strip of velutinous indu-
mentum.Anthers narrow_oblong or linear , 2 ~ 3.5 mm long.Achenes rhombic_obovate , ca.6 mm
×3 mm , appressed_puberulous;persistent styles 4.5 ~ 7 cm long.Fl.May-Sept.
China.(SE Xizang , NW Yunnan).In forests , on grassy slopes , or by streams;2100 ~ 3800
Additional specimens examined.China.Xizang (西藏):Cona (错那), Qinghai_Xizang
Exped.75_1850(PE);Nyingchi (林芝), Med.Pl.Exped.72_3516(PE);Müdog (墨脱),
Qinghai_Xizang Exped.75_1368 (PE);Tangmai (通麦), J.W.Zhang & J.T.Wang 506
(PE);Bomi (波密), T.S.Ying &D.Y.Hong 84(PE);Zayǜ (察隅), Rock 22239 (GH).
Yunnan(云南):Düqün(德钦), Soulie 1369(G_Bois , K , LE), C.W.Wang 64714 , T.T.
Yu 8433(PE);Gongshan(贡山), T.T.Yu 19791 , 22090(PE);Bijiang (碧江), H.T.Tsai
58445(PE);Weixi (维西), C.W.Wang 63818 , K.M.Feng 4883(PE);Jianchuan(剑川),
Forrest 21518 , 23118(GH , K);Zhongdian(中甸), T.T.Yu 11495 , K.M.Feng 1328(PE);
216  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.7 1 , 2.Clematis montana Buch.-Ham.ex DC.var.wilsonii Sprague 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(f rom Sichuan
Veg.Exped.3761).3 , 4.C.gracilifolia Rehd.&Wils.var.gracilifolia 3.Flowering branch;4.Stamen
(f rom Li Xin 70803).5~ 7.C.chrysocoma Franch.5.Flowering branch;6.Stamen(from Forrest 2006);
7.Achene.(from W.K.Hu 37899)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 217 
Lijiang (丽江), Forrest 24295(P), Rock 4139(GH), T.T.Yu 15597 , R.C.Ching 20811 ,
K.M.Feng 21329(PE);Shweili_Salwin divide , Forrest 11982(GH , PE).
6 薄叶铁线莲
Clematis gracilifolia Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:331.1913;Rehd.in J.Arn.
Arb.4:186.1923 et 9:39.1928;Ulbr.in Repert.Sp.Nov.Beih.12:374.1912;Hand.-
Mazz.Symb.Sin.7:320.1931 , sphalm.C.graciliflora , et in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.
1939;Rehd.Man.Cult.Tr.&Shr., ed.2 , 215.1940;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.
28:224 , pl.74.1980;et in Iconogr.Corm.Sin.Suppl.1:466 , fig.8625.1982;C.Y.Wu ,
Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:110.1984;M.Y.Fang in Fl.Xizang.1:91.1985;L.Q.Li in Vasc.
Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:530.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 391.1997;J.Q.Fu in Fl.Loe.-
Plat.Sin.1:456.2000;Grey_Wils.Clematis 79 , fig.37 ~ 38.2000;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yun-
nan.11:231.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan(四川), Mt.Panlangshan , 4000 ~ 4300 m , 1908_
06_24 , E.H.Wilson 2480(holotype , GH !;isotype , K !);Maoxian(茂县), 1910_09 , E.H.
Wilson 4045(paratype , GH!;isoparatype , K !).Gansu(甘肃):Zhoni (卓尼), 1911 , Purdom
1140(paratype , GH !).
C.montana  DC.var.pentaphylla Maxim.in Acta Hort.Petrop.11:10.1890;Rehd.
in J.Arn.Arb.4:187.1927;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:210.1939.———C.
gracilifolia var.pentaphylla (Maxim.)W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.6(4):380.1957;
Fl.Tsinling.1(2):296.1974.SYNTYPES:China.Gansu(甘肃), inter vicos Morping et Wup-
ing , 1885_06_27 , Potanin s.n.(LE !);Dshoni(卓尼), 1885_06_27 , Potanin s.n.(LE !);Ds-
honi (卓尼), 1885_05_31 , Potanin s.n.(LE !);valle fl.Taohe (To_ho 洮河), 1885_05_28 ,
Potanin s.n.(LE !).
C.montana var.batangensis Finet in J.de Bot.21:15.1908 , p.p.SYNTYPES:China.
Sichuan(四川), Yarjiang (Yargong)(雅江), 1903 , Soulie 3019(P !);Batang (巴塘), 1904 ,
Soulie 4000 , 4002(P !).
C.montana var.trifoliolata M.Johnson , Klematis 393 , cum fig.1997.TYPE:China.Si-
chuan(四川), Kangding (康定), Yulingkuang , 1935_10_19 , H.Smith 12580(holotype , UPS ,
not seen).
Consisting of four varieties endemic to SW China.
6a Var.gracilifolia Fig.7:3 ~ 4
Woody vine.Branches shallowly 4 ~ 6_sulcate , appressed_puberulous , glabrescent.Leaves
usually pinnate , 5_foliolate , seldom ternate;leaflets thin_papery or herbaceous , ovate , narrow_
ovate , broad_ovate , or obovate , 0.5 ~ 3.5 cm×0.3 ~ 3 cm , at apex acute , at base cuneate or
rounded , at margin sparsely serrate or denticulate , undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobed , on both surfaces
sparsely puberulous , basal veins nearly flat;petioles 1.5 ~ 7.5 cm long.Flowers 1 ~ 5 with several
leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , 2 ~ 3.5 cm in diam.;pedicels 3 ~ 6.5 cm long ,
sparsely puberulous.Sepals 4 , white or outside tinged with pinkish , obovate , 0.9 ~ 1.8 cm×
0.4 ~ 1.1 cm , at apex rounded , inside glabrous , outside appressed_puberulous.Stamens 5.5 ~ 8
mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , 1.6 ~ 2 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;
styles 5 ~ 6 mm long , densely villous.Achenes strongly compressed , broadly ovate , 4 ~ 4.5 mm×
3.2 ~ 3.8 mm , glabrous;persistent styles 1.5 ~ 2.2 cm long , plumose.Fl.Apr.-Jun.
China(S Gansu , W Sichuan , EXizang , NW Yunnan).In forests or by streams;2000 ~ 3800
218  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Additional specimens examined.China.Gansu (甘肃):Zhouqu (舟曲), T.P.Wang
15140(PE);Minxian (岷县), Rock 12428(GH , K , P , S), 12469(GH , UPS), T.P.Wang
14045 , Taohe Exped.3119 , 3242 (PE);Wushan (武山), Huanghe Exped.56_4587 (PE);
Zhuoni (卓尼), Purdom 1025(K), Rock 12164(GH , LE), 12294(GH);Lintan(临潭), R.
C.Ching 883(GH), Taohe Exped.3351(PE);Xiahe (夏河), K.T.Fu 997(PE);Lanzhou
(兰州):Xinglongshan (兴隆山), Shangan Exped.10302(PE).Sichuan (四川):Muli (木
里), T.T.Yu 14689(PE);Daocheng (稻城), Sichuan Exped.73_1853(PE);Jiulong (九
龙), W.L.Chen et al .6471(PE);Mt.Minya Konka , Rock 12851(PE);Yajiang (雅江),
S.Jiang 2816 (PE);Kangding (康定), K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang et al.1340 (PE), H.
Smith 12943(UPS), 12851(GH , PE , UPS);Ganzi (甘孜), P.C.Tsoong 5114(PE);Dügü
(德哥), Y.W.Tsui 5121 , S.Jiang 2440(PE);Rangtang(壤塘), S.Jiang 8914(PE);Lu-
huo(炉霍), T.S.Ying 4606(PE);Jinchuan(金川), S.Jiang 1114(PE);Xiaojin(小金),
X.S.Zhang 6285(PE);Lixian(理县), S.Jiang 832 , 1607(PE);Maoxian(茂县), S.Jiang
955(PE);Heishui (黑水), X.Li 73267 (PE);Barkam (马尔康), X.Li 70152 , 70803 ,
70904 , S.Jiang 4933(PE);Shuajingsi (刷经寺), Z.Y.Zhang 22196 , 22384(PE);Songpan
(松潘), T.P.Wang 7776 , K.T.Fu 1865(PE);Nanping (南坪), P.C.Li 141 , Q.S.
Zhao 3143(PE).Xizang(西藏):Zayǜ (察隅), C.W.Wang 65271(PE), Ludlow &Sherriff
1399(UPS);Jomda (江达), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.76_9865(PE);Sogxian (索县), J.T.
Wang 3288(PE);Tsanpo Valley , Yusum , Ludlow , Sherriff &Taylor 5716 (BM).Yunnan(云
南):Düqün(德钦), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.8349 , 11785(PE).
6b 大花薄叶铁线莲
Var.macranthaW.T.Wang &M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:359.1980;M.
Johnson , Klematis 393.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 80.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan (四川),
Baoxing(宝兴), Denglonggou (灯笼沟), 1954_06_06 , T.P.Soong 38390(holotype , NAS !;
isotype , PE !).
Leaflets undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobed.Flowers 5 ~ 6.5 cm in diam.Stamens 7 ~ 14 mm long;an-
thers 2.8 ~ 3.2 mm long.Ovaries and achenes glabrous.Fl.Jun.
China(W Sichuan).
Additional specimens examined.China.Sichuan(四川):Lixian (理县), Z.He 12843
6c 毛果薄叶铁线莲
Var.lasiocarpaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):501.2000.TYPE:China.Xi-
zang(西藏), Lhunze(隆子), Jiayu(加玉), 1975_07_03 , Qinghai_Xizang Exped.75_446(ho-
lotype , PE !).
Leaflets undivided.Ovaries and achenes puberulous.Fl.Jul.
China(SE Xizang).In bushes on slopes;3500 m.
6d 狭裂薄叶铁线莲
Var.dissectifoliaW.T.Wang &M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:359.1980;M.
Y.Fang in Fl.Xizang.2:91.1985;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:530.1993;
M.Johnson , Klematis 392.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 79 , fig.39.2000.TYPE:China.Si-
chuan(四川), Muli (木里), 2800 m , 1937_06_16 , T.T.Yu 6308(holotype , PE !);Yajiang
(雅江), 4000 m , 1974_09_17 , C.C.Wang 5021(paratype , PE !).
Leaflets 2 ~ 3_parted to 2 ~ 3_sect.Flowers 1.5 ~ 2.3 cm in diam.Stamens 7 ~ 9 mm long;
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 219 
anthers 2 ~ 3 mm long.Ovaries and achenes glabrous.Fl.May-Jun.
China(W Sichuan , E &S Xizang).In bushes or on slopes;2800 ~ 4000 m.
Additional specimens examined.China.Sichuan (四川):Muli (木里), T.T.Yu 6223
(PE);Kangding(康定), S.Jiang 2863 , 2974 , Q.Q.Wang 4427(PE);Qianning(乾宁), Si-
chuan Exped.5378 (PE).Xizang(西藏):Markam (芒康), Qinghai_Xizang Exped.76_8145
(PE);Nyingchi (林芝), J.W.Zhang &J.T.Wang 12 (PE);Nyalam (聂拉木), Y.T.
Zhang &K.Y.Lang 3156 , 3502(PE).
7 丽叶铁线莲 Fig.8:1 ~ 2
Clematis venustaM.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:218 , 358 , fig.32.1980;C.
Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:114.1984;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:528.
1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 406.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 81 , fig.41.2000;W.T.Wang
in Fl.Yunnan.11:232.2000.TYPE:China.Yunnan(云南), Weixi (维西), Yezhi (叶枝),
1940_05_14 , K.M.Feng 3851(holotype , KUN , not seen;photo , PE !);same locality , 1940_05_
16 , K.M.Feng 4134(paratype , KUN , not seen;isoparatype , PE !).
Woody vine.Branches nearly terete , not or very shallowly 8_sulcate , glabrous.Leaves ter-
nate ;leaflets papery , laceolate or narrow_ovate , 2.5 ~ 7 cm ×0.8 ~ 2 cm , at apex attenuate , at
base cuneate or broadly cuneate , at margin entire , seldom 1 ~ 2_denticulate , adaxially subglabrous
or glabrescent , abaxially sparsely appressed_puberulous , basal veins abaxially nearly flat;petioles
1.5 ~ 5.2 cm long , sparsely pilose.Flowers 1 ~ 5 with about 2 pairs of leaves arising from an axil-
lary bud of old branch , (3 ~)5 ~ 8 cm in diam.;pedicels 4 ~ 15 cm long , sparsely puberulous.
Sepals 4 , white or pinkish , spreading , broad_elliptic or obovate_elliptic , (1.5 ~ )2.5 ~ 4 cm×
(~ 6)2 ~ 2.5 cm , at apex rounded , rounded_obtuse , or emarginate , inside glabrous , outside
sprarsely but near margin densely appressed_puberulous.Stamens 8 ~ 14 mm long , glabrous;an-
thers linear or narrow_oblong , (2 ~)2.5 ~ 3mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous or at base
pubescent ;styles ca.7 mm long , densely villous.Achenes strongly compressed , narrow_ovate , ca.
7 mm×3.5 mm , glabrous , slightly tumidly marginate , on both surfaces with 2 longitudinal thin
ribs;persistent styles ca.1 cm long , brownish_plumose.Fl.May.
China(SW Sichuan , NW Yunnan).In mixed forests or bushes by streams;2300 ~ 3100 m.
Additional specimens examined.China.SW Sichuan(四川西南部):without precise locali-
ty , E.H.Wilson 2460(K).Yunnan (云南):Lijiang (丽江), Yulongshan (玉龙山), SW
China Exped.65_164(PE);Lijiang , Ludian(鲁甸), ?62_720(PE);Zhongdian(中甸), Qiao-
tou(桥头), Zhongdian Exped.63_3030(IMD);Düqün(德钦), Tsekou , Soulie 1494 , Monbeig
s.n.(K);without precise locality , Delavay s.n.(G , K), Forrest 10194(K).
8 金毛铁线莲 Fig.7:5 ~ 7
Clematis chrysocoma Franch.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 33:362.1886;Pl.Delav.4.
1889;Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:525.1903;Schneid.Ill.Hand.Laubh.
2:910 , fig.570 d_g.1906;Sprague in Curtis , Bot.Mag.137:t.8395.1911;Rehd.&Wils.
in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:335.1913;Ulbr.in Repert.Sp.Nov.Beih.12:374.1922;Pei in
Sinensia 7:471.1936;Hand.-Mazz.Symb.Sin.7:320.1931 et in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:
211.1939;Rehd.Man.Cul.Tr.&Shr., ed.2 , 214.1940;Iconogr.Corm.Sin.1:749 ,
fig.1498.1972;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:218 , pl.72.1980;C.Y.Wu ,
220  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.8 1 , 2.Clematis venusta M.C.Chang 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(f rom K.M.Feng 4134).3 ,4.
C.ningjingshanica W.T.Wang 3.Flowering branch;4.Stamen(from P.K.Hsiao et al.1128).5 , 6.
C.wenshanensisW.T.Wang 5.Flowering branch;6.Stamen.(f rom Y.M.Shui 2714)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 221 
Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:107.1984;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:528.1993;M.
Johnson , Klematis 388.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 76 , fig.34_36.2000;W.T.Wang in Fl.
Yunnan.11:231.2000.TYPE:China.Yunnan(云南), Eryuan(洱源), Yang_in_chan , 1883_
08_01 , Delavay 121 (lectotype , designated here , P !);same locality , 1884_04_26 , Delavay 940
(syntype , P !).
C.montana DC.var.sericea Franch.ex Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:
555.1903.———C.chrysocoma var.sericea (Franch.ex Finet &Gagnep.)Schneid.in Bot.
Gaz.63:516.1917;Rehd.Man.Cult.Tr.&Shr., ed.2 , 214.1940;M.Johnson , Klematis
390.1997.TYPE:China.Sichuan(四川), Baoxing (Mupin 宝兴), 1869_06 , David.s.n.
(holotype , P !).
C.spooneri Rehd.&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:334.1913;Grey_Wils.Clematis 88.
2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan.Baoxing , 1908_06 , E.H.Wilson 868(holotype , GH !).
Woody vine , sometimes nearly erect.Branches shallowly 8_sulcate , glabrescent.Leaves ter-
nate;leaflets papery , rhombic_obovate or rhombic_ovate , 2 ~ 6 cm×1.5 ~ 4.5 cm , at apex acute
or acuminate , at base broadly cuneate , at margin few_dentate , adaxially more or less densely ap-
pressed_pubescent , abaxially densely yellowish_strigose , basal veins nearly flat;petioles 1 ~ 6.5 cm
long.Flowers 1 ~ 6 with several leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch or singularly born
in leaf axils of hornotinous branch , 3.2 ~ 6 cm in diam.;pedicels 4.5 ~ 8.5 (~ 20)cm long ,
densely puberulous.Sepals 4(~ 5 ~ 8), pink or white , obovate or elliptic_obovate , 1.6 ~ 3 cm×
0.8 ~ 2 cm , at apex obtuse or rounded , inside glabrous , outside appressed_puberulous , along mar-
gin velutinous.Stamens 6 ~ 11 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , 3 ~ 4 mm long , at apex
obtuse.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.7 mm long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , ovate ,
4 ~ 5mm×2 ~ 3 mm , pubescent;persistent styles 2.2 cm ~ 2.7 cm long , fulvous_plumose.Fl.
China(W Guizhou , W Sichuan , NW C &E Yunnan).In bushes by streams , on grassy , dry
or stony slopes;1000 ~ 3000 m.
Additional specimens examined.China.Guizhou (贵州):Panxian(盘县), D.Z.Fu et
al.95 , X.Y.Hou 2649(PE);Weining (威宁), Bijie Exped.59_13(PE).Sichuan(四川):
Muli (木里), T.T.Yu 5953 , 6083(PE);Xichang (西昌), W.L.Chen et al .5599 , 6129
(PE);Jinyang (金阳), Liangshan Exped.59_3204(PE);Puxiong (普雄), Liangshan Exped.
59_4577(PE);Butuo(布拖), Liangshan Exped.59_5701(PE);Yuexi(越西), T.T.Yu 922 ,
982(GH , PE);Ebian(峨边), T.T.Yu 772(PE);Kangding (康定), Bonvalot &Henri d
Orleans s.n.(P), Soulie 719 (P);Daxiangling (大相岭), H.Smith 1936 (GH), 10229
(PE);Luding (泸定), K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang et al.1859(PE);Erlangshan(二郎山),
W.K.Hu 37899 , K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang et al.2197(PE);Baoxing(宝兴), Z.P.Soong
38128 , S.Jiang 10155 , K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang et al.2962 (PE).Yunnan (云南):
Zhongdian(中甸), K.M.Feng 1040(PE);Lijinag(丽江), Forrest 5712(K), Schneider 3396
(GH , K), Rock 3248 , 3924 , 6967 , 9469(GH), T.T.Yu 15083(PE), R.C.Ching 20294
(GH , PE);Heqing (鹤庆), Forrest 2006(LE), R.C.Ching 23916 , K.M.Feng 859(PE);
Lanping (兰坪), P.I.Mao 288(PE);Eryuan(洱源), Delavay s.n.(K , P);Yangbi (漾
濞), R.C.Ching 22401 , T.N.Liou 22914(PE);Dali(大理), Delavay s.n.(P), Limpricht
913(S), Murata et al .395(GH);Binchuan (宾川), Ducloux 7081(GH , P), H.T.Tsai
52965 , 52998(GH , PE), T.N.Liou 22068(PE);Kunming(昆明), Cavalerie 7916(K), Du-
222  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
cloux 181(P), Schoch 24(G , GH), C.W.Wang 62996(GH , PE), T.N.Liou 20608(PE),
Y.Tsiang 16034(GH);Songming(嵩明), Ducloux 7622(P), B.Y.Qiu 51614(PE);Luquan
(禄劝), P.I.Mao 1361 , 1379(PE);Dongchuan(东川), Maire s.n.(G , GH), 112 , 406
(K), S.B.Lan 188(PE);Qiaojia (巧家), Ducloux 5669(K , P);Zhanyi(沾益), Y.H.Li
127(PE);Mile (弥勒), Ducloux 5229 (P);Guangnan (广南), C.W.Wang 88171(PE);
Mengzi (蒙自), Henry 9835A(K , GH , LE), 9835 , 9835B(K), Hancock 551(K).
9 深裂铁线莲
Clematis tripartitaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytatax.Sin.38(6):500 , fig.2:3 ~ 4.2000.
TYPE:China.Xizang (西藏), Nyalam (聂拉木), 4000 m , 1990_06_09 , Sino_Japan.Exped.
T450(holotype , PE !);same locality , 3000 m , 1990_06_06 , Sino_Japan.Exped.T325 (para-
type , PE !).Nepal.Lantang Valley , 3780 m , 1965_06_25 , Schilling , Saywo &Bista 400(para-
type , K !).
Woody vine.Branches 1.8 ~ 3 mm in diam., shallowly 6 ~ 10_sulcate , glabrous.Leaves ter-
nate;leaflets thickly papery or coriaceous , terminal ones broad_rhombic , 6 ~ 15 mm×6 ~ 14 mm ,
at apex acute , at base broadly cuneate , nearly to base 3_parted , lobes rhombic , 3_lobultae , lateral
leaflets smaller , obliquely ovate , unequally 2 ~ 3_lobulate , lobes usually 1 ~ 2_denticulate , on both
surfaces appressed_puberulous , basal veins abaxially nearly flat;petioles 1 ~ 1.8 cm long , puberu-
lous.Flowers 1 ~ 6 with about 2 pairs of leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , 2 ~ 2.7
cm in diam;pedicels slender , 2.8 ~ 4 cm long , densely puberulous.Sepals 4 , white , obovate_ob-
long or oblong , 11 ~ 15 mm×4 ~ 6 mm , at apex rounded or obtuse , often mucronate , inside gla-
brous , outside appressed_puberulous.Stamens 4 ~ 7 mm long glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong or
sublinear , 2 ~ 2.2 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.5 mm long , densely
villous , at apex circinately recurved.Fl.Jun.
China(S.Xizang).Nepal.On slopes , at moraine edges , or on Berberis bushes;3000 ~
4000 m.
10 宁静山铁线莲 Fig.8:3 ~ 4
Clematis ningjingshanicaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.39(4):310 , fig.1:4 ~ 6.
2001.TYPE:China.Xizang (西藏), Ningjingshan (宁静山), Yanjing (盐井), 1961_06_07 ,
P.K.Hsiao et al .1128(holotype , PE !).
Woody vine.Branches subterete , not sulcate , smooth , only on nodes sparsely puberulous ,
elsewhere glabrous , minutely lineate;bud scales coriaceous , triangular , 4 ~ 5mm long.Leaves ter-
nate;leaflets coriaceous , terminal ones petiolulate , rhombic_ovate , ca.1.4 cm×1.2 cm , at apex
acute , at base broadly cuneate , 3_parted , central lobe narrow_rhombic , narrowly 3_lobulate , lateral
lobes obliquely narrow_oblong , 1_denticulate , adaxially glabrous , abaxially on midrib pilose , lateral
leaflets smaller , subsessile , obliquely narrow_ovate , ca.12 mm×8 mm , 3_lobed , at margin en-
tire , basal veins nearly flat;petioles 1 ~ 1.3 cm long , sparsely pilose.Flowers 1 ~ 3 with 1 ~ 2
paris of leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , 2.7 ~ 3.2 cm in diam.;pedicels 2 ~ 3
cm long , puberulous.Sepals 4 , purple_red , obovate or narrow_obovate , rarely elliptic , 1.3 ~ 1.7
cm×0.8 ~ 1.3 cm , at apex rounded , inside glabrous , outside sparsely appressed_puberulous ,
sometimes on central part with some longer hairs.Stamens 6 ~ 11 mm long , glabrous;anthers lin-
ear , 2 ~ 2.8 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;styles ca.7 mm long , densely villous.
China(E Xizang:Mt.Ningjingshan).
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 223 
Ser.2 Tongluenses W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):501.2000.TYPE:C.
tongluensis (Bruhl)Tamura.
Sepals long elliptic , oblong , lanceolate , or oblanceolate , at apex acute , acuminate , or attenu-
ate.Anthers usually linear.
6 species.Distributed in Bangladesh , Bhutan , China (SW Sichuan , SE Xizang , SE Yun-
nan), NE India , N Myanmar , E Nepal , Sikkim.
11 Clematis wallichii W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.39(1):2 , fig.1:1 ~ 2.2001.
TYPE:India.Kumaon , Wallich 4681B(holotype , K !;isotype , BM !).———C.montana DC.
ssp.normalis Kuntze var.edentata Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885 , non C.
edentata Baker , 1884.TYPE:Himalaya , Wallich s.n.(holotype , B , not seen).
Fig.4:1 ~ 2
Woody vine.Branches subterete , indistinctly longitudinally striate , glabrous.Leaves ternate;
leaflets papery , terminal ones oblong or lanceolate_oblong , (2 ~ )3.4 ~ 4.2 cm×(0.7 ~ )1.1 ~
1.3 cm , at apex acuminate or attenuate , at base cuneate , at margin entire or 1_denticulate on each
side , lateral leaflets smaller , narrow_ovate , lanceolate , or elliptic , (1.5 ~ )2 ~ 3 cm×(0.6 ~ )
0.9 ~ 1.2 cm , adaxially subglabrous , abaxially on nearly flat basal veins sparsely puberulous , on
margin ciliolate;petioles slender , 0.5 ~ 5 cm long , very sparsely puberulous.Flowers ca.2 with
about 3 paris of leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , ca.4 cm in diam.;pedicels
10.6 ~ 11 cm long , subglabrous.Sepals 4 , oblanceolate or obovate_oblong , 2.1 ~ 2.2 cm×0.6 ~
0.8 cm , at apex acute , mucronate , inside glabrous , outside along margin densely appressed_puber-
ulous.Stamens 6 ~ 9 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong or sublinear , 2.8 ~ 3.8mm long ,
at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;styles ca.7 mm long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , or-
bicular_ovate , ca.3 mm×3 mm , glabrous;persistent styles ca.2 cm long , plumose.Fl.May.
N India.W Nepal.In montane regions;ca.2300 m.
Additional specimens examined.India.Kumaon:Nynee Tal , Thomson 550(BM).
Nepal.Bauli , Dobremez 2048(BM).
12 Clematis manipurensis(Bruhl)W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):501.2000.
———C.montana DC.var.manipurensis Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):74 , pl.103 ,
fig.3.1896.———C.montana ssp.normalis Kuntze var.manipurensis Bruhl ex Gupta in Bull.
Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 80:pl.36.1963.———C.montana ssp.montana var.manipurensis
Bruhl ex Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:47 , cum descr.ampla.1966;Rau in
Sharma et al .Fl.Ind.1:71.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 401.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 85.
2000.TYPE:India.Manipur , Watt 6439 (isosyntypes , E !, P !);Naga Hills , Colomb s.n.
(syntype , not seen).
12a Var.manipurensis Fig.9:1 ~ 2
Woody vine.Branches indistinctly shallowly sulcate , glabrous.Leaves ternate;leaflets pa-
pery , ovate , rhombic_ovate , subelliptic , or narrow_obovate , 2 ~ 8 cm×1 ~ 4 cm , at apex acumi-
nate or acute , at base broadly cuneate or subrounded , at margin dentate , 2 ~ 3_lobulate or 2 ~ 3_
lobed , or undivided , on both surfaces sparsely pubescent , usually more densely on veins , basal
veins abaxially nearly flat;petioles 1.5 ~ 8 cm long.Flowers usually 1 ~ 3 with about 2 paris of
leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch or the top of an abbreviated branch , 3.8 ~ 5 cm in
diam.;pedicels 6 ~ 14 cm long , pubescent.Sepals 4 , narrowly elliptic_oblong , 1.8 ~ 3.5 cm×
0.5 ~ 1.1 cm , at apex attenuate , inside glabrous except the puberulous tip , outside densely
224  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.9 1 ,2.Clematis manipurensis(Bruhl)W.T.Wang var.manipurensis 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from watt
6439).3 , 4.C.tongluensis(Bruhl)Tamura var.tongluensis 3.Flowering branch;4.Stamen(from Anderson
336).5, 6.C.khasiana(Bruhl)W.T.Wang 5.Flowering branch;6.Stamen.(f rom Clarke 43796A)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 225 
appressed_pubescent or puberulous and along margin velutinous.Stamens 7 ~ 10 mm long , gla-
brous;anthers linear , 2.5 ~ 3 mm long , at apex obtuse or indistinctly minutely apiculate.Achenes
compressed , broadly ovate , ca.4 mm×3 mm , nearyl glabrous;persistent styles up to 3 cm long ,
NE India (Manipur , Naga land), N Myanmar.In thickets;2134 ~ 3000 m.
Additional specimens examined.India.Manipur , Watt 6890(P).
Myanmar.Seinghku , F.Kingdon Ward 6837(K).
12b Var.lasiocladaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):503.2000.TYPE:Bhutan.
Cheudebi , 1937_05_12 , Ludlow &Sherriff 3027(holotype , BM !).
  Branches densely appressed_puberulous.
C Bhutan.Upon shrubs on open hillside;2200 m.
13  Clematis khasiana(Bruhl)W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):503 , fig.1:5 ~
6.2000.———C.montana DC.var.khasiana Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):74 , pl.
103 , fig.2.1896.———C.montana ssp.sinchugica Kuntze var.khasiana (Bruhl)Gupta in
Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 80:pl.39.1963.———C.tongluensis (Bruhl)Tamura var.
khasiana (Bruhl)Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:75 , cum descr.ampla.1966;
Rau in Sharma et al .Fl.Ind.1:79.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 405.1997;Grey_Wils.
Clematis 81.2000.TYPE:India .`Khasia , Herb.Calc. , no collector s name and number of the
type specimen stated , not seen. Fig.9:5 ~ 6
Woody vine.Branches terete , very shallowly 8_sulcate , sparsely puberulous , glabrescent.
Leaves ternate;leaflets coriaceous or subcoriaceous , broadly ovate , ovate , or elliptic , 1.3 ~ 5.5
cm×0.5 ~ 3.5 cm , at apex acute or acuminate , at base rounded or broadly cuneate , at margin
few_dentate , undivided or 2 ~ 3_lobulate , on both surfaces on veins sparsely puberulous , basal veins
abaxially prominent;petioles 1.3 ~ 4.2 cm long , sparsely puberulous.Flowers singularly arising
from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;pedicels 5 ~ 14.2 cm long , puberulous.Sepals 4 , white ,
narrowly elliptic_oblong or obovate_oblong , 2.6 ~ 3.5 cm×1 ~ 1.7 cm , at apex acute , inside gla-
brous , outside sparsely puberulous , along margin velutinous.Stamens 6 ~ 10 mm long , glabrous;
anthers linear , 3.2 ~ 4 mm long , at apex minutely apiculate.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.7 mm
long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , broad_ovate or obovate , 4 ~ 5mm×2 mm , pubescent;
persistent styles ca.3 cm long , plumose.Fl.Apr.-May.
India (Assam:Khasi &Jaintia Hills).In montane regions;1825 m.
Specimens examined.India.Assam , 1893_05 , King s collector(G).
Khasia.J.D.Hooker &Thomson s.n.(K), Clarke 43796A(BM).
14 糙毛铁线莲 Fig.5:1 ~ 2
Clematis laxistrigosa(W.T.Wang &M.C.Chang)W.T.Wang in Fl.China 6:345.
2001.———C.chrysocoma Franch.var.laxistrigosa W.T.Wang &M.C.Chang in Acta Bot.
Yunnan.15:352.1993;Grey_Wils.Clematis 78.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan (四川),
Hanyuan(汉源), 1939_09_08 , T.P.Wang 9614(holotype , PE !);same locality , Xianglingshan
(祥岭山), T.P.Wang 9551 (paratype , PE);same locality , W.P.Fang 9006 (paratype ,
PE !);Ganluo (甘洛), Liangshan Exped.59_4544(paratype , PE !).
C.chrysocoma Franch.var.glabrescens auct.non Comb.:M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.
Woody vine.Branches subterete , shallowly 8_sulcate , puberulous.Leaves ternate;leaflets
226  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
chartaceous , rhombic , narrowly rhombic , or ovate , rarely long elliptic , 1.5 ~ 4.8 cm×1 ~ 3.5
cm , at apex acute or shortly acuminate , at base broadly cuneate or subrounded , at margin above the
middle few_dentate , seldom entire , adaxially sparsely pubescent , abaxially strigose , basal veins ab-
axially slightly prominent;petioles 2.2 ~ 4 cm long.Flowers singularly or in pair arising from leaf
axils of hornotinous branch , 5 ~ 5.6 cm in diam.;pedicels 5.8 ~ 9.5 cm long , apparessed_puber-
ulous.Sepals 4 , white , narrow_elliptic , obovate_oblong , or narrow_obovate , (2 ~ )2.6 ~ 3 cm×
1 ~ 1.3 cm , at apex acute or shortly acuminate , inside glabrous , outside on basal veins appressed_
puberulous and along margin velutinous.Stamens 6 ~ 8.5 mm long , glabrous;anthers linear ,
3.5 ~ 3.8 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries densely puberulous;styles ca.6 mm long , densely
villous.Achenes compressed , ovate or broadly ovate , 2 ~ 2.5 mm×2 ~ 2.2mm , puberulous;per-
sistent styles 9 ~ 11 mm long , plumose.Fl.Aug.-Sept.
China(SW Sichuan).On slopes , by streams , or scrambling on small trees;1170 ~ 2800 m.
15 Clematis tongluensis (Bruhl)Tamura in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.19 (2 ~ 3):77.1956;
Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:73.1966;Naithani , Flow.Pl.Ind.Nepal &
Bhutan 9.1991;Rau in Sharma et al.Fl.Ind.1:78.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 404.1997;
Grey_Wils.Clematis 80 , fig.40.2000.———C.montana DC.var.tongluensis Bruhl in Ann.
Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):74 , pl.103 , fig.11.1896.SYNTYPES:Sikkim.Tonglu , Thomson s.
n.(not seen), Gamble s.n.(not seen), Kings collector s.n.(not seen);Rungbul , King s
collector s.n.(not seen).
C.montana DC.ssp.sinchungica Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.1885;
Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 80:pl.38.1963.SYNTYPES:Sikkim.Sinchung ,
Anderson(B , not seen);J.D.Hooker s.n.(not seen).
? C.montana var.intermedia Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):74.1896.———C.
montana ssp.montana var.intermedia Bruhl ex Kapoor in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 124:
51.1966.TYPE:Sikkim.Tonglu , King s collector (holotype , not seen).
15a Var.tongluensis Fig.9:3 ~ 4
Woody vine.Branches shallowly 8 ~ 10_sulcate , sparsely puberulous , glabrescent.Leaves ter-
nate;leaflets subcoriaceous or thickly papery , ovate or rhombic_ovate , 3 ~ 8(~ 9)cm×1.6 ~ 4.2
(~ 7)cm , at apex acuminate or long acuminate , at base broadly cuneate or rounded , at margin
dentate , 2 ~ 3_lobulate or undivided , on both surfaces sparsely appressed_puberulous , basal veins
abaxially slightly prominent;petioles 3 ~ 7.5 cm long.Flowers either singularly arising from leaf
axils of hornotinous branch or 1 ~ 2 with about 2 pairs of leaves arising from an axillary bud of old
branch , 8 ~ 12 cm in diam.;pedicels 8 ~ 20 cm long , sparsely puberulous or subglabrous.Sepals
4 , white , narrowly elliptic_oblong or oblong_lanceolate , 3.8 ~ 6 cm×0.8 ~ 2.1 cm , at apex atten-
uate or acuminate , inside appressed_puberulous , outside glabrous or very sparsely puberulous and
along margin velutinous.Stamens 8 ~ 16 mm long , glabrous;anthers linear , 3 ~ 4.2 mm long , at
apex obtuse or minutely apiculate.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.9 mm long , densely brownish_vil-
lous.Achenes compressed , broadly ovate , ca.3 mm×2.5 mm , above appressed_pubescent;per-
sistent styles 3 ~ 4.8 cm long , plumose.Fl.Jun.-Sept.
Bangladesh.Bhutan.E India.NE Nepal.Sikkim.In thickets or in mixed forests;2200 ~
3300 m.
Specimens examined.Bangladesh.Rechi La , Haines 957(K).
Bhutan.Yato La , Ludlow &Sherriff 3467(BM);Tang Chu , Ludlow &Sherriff 3200(BM);
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 227 
Bumthang , Ludlow , Sherriff &Hicks 16967(BM);Shimitang , Ludlow , Sherriff &Hicks 19293
(BM);Mongar , Grierson &Long 1906(GH , K);Trengsa , Gould 620(K).
India.Delei Valley , F.Kingdon Ward 8329(K).
Nepal.Bhalu_Khop , Keke 86 (K);Ghundza , Wyss_Dunant 1071 (G);Maghang Khola ,
Stainton 809(BM);Milke Danda , Beer et al .10132(BM);Zamopokhari , Shrestha (BM).
Sikkim.Tongloo , Anderson 335(K , P), Gamble 8460 (K);Choka , Starling et al .357
(K);Yakla , Clarke 9848A(K);without precise locality , Treutler s.n.(LE).
15b 毛萼铁线莲
Var.mollisepalaW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):503.2000.TYPE:China.
Xizang (西藏), Nangxian (朗县), Migyitun , 1936_06_10 , Ludlow &Sherriff 2103 (holotype ,
BM !).
Sepals outside densely appressed_puberulous.
China(SE Xizang).In thickets;2800 m.
16 文山铁线莲 Fig.8:5 ~ 6
Clematis wenshanensis W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.39(4):313 , fig.2:3 ~ 4.
2001.TYPE:China.Yunnan(云南), Wenshan(文山), Laojunshan(老君山), village Leshi-
chong (乐诗冲乡), 2650 m.1993_05_07 , Y.M.Shui 2714(holotype , PE !);same locality ,
Xiaoyantou (啸岩头), 2430 m , 1993_03_31 , Y.M.Shui 1825(paratype , PE !).
Woody vine.Branches subterete , indistinctly 10_sulcate , glabrous.Leaves ternate;leaflets
papery , ovate or narrow_ovate , 3.5 ~ 7 cm×1.8 ~ 3 cm , at apex acuminate or long acuminate , at
base rounded , at margin dentate , undivided or sometimes the lateral leaflets 2_lobulate , adaxially on
veins very sparsely puberulous , abaxially sparsely appressed_puberulous , basal veins nearly flat;
petioles 2.4 ~ 4 cm long.Flowers usually 2 together with 2 pairs of leaves arising from an axillary
bud of old branch , 6.5 ~ 7 cm in diam.;pedicels 9 ~ 11 cm long , very sparsely puberulous.Se-
pals 4 , white , ovate_oblong , 3.3 ~ 3.7 cm×1.1 ~ 1.6 cm , at apex attenuate , shortly cuspidate ,
inside glabrous , outside subglabrous , on the very margin velutinous.Stamens 7 ~ 14 mm long , gla-
brous;anthers linear or narrow_oblong , 2.5 ~ 3 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries glabrous;styles
8 ~ 11 mm long , densely villous.Fl.Apr.-May.
China(SE Yunnan).Scrambling on forests or in bamboo thickets;2430 ~ 2650 m.
In the sect.Cheiropsis , C.wenshanensis is unique in its sepals with narrow strip of velutinous
indumentum on the very margin of the abaxial surface.In other species of that section , the sepals
are densely or sparsely puberulous or glabrous on the margin of abaxial surface , lacking a narrow
strip of velutinous indumentum.
Subsect.5.Hastatae(W.T.Wang)W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):503.
2000.———Sect.Clematis subsect.Rectae Prantl ser.Hastatae W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin.36(2):159.1998.TYPE:C.hastata Finet &Gagnep.
Woody vines.Branches glabrous.Leaves pinnate , rarely ternate , glabrous.Flowers 2 ~ 7
alone or togetherwith several leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , pedicellate only.Se-
pals 4 or 6 , valvate , spreading , white , oblanceolate or obovate_oblong , outside puberulous , on the
very margin glabrous.Anthers narrow_oblong or linear , at apex obtuse or minutely apiculate.
2 species , endemic in Central China.
17 戟状铁线莲 Fig.10:6 ~ 7
228  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Fig.10 1~ 3.Clematis montana Buch.-Ham.var.brevifoliola Kuntze 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen 3.Achene
(f rom J.D.Hooker s.n.).4, 5.C.glabrifolia K.Sun&M.S.Yan 4.Flowering branch;5.Stamen(from X.D.
Wang &K.Sun 251).6 , 7.C.hastata Finet&Gagnep.6.Flowering branch;7.Stamen.(from Rock 12037)
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 229 
  Clematis hastata Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:523 , t.16.1903;Rehd.
in J.Arn.Arb.9:40.1928;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:209.1939;M.Johnson ,
Klematis 637.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 106.2000.TYPE:China.Sichuan(四川), Chengkou
(城口), 1400 m , 1892_04_02 , Farges 1155(holotype , P !).
Woody vine.Branches shallowly 8_sulcate , glabrous;bud scales narrow_triangular or long
ovate , 6 ~ 8mm long , above sparsely puberulous.Leaves pinnate , 5 ~ 7_foliolate , seldom ternate ,
glabrous;leaflets subcoriaceous , those of lower pair of leaves narrow_ovate , 4.5 ~ 5.5 cm×3.8 ~
4.5 cm , at apex acute or slightly obtuse , at base subcordate , at magin entire , 3_parted or unequal-
ly 2_parted , those of upper pair triangular_linear or narrow_triangular , 2.5 ~ 5 cm×0.9 ~ 1.4 cm ,
undivided , midrib abaxially slightly prominent;petioles 2 ~ 3.5 cm long.Flowers 2 ~ 7 arising from
an axillary bud of old branch , 2.5 ~ 4 cm in diam.;pedicels 4 ~ 11.5 cm long , pubescent.Sepals
4 , white , oblanceolate or narrow_oblanceolate , 1 ~ 2.2 cm×0.4 ~ 1 cm , at apex obtuse or round-
ed , inside glabrous , outside densely appressed_puberulous , on margin glabrous.Stamens ca.8mm
long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , ca.2mm long , at apex obtuse or obscurely minutely apicu-
late.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.7 mm long , densely villous.Fl.Apr.
China(N Sichuan).On slopes in Valley.
Additional specimens examined.China.Sichuan (四川):Qingchuan (青川), along Fu-
jiang River(涪江), 1925_04 , Rock 12037(GH , P).
18 光叶铁线莲 Fig.10:4 ~ 5
Clematis glabrifolia K.Sun &M.S.Yan in Bull.Bot.Res.Harbin 12(4):327 , pl.3 ,
fig.1 ~ 6.1992;W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.26(2):162.1998;Grey_Wils.Clematis
79.2000.TYPE:China.Gansu(甘肃), Wenxian(文县), between Bikou (碧口)and Fanba
(范坝), 1988_03_27 , X.D.Wang &K.Sun 251(holotype , NWNU !;isotype , PE !).
Woody vine.Branches shallowly 8_sulcate , glabrous.Leaves pinnate , 5_foliolate or ternate ,
glabrous;leaflets chartaceous , elliptic , ovate , or triangular_ovate , 2 ~ 5 cm×1 ~ 3 cm , at apex
obtuse , at base subcordate or rounded , at margin entire , basal veins on both surfaces flat;petioles
2 ~ 5 cm long.Flowers 2 ~ 7 with several small leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch ,
3.6 ~ 4 cm in diam.;pedicels 6.5 ~ 7.5 cm long , densely pubescent.Sepals 6 , white , obovate_
oblong , 1.8 ~ 2 cm×0.8 ~ 1 cm , at apex rounded , often emarginate , inside glabrous , outside
densely appressed_puberulous.Stamens ca.10 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong or lin-
ear , 2 ~ 2.6 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.6 mm long , densely villous.
China(S Gansu).On grassy slopes;500 m.
Subsect.6.Fasciculiflorae (Tamura)W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.38(6):503.
2000.———Sect.Flammula subsect.Rectae ser.Fasciculiflorae Tamura in Acta Phytotax.Geo-
bot.16(3):8.1956.———Sect.Flammula subsect.Fasciculiflorae (Tamura)M.Johnson , Kl-
ematis 604.1997.———Sect.Cheiropsis subsect.Montanae ser.Fasciculiflorae W.T.Wang in
Acta Phytotax.Sin.36 (2):162.1998.———Subgen.Cheiropsis sect.Fasciculiflorae Grey_
Wils.Clematis 94.2000.TYPE:C.fasciculiflora Franch.
Woody vines.Leaves ternate.Flowers 2 ~ 4 alone or sometimes togetherwith 2 or several leav-
es arising from an axillary bud of old branch , pedicellate only.Sepals 4 , valvate , white , nearly
erect , narrow_obovate or obovate_oblong.Anthers narrow_oblong , at apex obtuse.Achenes lanceo-
230  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
1 species , occurring in SW China , N Myanmar , N Vietnam.
19 滑叶藤
Clematis fasciculiflora Franch.Pl.Delav.5.1889;Lévl.&Van.in Bull.Acad.Intern.
Geogr.Bot.10:170.1902;Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.France 50:523.1903;Rehd.
&Wils.in Sarg.Pl.Wils.1:331.1913;Pei in Sinensia 7:472.1936;Hand.-Mazz.Symb.
Sin.7:321.1931;et in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:212.1939;Gagnep.Suppl.Fl.Gen.Indo_
Chin.1:3.1938;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:216 , pl.71.1980;et in Iconogr.
Corm.Sin.Suppl.1:465 , fig.8624.1982;C.Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:108.1984;W.
T.Wang in Fl.Guangxi 1:290.1991;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.HengduanMount.1:528.1993;
M.Johnson , Klematis 632.1997;Ho , Ill.Fl.Vietnam 1:316 , fig.1272.1999;Grey_Wils.
Clematis 94.2000;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yunnan.11:232.2000.———C.montana DC.var.
fasciculiflora (Franch.)Bruhl in Ann.Bot.Gard.Calc.5(2):73.1896.TYPE:China.Yun-
nan(云南), Eryuan(洱源), Mo_so_sy , 1885_03_16 , Delavay 2218(lectotype , designated here ,
P !;isolectotypes , G !, K !);Eryuan , Hee_chan_men , 1886_03_22 , Delavay s.n.(syntype ,
P !);Heqing (鹤庆), Ta_pin_tze , 1887_01_20 &03_07 , Delavay s.n.(syntype , P!;isosyn-
types , K !, LE !).
19a Var.fasciculiflora Fig.11:6 ~ 9
Woody vine.Branches not sulcate or very shallowly 4 ~ 8_sulcate , sparsely puberulous , gla-
brescent.Leaves ternate;leaflets subcoriaceous , narrow_ovate , lanceolate , or long elliptic , 2 ~ 8.5
(~ 11)cm×0.8 ~ 3.5(~ 5)cm , at apex acuminate , at base broadly cuneate or rounded , at
margin entire , adaxially glabrous , abaxially sparsely puberulous or glabrous , basal veins nearly flat;
petioles 2 ~ 3 (~ 6)cm long.Flowers usually 2 ~ 4 alone , sometimes together with 2 or several
leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , 1.4 ~ 1.7 cm in diam.;pedicels 0.5 ~ 2.4 cm
long , usually yellowish_velutinous.Sepals 4 , white , obovate_oblong or suboblong , 1.2 ~ 2 (~
2.8)cm×0.5 ~ 0.8(~ 1.4)cm , at apex obtuse , inside glabrous , outside yellowish_veutinous.
Stamens 9 ~ 14 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , 3 ~ 3.2mm long , at apex obtuse.Ova-
ries subglabrous or pubescent;styles 9 ~ 12 mm long , densely villous.Achenes lanceolate , 5 ~ 5.
8 mm×1.5 ~ 3 mm , pilose or subglabrous;persistent styles 1 ~ 1.6 cm long , plumose.Fl.Dec.
to Mar.of the next year.
China (W Guangxi , SW Guizhou , SW Sichuan , Yunnan).N Myanmar.N Vietnam.By stre-
ams , in bushes or forests;1500 ~ 2000 m.
Additional specimens examined.China.Guangxi(广西):Napo (那坡), H.N.Qin et
al.788(PE).Guizhou(贵州):Gan_chouen , Cavalerie 3788(G , GH , P);Kau_pey , Esquirol
2528(P).Sichuan (四川):Luding (泸定), X.L.Jiang 34527 , K.C.Kuan , W.T.Wang
et al.1711(PE);without precise locality , E.H.Wilson 3127(GH , K , P).Yunnan(云南):
Zhenkang (镇康), C.W.Wang 72501 , 72547(GH , PE);Mianning(缅宁), T.T.Yu 18199
(PE);Lushui (泸水), H.T.Tsai 56739(GH , PE);Dali (大理), T.N.Liou 17915 , 23115
(PE);Lijiang (丽江), Rock 3265 , 8983 (US), C.W.Wang 65087 , K.M.Feng 21600
(PE), T.T.Yu 14898 (GH , PE);Zhongdian (中甸), Forrest 179(K);Eryuan (洱源),
Delavay s.n.(LE);Binchuan(宾川), T.N.Liou 22246(PE);Luquan(禄劝), P.I.Mao
1488 , W.Q.Yin 2(PE);Lufeng (禄丰), H.T.Tsai 53651(GH , PE);Kunming (昆明),
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 231 
Fig.11 1 , 2.Clematis williamsii Gray 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from Savatier s.n.).3~ 5.C.napaulensis DC.3.
Flowering branch;4.Stamen(f rom Forrest 12116);5.Achene(from C.W.Wang 87894).6~ 9.C.fasciculiflora Franch.var.
fasciculiflora 6.Flowering branch;7.Flower;8.Stamen(f rom Kunming station Exped.2062);9.Achene.
(from K.M.Feng 21600)
232  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Handel_Mazzetti 8605(GH , US), Schneider 56 , 160(G , GH , P), Bodinier &Ducloux 51(GH ,
P), C.W.Wang 62673(GH , PE), T.N.Liou 15037 , 15056 , Y.Tsiang 13029(PE);Song-
ming (嵩明),B.Y.Qiu 54187(PE);Qiaojia(巧家), Ducloux 6175(GH , P), Maire 207(K ,
P);Huize (会泽), P.Y.Mao 2062(PE);Jianshui (建水), T.N.Liou 18367(PE);Mengzi
(蒙自), Henry 10114 (K , PE , US), 13627 , Hancock 266(K);Yuanjiang (元江), Henry
11575(GH);Simao(思茅), Henry 10114A(GH).
Myanmar.Kang_fang , F.Kingdon Ward 183(GH , K).
  Vietnam.Tonkin:Chapa , Petelot 3247(P , US), 6057 , 6660(P).
19b 狭叶滑叶藤
Var.angustifolia Comb.in Not.R.Bot.Gard.Edinb.18:236.1934;Hand.-Mazz.in
Acta Hort.Gotob.13:212.1939;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:216.1980;C.Y.
Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:108.1984;L.Q.Li in Vasc.Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:528.1993;
M.Johnson , Klematis 633.1997;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yunnan.11:232.2000.TYPE:China.
Yunnan(云南), in the northwest of the Yangtze bend , Lat.27045 N , 1913_07 , Forrest 10573
(holotype , E !;isotype , GH !).
Leaflets linear_lanceolate , 3 ~ 6(~ 10)mm broad.
China(NW Yunnan).
Subsect.7.WilliamsianaeM.Johnson , Klematis 366 , 383.1997;W.T.Wang in Acta
Phytotax.Sin.38(6):504.2000.———Subgen.Cheiropsis sect.Cheiropsis subect.Williamsian-
ae Grey_Wils.Clematis 93.2000.TYPE:C.williamsii Gray.
Woody vines.Leaves ternate.Flowers in pedunculate , 2_bracteate , 1_flowered cymes with
leaves arising from axillary buds of old branch or singularly arising from leaf axils of hornotinous
branch.Sepals 4 , imbricate , ascending , broad_ovate , at apex acute.Anthers narrow_oblong , at
apex obtuse.
1 species , endemic to Japan.
20 Clematis williamsii Gray in Perry s Jap.Exped.2:306.1856;Miq.Prol.Fl.Jap.3:2.
1867;Franch.&Sav.Enum.Pl.Jap.1:3.1875;Maxim.in Bull Acad.Sci.St.Petersb.22:
223.1877;Makino in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 8:332.1897;Finet &Gagnep.in Bull.Soc.Bot.
France 50:526.1903;Tamura in Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.4:51.1955;et in Acta Phytotax.
Geobot.16:80.1956;Ohwi , Fl.Jap.442.1965;Kitam.&Murata , Colour.Ill.Herb.Pl.
Jap., rev.ed., 2:225 , pl.51:440.1980;Tamura in Satake et al .Wild.Flow.Jap.2:72 ,
pl.70 , fig.1.1982;M.Johnson , Klematis 385.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 93 , fig.61.2000.
———C.montana DC.ssp.williamsii (Gray)Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:141.
1885;Huth in Bull.Herb.Boiss.5:1063.1897 , pro var.;Matsum.Ind.Pl.Jap.2:112.
1912 , pro var.———Clematopsis williamsii (Gray)Tobe in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 93:135 , fig.1 ~ 8.
1980.TYPE:Japan.Simoda , Williams &Morum s.n.(holotype , GH !). Fig.11:1 ~ 2
C.monata DC.ssp.bissetii Kuntze in l.c.;Huth in l.c., pro var.;Matsum.l.c., pro
var.TYPE:Japan.Susugaya , Oyama , Bisset 1317 , 913(syntypes , BM !).
Woody vine.Old branches indistinctly 6_angulate , glabrate;hornotinous branches shallowly 6_
sulcate , pubescent;bud scales triangular , 4 ~ 12 mm long.Leaves ternate;leaflets herbaceous ,
rhombic , narrow_rhombic , or rhombic_ovate , 3 ~ 8 cm×1 ~ 3.8 cm , at apex attenuate or acumi-
nate , at base broadly cuneate or rounded , 2 ~ 3_lobed , lobes at margin entire or 1 ~ 2_dentate ,
adaxially on veins sparsely puberulous , abaxially pubescent , basal veins on both surfaces nearly
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 233 
flat ;petioles up to 6 cm long.Cymes 1_flowered , ca.2 with 2 leaves arising from an axillary bud of
old branch , or singularly arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;peduncles 1 ~ 1.8 cm long ,
pubescent ;bracts narrow_oblong , 2 ~ 2.8 mm long , densely pubescent.Flower 2.4 ~ 3 cm in di-
am.;pedicel 1.4 ~ 3 cm long , pubescent.Sepals 4 , white , ascending , broadly elliptic_ovate , 1.
5 ~ 2 cm×0.8 ~ 1.3 cm , at apex acute , inside glabrous , outside slightly densely appressed_pubes-
cent.Stamens 11 ~ 13 mm long , glabrous;anthers narrow_oblong , 2 ~ 2.6 mm long , at apex ob-
tuse.Ovaries pubescent;styles ca.10mm long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , ovate , 4 ~
5 mm long , pubescent;persistent styles 2 ~ 2.5 cm long , plumose.Fl.Apr.-May .
Japan(S Honshu , Shikoku , Kyushu).On sea_side hills.
Additional specimens examined.Japan.Fukuoda Pref.:Tagawagun , Tsutsui 29574(K);Id-
zu Pref.:Mt.Sanagi Heda_mura , Furuse s.n.(S);Kanagawa Pref.:Jinmuji , Mizushima 17205
(S);Sagami Prov., Hara s.n.(GH);Yokoska , Savatier s.n.(GH), 7 , 688(LE , P).
Subsect.8.Cirrhosae Prantl in Bot.Jahrb.9:259.1888;W.T .Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin.38(6):504.2000.LECTOTYPE:C.cirrhosa L.
Sect.Cheiropsis subsect.CheiropsisM.Johnson , Klematis 365.1997.——— Subgen.Chei-
ropsis sect.Cheiropsis subsect.Cheiropsis Grey_Wils.Clematis 90.2000.TYPE:C.cirrhosa L.
Woody vines.Leaves simple or ternate.Flowers in pedunculate , involucrate , rarely bibracte-
ate , 1_flowered cymes , with leaves arising from axillary buds of old branch , rarely from leaf axils of
hornotinous branch.Sepals 4 , valvate , suberect , obovate_oblong or oblong.Anthers oblong or nar-
row_oblong.Achenes at margin rimmed.
2 species , wide_spread in SW China , the Himalayas , SW Asia , S Europe , and N Africa.
21 Clematis cirrhosa L.Sp.Pl.1:766.1753;Mill.Dict.300.1768;Lam.Encycl.2:43.
1786;Ait.Hort.Kew.2:258.1789;DC.Syst.1:162.1818;et Prodr.1:9.1824;Moris ,
Fl.Sardoa 1:14.1837;Gren.&Godr.Fl.France 1:4.1848 , p.p.;Boiss.Fl.Or.1:2.
1867;Ball in J.Linn.Soc.Bot .16:303.1877;Mora , Fl.Fun.Penn.Iber.6:679.1878 ,
p.p.;Willk.inWillk.&Lange , Prodr.Fl.Hispan.3:952.1880 , p.p.;Arcan.Comp.Fl.
Ital.2.1882;Tristr.Fau.Fl.Palest.207.1884;Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:143.
1885;Batt.in Batt.&Trah.Fl.Alger.3.1888;Rouy &Fouc.Fl.France 1:5.1893;Halac-
sy , Consp.Fl.Graec.1:1.1901;Briq.Prodr.Fl.Corse 1:596.1910 , p.p.;Cout.Fl.
Portug.227.1913;Holm.Stud.Veget.Cyprus 79.1914;Fiori , Iconogr.Fl.Ital., ed.2 ,
189 , fig.1526.1921;Hayek , Prodr.Fl.Penn.Balcan.1:321.1927;Pamp.Fl.Cirena.
202.1930;Boul.Fl.Liban et Syrie 6.1930;Post , Fl.Syria Palest.&Sinai 1:3.1932;Rech-
ing.Fl.Aegaea 184.1943;Kasap.Pl.Jordan 53.1956;Maire , Fl.Afr.Nord 11:101.1964;
Tutin , Fl.Europ.1:221.1964;Davis , Fl.Turkey 1:140.1965;Zohary , Fl.Palest.1:199.
1966;Zangh.Fl.Ital.1:154.1976;Meikle , Fl.Cyprus 1:36 , pl.2.1977;Barcelo , Fl.
Mallorca 2:187.1978;Pott.-Alap.Fl.Tunis.1:153.1979;Pignatti , Fl.Ital.1:299.1982;
Rollan , Clav.Fl.Espana 2:281.1985;Carva.in Castr.et al .Fl.Iber.1:271.1986 , p.
p.;Valdes et al.Fl.Vasc.Andaluc.Occ.1:119.1987 , p.p.;Turland et al .Fl.Cret.Ar-
ea 130.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 370.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 90 , fig.55_57.2000.
———Atragene cirrhosa (L.)Pers.Synop.Pl.2:98.1807.———Cheiropsis cirrhosa (L.)Ber-
cht.&Presl , Rostl.i Ranunculac.11.1823.———Cheiropsis elegans Spach , Hist.Nat.Veg.
Phan.7:261.1839.TYPE:S Spain.Baetica , LINN 712_2(lectotype , not seen;photo , S !).
Clematis cirrhosa &vulgaris Moris , Fl.Sardoa 1:14.1837.
234  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
C.cirrhosa var.grandiflora Choul.Fragm.Fl.Alger.Exsicc.n.101.1858 , nom.nud.
C.cirrhosa ssp.atava Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:143.1885.TYPE:Cyprus.
Kotschy 479(syntypes , G !, LE !, P !, S !).
C.cirrhosa ssp.normalis Kuntze in l.c.———C.cirrhosa f .normalis (Kuntze)Maire ,
Fl.Afr.Nord 11:103.1964.
C.cirrhosa ssp.normalis var.scandens Kuntze f .gigantiflora Kuntze in l.c.44;Maire ,
Fl.Afr.Nord 11:103.1964;M.Johnson , Klematis 378.1997 , pro var.;Grey_Wils.Clematis
92.2000 , pro var.TYPE:Algeria.Choulette s.n.(holotype , BM , not seen).
C.cirrhosa ssp.normalis var.scandens f.subdentata Kuntze et f.obtusifolia Kuntze in l.
C.calyculata Hort.ex Schneid.Ill.Handb.Laubh.Suppl.2:909.1912.TTPE:un-
C.cirrhosa var.typica Maire in Jahand &Maire , Cat.Pl.Maroc.244.1932;Pett.-Alap.
C.cirrhosa f.micrantha Maire , Fl.Afr.Nord 11:103.1964;M.Johnson , Klematis 378.
1997 , pro var.;Grey_Wils.Clematis 92.2000 , pro var.TYPE:unknown.
Just as Clematis flammula L.of the sect.Clematis subsect.Rectae Prantl , C.cirrhosa is a
typical Mediterranean species and greatly variable in leaf and inflorescence morphology.In this revi-
sion , 5 varieties of this polytypic species are recognized.For understanding of the relationships
among them further study is needed.
21a Var.cirrhosa Fig.12:1 ~ 2
Woody vine.Branches subterete or indistinctly tetragonous , very shallowly 4 ~ 10_sulcate , only
on nodes sparsely puberulous , elsewhere glabrous.Leaves simple;leaf blades subcoriaceous , coria-
ceous , or thickly papery , narrow_ovate or ovate , seldom lanceolate , 1.5 ~ 5.5(~ 8)cm×0.9 ~
3.4(~ 5.5)cm , at apex acute , acuminate , or obtuse , at base truncate , rounded or subcordate ,
at margin crenate or denticulate , sometimes dentate or entire , undivided , rarely 3_lobed , on both
surfaces glabrous or abaxially near base pilose , basal veins slightly prominent or nearly flat;petioles
0.5 ~ 2.4 cm long.Cymes 1 ~ 2 with 4 ~ 8 leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch , 1_
flowered;peduncles 0.8 ~ 3 cm long , sparsely puberulous or subglabrous;involucre broadly cam-
panulate , 0.5 ~ 1.5(~ 2)cm long , outside appressed_puberulous , indistinctly 2_lobed.Flower 2
~ 4(~ 7)cm in diam.;pedicel 3 ~ 5 mm long , velutinous.Sepals 4 , suberect , oblong_obovate or
oblong_elliptic , 2 ~ 3(~ 5)cm×1 ~ 1.4(~ 3)cm , at apex rounded , often mucronate , inside
glabrous , outside densely appressed_puberulous , on margin glabrous.Stamens 1.5 ~ 1.7 cm long;
filaments lanceolate_linear;anthers narrow_oblong , 0.8 ~ 3.2 mm long , at apex obtuse.Ovaries
densely puberulous;styles 1 ~ 1.5 cm long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , broadly ovate ,
broadly elliptic , or subrhombic , 3.5 ~ 4.6 cm×2.5 ~ 3.2 mm , pubescent , at margin narrowly
rimmed;persistent styles 3 ~ 5 cm long , plumose.Fl.Oct.-Apr.of the next year.
SW Asia(Cyprus , Isreal , Jordan , Libanon , Palestine , Syria , Turkey), S Europe (France ,
Greece , Italy , Malta , Portugal , Spain), NAfrica(Algeria , Libya , Morocco , Tunisia).On coastal
hills;50 ~ 600 m.
Additional specimens examined.Cyprus.Alona , Meikle 4047 (K);Dlioris , Merton 2460
(K);Pano Lefkera , Anderberg et al .39(S).
Isreal.Rishpon , Zohary et al .427(G , MO , P);Sharon Plain , Zohary et al .427 (S ,
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 235 
Fig.12 Clematis cirrhosa L. 1 , 2.var.cirrhosa 1.Flowering branch;2.Stamen(from Faure 4).3 , 4.var.barnadesii Pau
 3.Flowering branch;4.Stamen(from ? Jimenez s.n.).5, 6.var.balearica(Rich.)Willk.5.Flowering branch;6.Stamen
(from Bianor 3616).7 , 8.var.bibracteata W.T.Wang 7.Flowering branch;8.Stamen(from Mavromoustakis s.n.).
9 ,10.var.pedicellata DC.9.Flowering branch;10.Stamen.11 ,12.var.semitriloba(Lag.)Batt.
11.Flowering branch;12.Stamen.(from Stefani s.n.)
236  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
Jordan.Salt , Al_Esawi 2172 , Hiary s.n.(K).
Libanon.Beirut , Helbaek 3(K), Louis s.n.(P), Postian s.n.(UPS);Beitmer , Peyron
60(G);Hamat , Gombault 1493(P).
Palestine.Nablus , Meyers &Dinsmore 8320(G);Nes Har.Zohary s.n.(S).
Syria.Amanus.Samuelsson 4014 (S);Galilee , Lowne s.n.(K);Haruniji , Haradjian
3583(G);Rachaya , Berton 290(P);Shemlau , Robert s.n.(G).
  Turkey.Antalya , Taylor 713 (K);Constantinople , Aznavour s.n.(G);Gueuksouyou ,
Aznavour s.n.(G);Istanbul , Davis &Hedge 26215(G , K);Izmir , Fleischer s.n.(LE).
France.Corse , Reverchon 395(LE , S , UPS).
Greece.Aegeen Island , Platt 369(K);Athenas , Linderberg s.n.(S), Orphanides 3(G ,
LE , S , UPS);Attika , Mt.Parnes , Guiol 1504(UPS);Attiki , Heldreich s.n.(G , S);Crete:
Kissamos , Reverchon 211(S);Mani Peninsula , Kit Tan &Vold 10684 , 10688(G).
Italy.Sicilia , Coll 201(G , S), Pavillon s.n.Spencer s.n.(G).
Malta.Melhehc , Westra &Rooden 183(G).
Spain.Granada , Domings s.n.(G);Malaga , Reverchon 96 (S);Ronda , Strandhede et
al.1014(S);Vijer de la Frontera , Casas 2948(G).
Algeria.Ahras , Whiterhead s.n.(K);Birmandreis , Allarc s.n.(G);Bone , Vendrely s.
n.(G);Cosquels , Clave 66(G);Les haies , Bove s.n.(G , LE);Oran , Faure 4 (BM , G),
Debeaux s.n.(S);Rhummel , Choulotte 101(S).
Libya.Cirenaica , Pampanini 2641 , Keith 255(K), Anderberg 760 , Boulos 1388(S).
Morocco.Asni , Wilczek s.n.(G);Djebel Agadir , Jbrahim s.n.(LE);Melilla , Mauri-
cia s.n.(BM);Mogador , Trothewy 91(K);Tadhala , Trothewy 195A(K);Tanger , Pitard 253
(G);Tigunimin , Quer 154(G), Wall 20(S):Warrakech , Trothewy 98(K).
Tunisia.Ain_Draham , Pitard 556 (G);Ichkeul , Fag 867 (K);Soliman , Cuenod s.n.
A taxon with sepals inside blotched with maroom_purple (Clematis cirrhosa L.ssp.balearica
(Rich.)Kuntze var.purpurascens Kuntze in Verh.Bot.ver.Brand.26:144.1885.TYPE:
Balearic Islands , no type specimen designated.———C.cirrhosa var.purpurascensWillk.Ill.Fl.
Hispan.2:50 , t 121.1886.———C.cirrhosa var.dautezi Debeaux in Debeaux &Dautez , Syn-
op.Fl.Gibrat.13.1889.), occurring in Mallorca , Gibralta and Algeria (Grey_Wilson 2000),
may be a coloured form of var.cirrhosa.Till now , I have not seen any specimen of it.
21b Var.semitriloba(Lag.)Batt.in Batt.&Trab.Fl.Alger.3.1888;Rouy &Fouc.Fl.
France 1:5.1893;Halacsy , Consp.Fl.Graec.1:1.1901;Pamp.Prodr.Fl.Cirena.202.
1930;Reching.Fl.Aegaea 184.1943;M.Johnson , Klematis 378.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis
92.2000.———C.semitriloba Lag.Gen.et Sp.Nov.17.1816;DC.Syst.1:163.1818;et
Prodr.1:9.1824.———Cheiropsis semitriloba (Lag.)Bercht.&Presl , Rostl.i Ranunculac.
11.1823.———Clematis cirrhosa f .semitriloba (Lag.)Ball in J.Linn.Soc.Bot.16:303.
1877;Maire , Fl.Afr.Nord 11.1964;Barcelo.Fl.Mallorca 2:187.1978.———C.cirrhosa
ssp.semitriloba (Lag.)Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:144.1885.TYPE :`in Hispania
meridionali , type specimen not seen. Fig.12:11 ~ 12
C.polymorpha Viv.Fl.Cors.Sp.Nov.9.1824.TYPE:France.Corse , no type specimen
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 237 
C.cirrhosa β triloba Moris , Fl.Sardoa 1:14.1837;Mora , Fl.Fun.Penin.Iber.6:679.
1878;Arcan.Comp.Fl.Ital.2.1882.TYPE:no type specimen designated.
C.cirrhosa ssp.atava Kuntze var.subtriloba Kuntze in l.c.TYPE:Cyprus.Kotschy 37 ,
396(syntypes , not seen).
Leaves simple , 3_lobed to 3_sect , at margin few_denticulate or entire , sometimes undivided or
ternate.Cymes 1 ~ 2 with leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch;involucre covering the
pedicel and calyx base , broadly campanulate , 5 ~ 14 mm long , on top indistinctly 2_lobed.Pedicel
3 ~ 4 mm long.Anthers narrow_oblong.Fl.Oct.-Apr.of the next year.
SW Asia(Cyprus), S Europe (France , Greece , Italy , Portugal , Spain), N Africa (Algeria ,
Libya , Morocco , Tunisia).On coastal hills;up to 800 m.
Specimens examined.France.Corse , Bonifacio , Stefani s.n.(LE , US), Reverchon s.n.
Greece.Crete , Segelberg 22359(S).
Italy.Modena , Vaccari s.n.(G);Sardaigne , Pavillon s.n., Thomas s.n.(G);Sardin-
ia , Vaccari 1052(LE).
Spain.Balearic Islands:Soller , Aianor s.n., Farrer 102 , Martin s.n.(G);Malaga ,
Reverchon 96(S);without precise locality , Heutler s.n.(S).
21c Var.balearica (Rich.)Willk.in Willk.&Lange , Prodr.Fl.Hispan.3:952.1880;
Cout.Fl.Portug.228.1913;Pott.-Alap.Fl.Tunis.1:153.1979;M.Johnson , Klematis
374.1997;Grey_Wils.Clematis 91 , fig.58.2000.———C.balearica Rich.in J.Physiq.(Fe-
vr.1779):127 , pl.2.1779;Lam.Encycl.2:43.1806;DC.Syst.1:163.1818;et Prodr.
1:9.1824;Ball in J.Linn.Soc.Bot.16:303.1877;Willk.Ill.Fl.Hispan.2:52 , t.122.
1886.———Atragene balearica (Rich.)Pers.Synop.Pl.2:98.1807.———Cheiropsis balearica
(Rich.)Bercht.&Presl , Rostl.i Ranunculac.11.1823.———Clematis cirrhosa L.ssp.balear-
ica (Rich.)Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:144.1885.——— C.cirrhosa f.balearica
(Rich.)Maire , Fl.Afr.Nord 11:104.1964;Barcelo , Fl.Mallorca 2:187.1978.TYPE:
Spain.Minorca Island , A.Richard s.n.(holotype , not seen). Fig.12:5 ~ 6
C.calycina Ait.Hort.Kew.2:259.1789;Sims in Curtis , Bot.Mag.24:t.959.1806.
TYPE:Spain.Minorca Island , no type specimen designated.
C.cirrhosa r multifida Moris , Fl.Sardoa 1:14.1837;Mora , Fl.Fun.Penin.Iber.6:
679.1878.TYPE:no type specimen designated.
C.cirrhosa var.angustifolia Loudon , Encycl.Trees &Shrubs 14.1842.TYPE:no type
specimen designated.
Leaves simple , usually 3_sect , or ternate , central segment or leaflet narrow_ovate in outline ,
3_fid , central lobe lanceolate , at margin incised_dentate , lateral lobes small.Cymes 1 ~ 2 with
leaves arising from an axillary bud of old branch;involucre usually covering the pedicel and calyx
base , occasionally remote from them , broadly campanulate , 4 ~ 8mm long , on top usually distinctly
2_lobed.Pedicel ca.3 mm long.Anthers narrow_oblong.Fl.Oct.-Apr.of the next year.
S Europe (France , Portugal , Spain).On coastal hills;100 ~ 500 m.
Specimens examined.France.Corse , Stephani 1937(G).
Spain.Mallorca Island , Barcelo s.n., Belanger s.n., Bianor 1251 , Boissier s.n., Gros
7390(G), Lenander s.n., Schultze 19(S), Vautier s.n.(G);Marratxi , Bianor 3616(K).
21d Var.pedicellata DC.Syst.1:162.1818;et Prodr.1:9.1824;Loudon , Encycl.Trees
238  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
&Shrubs 14.1842.———C.pedicellata (DC.)Sweet , Hort.Brit.2.1827;Lindl.in Edwards ,
Bot.Reg., n.ser., 10:t.21.1847.TYPE:Spain .` Isl.Majorca , A.Richard s.n.(holo-
type , not seen). Fig.12:9 ~ 10
C.cirrhosa auct.non L.:Sims in Curtis , Bot.Mag.27:t.1070.1807.
Leaves simple , undivided or 3_parted to 3_sect , or nearly ternate , at margin 1 ~ 2_denticulate
or entire.Cymes singularly arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch;involucre ca.6 mm long ,
distinctly 2_lobed , its tube ca.2.5 mm long and its lobes deltoid or ovate , 2.5 ~ 4mm long.Pedi-
cel 4 ~ 20 mm long.Anthers oblong , ca.1.2 mm long.
Spain(Majorca Island).
I have seen only one specimen of this variety , deposited in S and lacking field notes.Upon
this specimen the two figures(Fig.12:9 ~ 10)of this variety are based.
21e var.barnadesii Pau in Bol.Soc.Arag.Cien.Nat.3:10.1904;Rignal in Anal.Inst.
Bot.Cavan.32(2):465 , fig.1 ~ 8.1975;M.Johnson , Klematis 375.1997;Grey_Wils.Clem-
atis 92.2000.TYPE:Spain.Cartagena , 1901_10_25 , Jimenez s.n.(holotype , not seen).
Fig.12:3 ~ 4
Leaves simple , undivided , at margin densely and coarsely serrate.Cymes ca.2 with ca.6
leaves arising from a terminal bud of annotinous branch;involucre ca 15 mm long , manifestly 2_
lobed , its tube ca.6 mm long , its lobes narrow_triangular or narrow_ovate , 7 ~ 10 mm long.Pedi-
cel ca.16 mm long.Anthers narrow_oblong , 3 ~ 3.4 mm long.Fl.Oct.-Nov.
SW Spain(Cartgena).
Specimens examined.Spain.Cartagena , 1902_11_06 , ? Jimenez s.n.(S);same locality ,
1905_11_06 , Jimenez s.n.(G).
21f Var.bibracteataW.T.Wang , var.nov.Fig.12:7 ~ 8
A var.cirrhosa et varietatibus ceteris C.cirrhosae statim differt cymae bracteis duabus op-
positis liberis.
Leaves simple , undivided , rarely above base 3_lobulate , at margin few_denticulate.Cyme 1
with 2 leaves together arising from an axillary bud of old branch;bracts 2 , free , opposite , spread-
ing , triangular , ca.1.6 mm ×1 mm , abaxially appressed_puberulous.Pedicel ca.2 mm long.
Anthers narrow_oblong , 2.2 ~ 3 mm long.Fl.Mar.
Cyprus.Limassol , 1956_03_23 , G.A.Mavromoustakis s.n.(holotype , US).
This new variety is distinguished from other varieties of C.cirrhosa by its free bracts.In other
varieties , the two opposite bracts of the 1_flowered cyme are more or less connate into a tube_bearing
involucre.With such a primitive character , var.bibracteata may be a relict primitive from of the
22 合苞铁线莲 Fig.11:3 ~ 5
Clematis napaulensisDC.Syst.1:164.1818;et Prodr.1:9.1824;Hook.f.&Thoms.
in Hook.f.Fl.Brit.Ind.1:2.1872;Stapf in Curtis , Bot.Mag.150;t.9037.1892;Pei in
Sinensia 7:475.1936;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:211.1939;Mukerjee in Bull.
Bot.Surv.Ind.1(1):139.1959;Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gard.Lucknow 54:pl.14.1961;
Kapoor in l.c.78:4 , 40.1962 et.124(2):77.1966;Hara in Hara &Williams , Enum.
Flow.Pl.Nepal 2:15.1979;M.C.Chang in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:214 , pl.70.1980;C.
Y.Wu , Ind.Fl.Yunnan.1:112.1984;Grierson &Long , Fl.Bhutan 1(2):288.1984;M.
Y.Fang in Fl.Xizang.2:91.1985;Y.K.Li in Fl.Guizhou 3:64.1986;L.Q.Li in Vasc.
3 期 王文采:铁线莲属绣球藤组修订 239 
Pl.Hengduan Mount.1:529.1993;M.Johnson , Klematis 382.1997;Gaur , Fl.Garhwal Hi-
mal .69.1999;Grey_Wils.Clematis 93 , fig.60.2000;W.T.Wang in Fl.Yunnan.11:234.
2000.———C.cirrhosa L.ssp.napaulensis(DC.)Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:143.
1885 , sphalm.nepalensis.TYPE:Nepal.Buchanan s.n.(holotype , BM !).
C.cirrhosa ssp.heterophylla Kuntze in l.c.SYNTYPES:India.Kumaon , Strachey &Win-
terbottom 8(GH !, K !, LE !, P !);Gagur Pass , Madden s.n.(K !).
C.forrestii W.W.Smith in Not.R.Bot.Gard.Edinb.8:183.1914.SYNTYPES:Chi-
na.Yunnan , Shweli_Salwin divide , 1912_1913 , Forrest 9398 , 9526(E !, GH !, K !).
C.montana auct.non Buch.-Ham.ex DC.:D.Don , Prodr.Fl.Nepal.192.1825.
Woody vine.Branches terete or indistinctly 6_angulate , glabrous.Leaves ternate , seldom sim-
ple;leaflets herbaceous , narrow_ovate or lanceolate , 3 ~ 7.5(~ 10)cm ×1.2 ~ 2.6 (~ 2.9)
cm , at apex attenuate , at base broadly cuneate or rounded , at margin entire or below few_denticu-
late , on both surfaces glabrous or abaxially sparsely puberulous , basal veins nearly flat;petioles 3
~ 7.5 cm long.Cymes 1 ~ 3 with several leaves together arising from an axillary bud of old branch ,
1_flowered;peduncles 2 ~ 4 cm long , sparsely puberulous;involucre broadly campanuate , 4 ~ 7
mm long , on top indistinctly 2_lobed , outside sparsely puberulous.Flower 1.6 ~ 1.8 cm in diam.;
pedicel 2 ~ 12 mm long , velutinous.Sepals 4 , greenish_white , oblong , 1.6 ~ 2 cm×0.6 ~ 0.85
cm , at apex slightly obtuse , inside glabrous , outside velutinous.Stamens 7.5 ~ 20 mm long , gla-
brous;anthers narrow_oblong , 3 ~ 3.8 mm long , at apex minutely apiculate.Ovaries pubescent;
styles 14 ~ 20mm long , densely villous.Achenes compressed , oblong_elliptic or narrow_obovate , 4
~ 5 mm×2 ~ 3.5 mm , pubescent , at margin rimmed;persistent styles 3.8 ~ 5 cm long , plumose.
Bhutan.SW China (SW Guizhou , E Xizang , Yunnan).N India.N Myanmar.Nepal.Sik-
kim.In forests;1500 ~ 2300 m.
Additional specimens examined.Bhutan.Chukka , Grierson &Long 3214(GH , K);without
precise locality , Griffith 1722(G).
China.Guizhou(贵州):Ceheng(册亨), Y.Tsiang 9375 (K , S).Xizang (西藏):
Tongmai (通迈), P.C.Tsoong 6216 (PE);Tsangpo George , F.Kingdon Ward 6342 (K).
Yunnan(云南):Shweli_Salwin divide , Forrest 12116(P);Jingdong (景东), M.K.Li 1784
(PE);Yangbi (漾濞), T.N.Liou 22565(PE);without precise locality , Forrest 2205 , 17816 ,
India.Garhwal , Gamble 25750 , Osmaston 879 , 913 (GH);Massoorie , Mackinson s.n.
(K , LE);Assam:Naga Hills , F.Kingdon Ward 7754(K).
Myanmar.Myitkyina , Naw Mu Pa 17493(K);Kangfang , F.Kingdon Ward 96(GH).
Nepal.Sumore , Gouan 4680(LE);without precise locality , J.D.Hooker 231 , J.E.Smith
Sikkim.Lachen , Cave s.n.(GH);Namrung , Cave s.n.(G , GH).
Acknowledgements I am grateful to the directors and curators of BM , E , G , GH , K , KYO , LE , P , MO , S ,
UPS , and US for kindly inviting me to visit their herbaria or sending specimens on loan;to Li Liang_Qian , Qin Hai_
Ning , Zhang Zhi_Yun , and Zhu Xiang_Yun for various kind help during the preparation of the present revision;and to
Sun Ying_Bao for making the drawings.
240  植 物 分 类 学 报 40 卷
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