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全 文 :In 2008, Wang[1] described Anemone yulongshanica
W. T. Wang var. glabrescens W. T. Wang (Ranuncu-
laceae) on the basis of fi ve collections from Fugong,
northwestern Yunnan, China, i.e., Gaoligong Shan
Biodiversity Survey (GSBS) 26397 (CAS, PE; Fig. 1: A,
B), 26453 (CAS, PE; Fig. 1: C), 28024 (CAS, PE), 28042
(CAS, PE), and 20441 (CAS; Fig. 1: D), with GSBS
26397 (PE) being designated as the holotype. In the
protologue, he stated that the variety was similar to A.
yulongshanica var. truncata (H. F. Comber) W. T. Wang
(Fig. 2) in the basal leaves smaller, 0.8–2.3 cm × 1–4 cm,
and in the sepals 5, blue or white, but differed by the
glabrous scape and petioles.
In describing Anemone yulongshanica var. glabre-
scens, it is evident that Wang[1] overlooked the older
taxon described by him[2] in 1980 from Gaoligong
Shan, A. obtusiloba D. Don ssp. leiophylla W. T. Wang
(Figs. 3, 4). Comparison of their type material has
shown that A. yulongshanica var. glabrescens is much
more closely similar to A. obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla
than to A. yulongshanica var. truncata. Unlike A.
yulongshanica var. truncata, in which the scape, petioles
and leaves are densely villous, both A. yulongshanica
var. glabrescens and A. obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla are
characterized by a much lesser degree of hairiness in
these parts, as suggested by their epithets “glabrescens”
and “leiophylla”. The scape and petioles in both A.
yulongshanica var. glabrescens and A. obtusiloba
热带亚热带植物学报 2015, 23(3): 277 ~ 283Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Received: 2014–10–14    Accepted: 2014–12–03
This work was supported by the Science and Technology Basic Work of China (2013FY112100).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
张煜1,2, 杨亲二1*
(1. 中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广州 510650; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)
摘要: 通过标本检查,发现福贡银莲花(Anemone yulongshanica W. T. Wang var. glabrescens W. T. Wang)(毛茛科)与光叶银莲花(A.
obtusiloba D. Don ssp. leiophylla W. T. Wang)没有本质区别,应属于同一分类实体, 故将前者处理为后者的异名。
关键词: 银莲花属; 新异名; 毛茛科; 分类学
doi: 10.11926/j.issn.1005–3395.2015.03.007

Anemone yulongshanica var. glabrescens (Ranunculaceae) Is Identical
with A. obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla
ZHANG Yu1,2, YANG Qin-er1*
(1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Examination of herbarium specimens has shown that Anemone yulongshanica W. T. Wang var.
glabrescens W. T. Wang (Ranunculaceae) is identical with A. obtusiloba D. Don ssp. leiophylla W. T. Wang. We
therefore reduce the former to the synonymy of the latter.
Key words: Anemone; New synonymy; Ranunculaceae; Taxonomy
278 第23卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 1 Specimens of Anemone obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla. A: Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey (GSBS) 26397 (holotype of A. yulongshanica var.
glabrescens, PE), Fugong, Yunnan, China; B: GSBS 26397 (isotype of A. yulongshanica var. glabrescens, CAS); C: GSBS 26453 (paratype of A.
yulongshanica var. glabrescens, CAS), Fugong, Yunnan, China; D: GSBS 20441 (paratype of A. yulongshanica var. glabrescens, CAS), same locality.
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Fig. 2 Specimens of Anemone yulongshanica var. truncata. A: Forrest 5640 (holotype, E), Lijiang, Yunnan, China; B: Z. G. Zhao 30265 (PE), same
locality; C: T. T. Yu 15595 (PE; the upper parts), same locality; D: T. T. Yu 5485 (PE), Muli, Sichuan, China.
280 第23卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 3 Specimens of Anemone obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla. A: T. T. Yu 22076 (isotype, PE), Gongshan, Yunnan, China; B–D: T. T. Yu 22076 (isotypes, KUN).
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Fig. 4 Specimens of Anemone obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla. A, B: T. T. Yu 19268 (paratypes, PE), Gongshan, Yunnan, China; C, D: T. T. Yu 19268
(paratypes, KUN).
282 第23卷热带亚热带植物学报
ssp. leiophylla are glabrescent or sparsely pubescent
distally, and the leaves are more or less puberulent
on upper surface, glabrous or subglabrous on lower
surface. In the shape and dissection of the leaves A.
yulongshanica var. glabrescens is not essentially different
from A. obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla but markedly different
from A. yulongshanica var. truncata. As shown in
Figures 1–4, the leaves in A. yulongshanica var.
glabrescens and A. obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla are
cordate at base, 3-sect or nearly so, whilst those in A.
yulongshanica var. truncata are cordate, truncate, or
broadly cuneate at base, and 3-lobed.
It is to be noted that the holotype of Anemone
yulongshanica var. yulongshanica should be Lijiang
Bot. Gard. Exped. 10333 (KUN)[3], not T. T. Yu
15595 (PE; Fig. 2: C) as cited by Ziman et al.[4] The
latter specimen, a mixture including two plants of A.
yulongshanica var. truncata and one of A. trullifolia
Hook. f. & Thoms. var. holophylla Diels, was cited
under A. yulongshanica var. truncata by Wang[3]. A
duplicate in the Edinburgh Herbarium (E) must also
be a mixture, for Lauener[5] cited it, pro parte, under A.
obtusiloba ssp. ovalifolia Brühl × A. trullifolia (= A.
yulongshanica var. truncata; see Wang[3]). In fact, A.
yulongshanica var. yulongshanica is currently known
only from its type collection, and its identity needs to
be verifi ed with more material.
Anemone obtusiloba D. Don and its allies, as
Lauener[5] pointed out, comprise a taxonomically most
diffi cult complex in the genus Anemone L. because of
almost continuous variation in morphological characters
such as the sepals, carpels and degree of villosity.
He considered the shape, cutting and toothing of the
leaves to be sufficiently stable to be used as useful
criteria for distinguishing the taxa one from another
in this complex group. The taxonomic treatment of
this complex is still far from satisfactory although
five serious attempts have been made to revise the
group by Brühl[6], Lauener[5], Wang[3], Wang et al.[7]
and Ziman et al.[4] Various authors have adopted very
diverse concepts of species, subspecies and variety,
resulting in much confusion in the nomenclature
and great diffi culty in naming herbarium specimens;
further studies are badly needed. Here, for the infra-
specific treatment of A. obtusiloba we provisionally
follow Wang[2] and Wang et al.[7], recognizing A.
obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla but not A. obtusiloba ssp.
obtusiloba var. leiophylla (W. T. Wang) Ziman et al.[4].
On the basis of the above analyses, we make the
following taxonomic treatment.
Anemone obtusiloba D. Don ssp. leiophylla
W. T. Wang in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 28: 350 et
36. 1980; L. Q. Li in Vas. Pl. Hengduan Mount. 1:
512. 1993; W. T. Wang in Fl. Yunnan. 11: 194. 2000;
W. T. Wang et al. in Fl. China 6: 326. 2001. ——
A. obtusiloba ssp. obtusiloba var. leiophylla (W. T.
Wang) Ziman et al. in Edinburgh J. Bot. 64: 64. 2007.
syn. nov. Type: China. Yunnan: Gongshan, Chiming,
alt. 3000 m, grassy slope, T. T. Yu 22076 (holotype,
PE; isotypes, KUN!, PE!).
A. yulongshanica W. T. Wang var. glabrescens W.
T. Wang in Acta Bot. Yunnan. 30: 519. 2008. syn. nov.
Type: China. Yunnan: Fugong, Lumadeng, alt. 3600 m,
bamboo-Rhododendron thickets with wet meadows
in open areas, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey
26397 (holotype, PE!; isotype, CAS!).
Notes. Ziman et al.[4] described the sepals (referred
to as ‘petaloids’ by them) of Anemone obtusiloba
ssp. leiophylla, under the name A. obtusiloba ssp.
obtusiloba var. leiophylla, as being white. Of the type
material of this taxon, the sepals of T. T. Yu 22076
(Fig. 3) were recorded to be white on the fi eld labels,
but those of T. T. Yu 19268 (Fig. 4) were recorded
to be white, purple-violet outside. The sepals of A.
yulongshanica var. glabrescens (Fig. 1) were recorded
to be white or blue, or blue to white. The color of the
sepals in this taxon, therefore, is variable, a common
phenomenon in Anemone, and thus not a reliable
taxonomic character.
Additional specimens examined. China. Yunnan:
Fugong, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 26453
(CAS, PE), 28024 (CAS, PE), 28042 (CAS, PE),
20441 (CAS); Gongshan, T. T. Yu 10025 (KUN, PE),
19268 (KUN, PE).
Distribution and habitat. Anemone obtusiloba
第3期 283
ssp. leiophylla is distributed in the eastern side of
Gaoligong Shan in northwestern Yunnan (Fugong,
Gongshan), China (Fig. 5). It grows in wet meadows
at forest or thicket margins or on grassy slopes at
altitudes of 2900–3600 m above sea level.
Fig. 5 Distribution of Anemone obtusiloba ssp. leiophylla (▲).
Acknowledgments  We are indebted to the curators of CAS,
KUN, PE for the permission to use their scanned images of
specimens and for research facilities, and to Dr. B. Bartholomew
(CAS) and Dr. E. D. Liu (KUN) for sending us several images
of type specimens.
[1]  Wang W C (Wang W. T). New taxa of Ranunculaceae from
Yunnan [J]. Acta Bot Yunnan, 2008, 30(5): 519–524. (in Chinese)
[2]  Wang W T. Anemone L. [M]// Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae,
Tomus 27. Beijing: Science Press, 1980: 1–56. (in Chinese)
[3]  Wang W T. Notulae de Ranuculaceis sinensibus (XIX) [J]. Bot
Bull Res (Harbin), 1996, 16(2): 155–166. (in Chinese)
[4]  Ziman S N, Ehrendorfer F, Keener C S, et al. Revision of Anemone
sect. Himalayicae (Ranunculaceae) with three new series [J].
Edinburgh J Bot, 2007, 64(1): 51–99.
[5]  Lauener L A. Notes on Anemone obtusiloba and its allies [J].
Notes Roy Bot Gard Edinburgh, 1960, 23(2): 179–201.
[6]  Brühl P. Descriptions of new and rare Indian plants [J]. Ann Roy
Bot Gard Calcutta, 1896, 5(2): 76–81.
[7]  Wang W T, Ziman S N, Dutton B E. Anemone L. [M]// Flora
of China, Vol. 6. Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri
Botanical Garden Press, 2001: 307–328.