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全 文 :Growth Analysis of Nyssa yunnanensis Saplings
Lanxin WANG, Xianming GUO*, Chunmiao ZONG
Research Institute of Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, Jinghong 666100, China
Supported by Garnier Plant Protection Fund of Landscape Conservation Center
*Corresponding author. E-mail: 2138519g@163.com
Received: January 3, 2016 Accepted: March 8, 2016A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(4): 880-882, 886
Copyright訫 2016, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticultrue
N yssa yunnanensis W. C. Yin(Nyssaceae: Nyssa) is a largedeciduous tree, and also a
first-class national protected plant. It is
endemic to Yunnan [1], and is only dis-
tributed in Jinghong and Puer. At pre-
sent, the wild N. yunnanensis has only
8 plants [2]. According to the evaluation
system of International Union for Con-
servation of Nature and Natural Re-
sources (IUCN), N. yunnanensis is a
critically endangered species (CR)[3]. In
recent years, China has proposed a
concept of plant species with extremely
small populations (PSESP), and has
started the rescue and protection pro-
jects for them[4]. Due to extremely small
population, N. yunnanensis has been
included in the list of Yunnan Biodi-
versity Conservation Planning (2007-
Autotoxicity is considered to be
the main limiting factor for natural re-
generation of a lot of tree species. Un-
der field conditions, the seed germina-
tion of N. yunnanensis is significantly
inhibited by litter in the wild and seed
husk of itself. Autotoxicity may be one
of the causes for natural regeneration
failure and near extinction of N. yunna-
nensis[5]. The seeds of N. yunnanensis
contain water-soluble endogenous in-
hibitory substances that inhibit their
germination, which might be an impor-
tant reason causing the species en-
Currently, due to the narrow dis-
tribution and small population, there
are rare researches on the growth of
N. yunnanensis [7]; instead, most of the
researches focus on the nursery[5-6, 8-9].
In 2009, a wild-returning experi-
ment was conducted in the Mengyang
region of Xishuangbanna National
Nature Reserve. The growth of N.
yunnanensis saplings was monitored
from 2011 to 2015, so as to provide
some basis for future studies on wild-
returning of N. yunnanensis.
Overview of Experimental
The Mengyang region of
Xishuangbanna National Nature Re-
serve is located in Jinghong City, and is
located in the transition zone of tropics
and subtropics. It covers an area of 112
920 hm2. The landscape is dominated
by mountain plateau and eroded
medium mountains. In the region, the
ups and downs of the watersheds are
eased, and the altitudes of most hills
are in the range of 1 000-1 300 m. The
region has complex terrain, dense
streams and high plant diversity. The
Abstract The growth of Nyssa yunnanensis saplings in Guanping area was moni-
tored in 2011, 2013 and 2015. The results showed that the average basal diameter
growth rate during 2013 -2015 was higher than that during 2011 -2013, and that
during 2009-2011 was lowest; the average height growth rates in the durations of
2011-2013 and 2013-2015 were basically the same, and that during 2009-2011
was relatively slow; the growth of diameter at breast height (DBH) in the duration of
2013-2015 was significantly higher than that in the duration of 2011-2013. Compre-
hensive and better nature-returning work, as well as long-term and stable funding, is
required for the protection of Nyssa yunnanensis.
Key words Nyssa yunnanensis; Sapling; Growth; Xishuangbanna
王兰新,郭贤明*,宗春淼 (西双版纳国家级
自然保护区科研所,云南景洪 666100)
摘 要 通过 2011 年、2013 年和 2015 年对种
监测,认为 2013~2015 年时段内的平均基径增
长速度高于 2011~2013 年时段,2009~2011 年
时段内的增长速度最慢 ; 平均高度增长在
2011~2013 和 2013~2015 年 2 个时段内基本相
同,2009~2011 年时段内增长相对较慢;胸径变
化速度 2013~2015 年明显高于 2011~2013 年。
关键词 云南蓝果树;幼树;生长变化;西双版

基金项目 山水自然保护中心卡尼尔植物保
作者简介 王兰新(1968-),女,云南景洪人 ,
高级工程师, 主要从事保护区资源利用及生
态学研究 ,E-mail:lxwang1968@163.com。 *通
收稿日期 2016-01-03
修回日期 2016-03-08
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Fig.1 Variation of basal diameter Fig.2 Variation of average basal diameter
among different years
Fig.3 Variation of height
Fig.4 Variation of average height among
different years
natural vegetation constitutes of tropi-
cal rain forest, tropical monsoon forest,
monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest
and bamboo.
For ease of management, the N.
yunnanensis saplings were planted
near the Guanping station (22°14 N,
100°53 E) with altitude of 880 m, an-
nual rainfall of 1 300-1 600 mm, an-
nual active accumulated temperature
(≥ 10 ℃ ) of 6 050-7 400 ℃ , annual
average temperature of 20.0 °C, aver-
age temperature in the coldest month
of 10.7 -14.4 ℃ and air humidity of
about 85%.
Amomum villosum was planted in
the experimental site in the past, so
the space under the forest is relatively
open. In addition, there are certain
streams in the region, and water flows
constantly throughout the year, leading
to high air humidity, which is conducive
to the growth of understory.
Experimental Methods
Cultivation and management of N.
yunnanensis saplings
A total of 109 one-year-old N.
yunnanensis saplings with basal di-
ameter of 0.4-0.6 cm, height of 50-70
cm and robust growth were selected,
and they were transplanted randomly,
with plant and row spacing larger than
1.5m, in July, 2009. To ensure the
saplings better growing space, the un-
derstory herbs, e.g., Amomum villo-
sum, were removed before the trans-
planting. After the transplanting, en-
ough water was poured to the
saplings. Due to high moisture con-
tent in this region, no watering was
conducted in the latter part of the
management process. To ensure that
there was good growing space for
the transplanted saplings, weeding
was conducted twice in the first year
and once a year later. After 2013,
the N. yunnanensis saplings were
substantially higher than other under-
story herbs, so weeding was no longer
Monitoring of growth of N. yunna-
nensis saplings
All the plants were numbered and
marked to facilitate the monitoring.
The basal diameters (2-3 cm above
the ground) and heights (≤ 200 cm,
accurate to 1 cm; > 200 cm, accurate
to 10 cm) of all the N. yunnanensis
saplings were investigated once in
January of 2011, 2013 and 2015, re-
spectively. After 2013, in addition to
basal diameter and height, the diame-
ters at breast height (DBHs, 130 cm
above the ground) of the N. yunna-
nensis saplings higher than 2.0 m
were measured additionally.
Data analysis
The basal diameters were classi-
fied into total 10 levels, <1 cm, 1.1-2.0
cm, 2.1-3.0 cm, 3.1-4.0 cm, 4.1-5.0
cm, 5.1-6.0 cm, 6.1-7.0 cm, 7.1-8.0
cm, 8.1 -9.0 cm and > 9.1 cm. The
heights were classified into total 9 lev-
els, < 100 cm, 101-200 cm, 201-300
cm, 301-400 cm, 401-500 cm, 501-
600 cm, 601 -700 cm, 701 -800 cm
and > 801cm. The number of saplings
at different levels was counted. The
means of basal diameter and height at
different stages were calculated, and
the average growth rates at different
stages were analyzed. In 2009, the in-
termediate values of basal diameters
and heights were treated as the
means (0.5 cm, 60 cm).
Results and Analysis
Survival condition
In 2011, all the saplings survived.
However, in 2013, the saplings
numbered as 1, 6, 7, 49 and 86 died.
In 2015, the sapling numbered as 38
died. The remaining 103 N. yun-
nanensis saplings grew normally. The
heads of the saplings, numbered as 30
and 40, were broken by other trees,
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Fig.5 Variation of diameter at breast height
but new heads regenerated.
Inevitably, their heights were affected
to certain extent. Thus, the survival
rate of N. yunnanensis saplings in the
experimental site was 94.5%.
Variation of basal diameter
Fig.1 showed that the basal di-
ameters of the N. yunnanensis
saplings were substantially within 3 cm
in 2011. There was only one sapling
with basal diameter larger than 3 cm.
However, there were 99 saplings of
which the basal diameters ranged
within 2 cm, accounting for 90.8% of
the total saplings. In 2013, the basal
diameters of 80 saplings were in the
range of 1.1 -4.0 cm, accounting for
76.9% ; the maximum basal diameter
was over 8 cm. In 2015, there were 78
saplings with basal diameters ranging
from 2.1 to 7.0 cm, accounting for
75.7% of the total number; there were
16 saplings with basal diameters high-
er than 7 cm.
As shown in Fig.2, the average
basal diameter of all the N. yunnanen-
sis saplings was 0.5, 1.2, 2.9 and 4.9
cm, respectively in 2009, 2011, 2013
and 2015. The average basal diameter
increased most rapidly, with an in-
crease of 2 cm, in the duration of
2013-2015, followed by that in the du-
ration of 2011-2013, with an increase
of 1.7 cm. The duration of 2009-2011
(July 2009 to January 2011) was
shorter, so the growth rate of average
basal diameter was lower, with an in-
crease of only 0.7 cm. It indicated that
the increase of basal diameter of N.
yunnanensis sapling was trended to
be accelerated with its increased age.
Variation of height
The variation of height was similar
to that of basal diameter. In 2011,
there were 99 saplings higher than 200
cm, accounting for 90.8% of the total
saplings. In 2013, there were 27
saplings with heights ranging from 101
to 200 cm, accounting for 26%; there
were 53 saplings with heights ranging
from 201 to 400 cm, accounting for
51.0% ; and there were 18 saplings
higher than 401 cm, accounting for
17.3% . In 2015, the heights of 78 N.
yunnanensis saplings were in the
range of 201-700 cm, accounting for
75.7% of the total number; there were
8 plants higher than 701 cm, account-
ing for 7.8% of the total saplings.
The statistical analysis showed
that the increases of average height
were substantially the same in the du-
rations of 2011 -2013 (119 cm) and
2013-2015 (123 cm). However, since
the heads of two saplings were broken
in 2015, the average height was affect-
ed to certain extent. Thus, the actual
increase of average height of the N.
yunnanensis saplings in 2015 should
be larger than 123 cm. Therefore, it
could be considered that the growth
rate of average height of N. yunna-
nensis saplings was basically stable
from 2011 to 2015.
Variation of DBH
In 2013, there were total 61
saplings higher than 200 cm, so their
diameters at breast height were mea-
sured. Among the 61 saplings, there
were 54 plants with diameters at
breast height within 3 cm, accounting
for 51.9% of the total N. yunnanensis
saplings; there were 7 saplings of
which the diameters at breast height
were larger than 3 cm, accounting for
6.7% of the total number. In 2015, the
diameters at breast height of total 86
saplings were measured. Among
them, there were 10 plants with diam-
eters at breast height larger than 5.1
cm, and the maximum diameter at
breast height was over 7.1 cm.
Among the wild plants of N. yun-
nanensis under two natural popula-
tions in Puwen, although some en-
tered the flowering and fruiting stage,
saplings were found under only one
wild plant, instead under the others;
under the artificial populations in
Puwen, no sapling was found under N.
yunnanensis, either[2]. Since N. yunna-
nensis is dioecious plant [10] with auto-
toxicity[5], its population is difficult to be
expanded by its own ability.
The natural condition in the ex-
perimental site of Guanping was simi-
lar to the original habitat conditions of
N. yunnanensis[9]. Under this condition,
the artificially-cultivated N. yunnanen-
sis was characterized by high survival
rate and fast growth. The average
height reached 361 cm. The maximum
height was over 800 cm, and the max-
imum diameter at breast height was
larger than 7 cm. Therefore, artificial
cultivation is the most effective way for
expanding the population size of N.
The protection of plant species
with extremely small populations has
received much attention from the
Yunnan provincial government. At the
same time, it is highly challenging
work [11]. Xishuangbanna is the only
area with distribution of wild N. yunna-
nensis across Yunnan. It is rich in veg-
etation types, and has many regions
suitable for the growth of N. yunna-
nensis. However, due to the lack of
capital investment, small-scale culti-
vation experiment of N. yunnanensis
has only be conducted in Jinghong
and Guanping [9]. Thus, the wild-re-
turning work of N. yunnanensis in a
wider range is currently difficult to car-
ry out.
The successful returning of N.
yunnanensis to the wild requires long-
term monitoring on growth, as well as
flowering and fruiting. This work re-
quires ten years or decades to get
more convincing data. Thus, long-term
and fix funding is needed in order to
ensure the normal operation of all
[1] FU LG (傅立国 ). China Rare and En-
(Continued on page 886)
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Responsible editor: Tingting XU Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
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Of Rare And Endangered Plant Species
Of The State Forestry Administration
护和繁育实验室 ), et al. National pro-
tected plants in Yunnan (云南国家重点
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species with extremely small popula-
tions (PSESP) and their significance in
Chinas national plant conservation
strategy (极小种群野生植物的概念及其
对我国野生植物保护的影响) [J]. Biodi-
versity Science (生物多样性), 2015, 23
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[5] ZHANG SS (张珊珊 ), XIANG ZY (向振
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icity of Nyssa yunnanensis on seed
germination and seedling growth (云南
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[6] YUAN RL (袁瑞玲), XIANG ZY (向振勇),
YANG WZ (杨文忠 ), et al. Seed dor-
mancy and germination traits of Nyssa
yunnanensis (云南蓝果树种子休眠与萌
发特性) [J]. Forest Research (林业科学
研究), 2013, 26(3): 384-388.
[7] WANG LX (王兰新), GUO XM (郭贤明).
Analyses on growth status of Nyssa
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[8] SUN BL (孙宝玲), ZHANG CQ (张长芹),
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saceae) (极度濒危植物-云南蓝果树的
影响 ) [J]. Acta Botanica Yunnanica (云
南植物研究), 2007, 29(3): 351-354.
[9] LIU HJ (刘海姣), CHEN Y (陈勇), MA
SY (马赛宇). Preliminary study on effect
of litter thickness on seed germination
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[J]. Science & Technology Information
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[10] FENG ZZ (冯志舟). Nyssa yunnanen-
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(云南林业), 2012, 33(3): 68.
[11] MA YP (马永鹏), SUN WB (孙卫邦).
Rescuing conservation of plant
species with extremely small popula-
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面临的机遇与挑战 ) [J]. Biodiversity
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(Continued from page 882)
Responsible editor: Yingzhi GUANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
parent is 180 -225 g/hm2. During the
flowering stage of the male and female
parents, supplementary pollination is
performed every day. The artificial
pollination must be performed every
day for the first time when a large
quantity of female parent flowered,
once every 30 min afterwards, 3 -4
times daily. The artificial pollination
could be performed later on a rainy
day under the principle of performing
pollination once there is pollen.
Harvest at proper time, preventing
Field purification is performed in
time, and especially in the critical peri-
od before and after the initial heading
stage, it is necessary to track carefully
to remove undesired plants. When the
male parent has no pollen, it could be
cut to avoid intermixing. In the time
period close to maturation, close at-
tention should be paid to weather fore-
cast to ensure that harvest is per-
formed on a sunny day against time.
More than 80% of the seeds could be
harvested after maturation immedi-
ately. During the whole harvest and
drying process, stack retting and expo-
sure to strong sunlight should be
avoided to ensure seed quality to the
greatest extent.
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