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全 文 : [收稿日期] 2006 02 22
 [基金项目] 湖北省教育厅科研基金重点资助项目(2002A0013)
 [第一作者简介] 李亚男(1961 ),女 ,湖北荆州市人 ,长江大学农学院副教授.
 [通讯作者] 陈大清(1962 ),男 ,湖北钟祥市人 ,武汉大学博士后 ,教授.
  李亚男 ,付碧石 (长江大学生命科学学院 ,湖北 荆州 434025)
  陈大清 (长江大学生命科学学院 , 湖北 荆州 434025;武汉大学生命科学学院 ,湖北 武汉 430072)
[ 摘要]研究了模拟厌氧胁迫下薏苡(Coi x lacrymajobi L.)和玉米(z ea may L.)的丙醛(MDA)和过氧化脂
质(LPO)含量及超氧物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的变化。结果表明:厌氧胁迫处理增加薏苡 、
玉米根系和叶片的 MDA 的含量 , 同时导致膜脂过氧化物的生成;但在根系中 , 薏苡膜脂过氧化物含量低于
玉米 ,MDA 含量与处理前比较处于较低水平;此外 , 薏苡根系中 SOD维持较高的活性 , 而玉米则在叶片中
有较高的 POD和 SOD活性。
[ 关键词] 厌氧胁迫;薏苡(Coi x lacrymajobi L.);玉米(z ea may L.);膜脂过氧化物;抗氧化酶
[ 中图分类号] Q945.78 [ 文献标识码] A  [ 文章编号] 1673 1409(2006)03 0166 03
高等植物活细胞生长代谢需要适当浓度的氧 ,降雨过多或地下水位过高往往造成植物的厌氧胁迫 。
淹水会增加活性氧如超氧物阴离子自由基(O -2)、羟自由基(HO -)和过氧化氢(H 2O 2)的产生。目前对于
植物厌氧胁迫研究主要集中在旱生植物[ 1 ~ 6] ,如汪宗立等[ 2] 报道了玉米涝渍伤害的机理 ,蔡永萍等[ 1] 、陈
大清等[ 5] 认为超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和丙二醛(MDA)可作为小麦耐涝的生理指标 、抗
渍育种和选择抗涝措施的辅助指标等 ,而对湿生植物的厌氧胁迫相关研究报道较少 。为此笔者以玉米及
其同属的植物———薏苡为材料比较研究了厌氧条件下薏苡和玉米的抗氧化生理生化指标 ,以期了解不同
植物耐受厌氧胁迫的机制 。
1 材料与方法
1.1 种子来源及萌发
薏苡种子由长江大学植物园提供 ,种子用 0.2 mol/L 的 HNO 3浸种 24 h ,25 ℃8 h/35 ℃16 h 变温催
芽;玉米(掖单 13)购自荆州市丰乐种子公司 ,种子播种到高温灭菌的蛭石上 ,1/2 MS 培养液培养 ,置于人
工气候箱中 28 ℃16 h/20 ℃8 h 萌发[ 7] 。
1.2 厌氧处理
薏苡和玉米萌发 7 d后 ,从蛭石中取出洗净 ,倒置放入广口瓶中并用钢丝网固定在瓶子底部 ,叶片朝
上 ,然后在瓶中充满水 ,再利用排水法充入氮气(99.99%)将水排出 ,然后将广口瓶放在盛有水的容器中加
盖固定倒置 ,用水封口。取不同厌氧时间的根尖 1 ~ 2 cm 和叶片顶部 3 cm 为待测材料[ 8] 。
1.3 测定方法
丙二醛含量和过氧化脂质含量用硫代巴比妥酸显色法测定的测定[ 9] ,超氧化物歧化酶活性的测定采
用氮蓝四唑光化还原法[ 10] ,过氧化物酶活性的测定愈创木酚氧化法[ 11] ,酶反应速度以每分钟光密度值变
化 0.01为一个活性单位(U),酶液中蛋白质含量按 Low ry[ 12]法定量 ,所有测定均设 3次重复 。
·166· 长江大学学报(自科版) 2006年 9月第 3卷 第 3期 农学卷Journal of Yangtze University(Nat Sci Edit) Sep.2006 , Vol.3 No.3 Agri Sci V
2 结果与分析
2.1 丙二醛和过氧化脂质含量的变化
从表 1结果可以看出 ,厌氧处理后薏苡根系的 MDA 含量显著低于处理前的水平 ,厌氧 72 h时为对
照的 57%;薏苡叶片的 MDA 含量厌氧处理后呈上升态势 ,其中 0 ~ 24 h 上升幅度较大 , 24 h后其含量变
化未达到极显著水平;玉米根系的 MDA 含量厌氧处理后均呈上升趋势 ,尤其在厌氧 24 ~ 48 h间 ,MDA
含量上升较快 ,与处理 24 h比较差异极显著;玉米叶片 MDA 含量自厌氧处理后持续上升 ,且不同处理时
表 1 厌氧胁迫下薏苡和玉米MDA 含量的变化
Table 1 The change of MDA content in coix and maize under anoxia stress
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
0 h 4.59±0.11aA 100 1.59±0.11cC 100
24 h 1.50±0.13cC 33 1.65±0.19cC 103
48 h 2.62±0.08bB 57 2.13±0.16bB 134
72 h 2.63±0.17bB 57 2.30±0.06aA 144
0 h 4.09±0.12cC 100 3.06±0.25dD 100
24 h 7.82±0.22bB 191 3.28±0.13cC 107
48 h 8.02±0.16aA 196 4.15±0.16bB 136
72 h 8.11±0.16aA 198 4.50±0.12aA 147
  注:同列数字后不同小写字母表示 0.05水平上显著 ,不同大写字母表示 0.01水平上显著 ,表 2 、表 3 、表 4同。
  表 2结果显示:厌氧处理前 ,薏苡和玉米的根系和叶片中的 LPO 值均处于较低水平 ,厌氧处理后 ,两
者根系和叶片中的 LPO 的含量都有显著增加 ,且叶片中 LPO 含量增加幅度较根系更大 。在厌氧胁迫
72 h后薏苡根系和叶片中的 LPO含量分别为对照的 137%和 233%;玉米根系和叶片的 LPO 含量分别为
对照的 143%和 228%。
表 2 厌氧胁迫下薏苡和玉米 LPO含量的变化
Table 2 The change of LPO content in coix and maize under anoxia stress
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
0 h 2.29±0.13cC 100 4.19±0.22dD 100
24 h 2.77±0.24bB 121 5.25±0.31cC 125
48 h 3.03±0.16aA 132 5.77±0.26bB 138
72 h 3.13±0.19aA 137 5.99±0.15aA 143
0 h 2.13±0.31dD 100 5.17±0.33cC 100
24 h 3.70±0.18cC 174 9.35±0.16bB 181
48 h 4.35±0.14bB 205 9.72±0.29bB 188
72 h 4.97±0.16aA 233 11.81±0.25aA 228
2.2 过氧化物酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性变化
厌氧胁迫后 ,薏苡根系和叶片的 POD活性在厌氧 48 h内较处理前显著下降 , 48 h 后有明显上升 ,厌
氧 72 h时 ,根系及叶片的的 POD活性分别为 0 h的 83%和 79%。玉米根系 POD活性在厌氧 24 h内变
化不明显 ,24 h后开始显著上升 ,厌氧 72 h时其活性为 0 h的 117%,玉米叶片中的 POD酶活性在厌氧处
理24 h就有显著上升 ,处理72 h后其活性为0 h 的380%。总体上看薏苡和玉米根系中 POD活性要高于
叶片(表 3)。
·167·第 3 卷 第 3 期 李亚男等:模拟厌氧胁迫对薏苡和玉米抗氧化酶活性及膜脂过氧化物的作用  
表 3 厌氧胁迫下薏苡和玉米 POD比活的变化
Table 3 The change of POD activity in coix and maize under anoxia stress
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
0 h 3.62±0.45aA 100 2.32±0.34cC 100
24 h 2.68±0.36cC 74 2.27±0.28cC 98
48 h 2.39±0.28dD 66 2.72±0.39bB 117
72 h 3.01±0.37bB 83 3.83±0.34aA 165
0 h 0.72±0.06aA 100 0.63±0.05cC 100
24 h 0.39±0.06cC 54 1.25±0.08bB 198
48 h 0.36±0.09cC 49 1.42±0.08bB 224
72 h 0.57±0.07bB 79 2.40±0.09aA 380
  厌氧处理后薏苡根系 、叶片的 SOD活性均呈下降态势 ,具体就根系而言 ,24 h 厌氧处理后 ,SOD活性
较处理前明显下降 ,处理 48 h SOD活性回升到接近处理前的水平 ,但72 h后又显著下降到为处理前SOD
活性的 63%。在叶片中 ,24 h 处理基本没有明显变化 ,但 48 h ~ 72 h 其活性有显著下降 。玉米根系的
SOD活性从处理 24 h ~ 72 h其活性表现为显著的下降 ,但玉米叶片的 SOD酶活性出现了显著上升 ,厌氧
处理 72 h ,SOD活性为处理前的 284%。非缺氧状态下 ,薏苡和玉米根系中 SOD活性高于叶片(表 4)。
表 4 厌氧胁迫下薏苡和玉米 SOD比活性变化
Table 4 The change of SOD activity in coix and maize under anoxia stress
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
含量/(μmo l· g -1) 占 CK 比例/ %
0 h 99.22±0.49aA 100 70.89±0.77aA 100
24 h 81.02±0.78bC 82 25.49±0.64bB 36
48 h 92.56±0.96aB 93 6.49±0.59cC 9
72 h 62.38±0.85cD 63 7.90±0.79cC 11
0 h 20.03±0.63aA 100 21.75±0.46cC 100
24 h 21.08±0.72aA 105 44.59±0.78bB 205
48 h 13.23±0.88bB 66 47.35±0.66bB 218
72 h 14.66±0.92bB 73 61.72±0.85aA 284
3 讨论与小结
厌氧胁迫引起膜脂过氧化 , MDA 是膜脂过氧化的指标 ,淹水逆境下植物膜脂过氧化加剧 MDA 积
累[ 13] 。随淹水时间持续 ,MDA 出现大量积累 ,导致过过氧化脂质含量的增加 ,但在根系上薏苡与玉米的
反应程度却有所不同 ,暗示薏苡根系对厌氧胁迫产生的膜脂过氧化有一定的耐受能力。这种差异可以作
为筛选耐涝性品种的指标之一在实践中应用 。
曾淑华等在转超氧化物歧化酶或过氧化物酶基因烟草中的研究中证实 SOD和 POD等作为超氧化保
护酶体系可以防御生物活性氧毒害[ 14] ,使生物体内自由基的生成和清除处于平衡状态而得以维持正常的
生理功能 。厌氧胁迫下薏苡和玉米的 POD和 SOD活性变化特点说明薏苡和玉米在厌氧胁迫下防御生物
活性氧毒害的方式存在很大差异 ,薏苡可能主要是通过根系的 SOD系统实现自由基的清除 ,这是一种比
较直接有效的方式 ,而玉米更多的可能利用 POD酶系统和以叶片作为其活性表达场所 。
深入研究植物厌氧胁迫的机理需要从分子生物学入手 ,在基因表达 、信号转导等方面开展工作 。
[ 1]蔡永萍 ,陶汉之 ,张玉琼.土壤渍水对小麦开花后叶片几种生理特性的影响[ J] .植物生理学通讯 , 2000 , 36(2):110~ 113.
(下转第 173 页)
·168·   长江大学学报(自科版) 2006年 9 月
0.99%、丙氨酸 0.97%、丝氨酸 0.93%、精氨酸 0.90%、甘氨酸 0.88%、苯丙氨酸 0.88%、异亮氨酸
0.84%、赖氨酸 0.66%、酪氨酸 0.33%、胱氨酸 0.32%、组氨酸 0.26%。测定的 17 种氨基酸总含量为
17.92%,其中 ,必需氨基酸(色氨酸未测)含量为 7.88%,占氨基酸总量的 43.97%。
3 讨论
紫陀螺菌子实体的蛋白质含量为 26.14%,明显高于木腐菌茶树菇(Agrocybe aegeri ta)的 14.20%[ 2]
和名贵的共生菌松口蘑(Tricholoma matsutake)的 17.00%,但低于草腐菌草菇(Volvariella volvacea)的
33.77%[ 1] 。
经测定分析 ,紫陀螺菌蛋白质由 17种氨基酸(已测的)组成 ,氨基酸总含量为 17.92%,其中 ,必需氨
基酸(色氨酸未测)占氨基酸总量的 43.97%,明显高于 FAO/WHO 的标准蛋白(36.0%)。
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[ 2]汪宗立 ,刘晓忠 ,李建坤 ,等.玉米的涝渍伤害与膜脂过氧化作用和保护酶活性的关系[ J] .江苏农业学报 , 1988 , 4(1):1~ 8.
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[ 6]陈大清 ,董登峰 ,骆炳山 ,等.涝渍逆境下化学调节剂对苗期小麦生理特性的影响[ J] .湖北农学院学报 , 1998 , 18(2):185~ 186.
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[ 11] 张志良.植物生理学实验指导(第 2版)[ M] .北京:高等教育出版社 , 1990.154.
[ 12] Low ry O H , Rosenbrough N J , Farr A L , et a l.Protein measurement with the Folin phenolreagent[ J] .J Biol Chem , 1951 , 193:265~ 275.
[ 13] 张玉琼 ,张鹤英.淹水逆境下玉米若干生理生化特性的变化[ J] .安徽农业大学学报 , 1998 , 25(4):378~ 381.
[ 14] 曾淑华 , 赵正雄 ,覃 鹏.淹水对转超氧化物歧化酶或过氧化物酶基因烟草某些生理生化指标的影响[ J] .植物生理学通讯 , 2005 , 41:
603~ 607.
·173·第 3 卷 第 3 期 谭爱华等:紫陀螺菌蛋白质的氨基酸组成分析  
Abstract:The induced resistance to tobacco mosaic vi rus(TMV)in tobacco treated by salicy lic acid
(SA).Indirect-ELISA was used to de tect TMV virus content , and the extent of resistance to TMV
was studied by half-leaf method in lesion ho st.The results show ed that the content of TMV in N ic-
otiana tabacum decreased af ter induced by SA.With the time ex tending of TMV inoculat ion , the
content of TMV increased and w as up to maxim value at 28 d post-inoculat ion.The lesion number o f
tobacco leaves t reated by SA was similar to tho se untreated upper leaves and w as less than the con-
t rol.
Key words:salicy lic acid;tobacco mosaic virus;induced resistance
158 The Relationship Between Aquaporin Activity and Photosynthesis in Leaves of Fraxinus mandshurica
Seedl ings
ZHANG Xiu-juan ,Wu Chu  (Col lege o f Hort icul ture and Gardening , Yangtze Universi ty , Jingzhou , H ubei 434025 , Ch ina)
SUNHai-long  (Forestr y Col leg e o f Northeast Forestr y Univer sity , Harbin , Hei long j iang 150050 , China)
Abstract:Aquaporins play an important ro le no t only in w ate r t ranspor t , but also in CO 2 dif fusion as
w ell as carbonic anhydrase(CA).Mercury chloride , an inhibitor of aquaporins , reduced w ater lo ss
of leaves of Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings , and forskolin , an activa to r of aquapo rins , increased
w ater loss of leaves.Mercury chloride and fo rskolin inhibited CA activi ty.Mercury chloride t reat-
ment resulted in decrease of inte rcellular CO 2 concentration , t ranspirat ion , stomatal conductance ,
and pho to synthesis rate.Forskolin t reatment increased intercel lular CO 2 concentra tion , but resul ted
in decrease in transpi ration , stomatal conductance , and pho to synthesis rate.Mercury chlo ride and
forsko lin t reatment didn t induce significant changes in chlo rophy ll f luo rescence parameters
(Fv/Fm , ΥPSII , qP , and NQP).The resul ts indicated that aquapo rins and CA play impo rtant ro les in
pho to synthesis.
Key words:aquaporins;carbonic anhydrase(CA);photosynthesis;Fra xinus mandshurica
163 Dynamic Changes of Some Endogenous Hormone Content and Activities of Some Related Enzymes Dur-
ing the Germination of Seeds of Amorpha f rut iicosa L.and Robinia pseudoacacia L.
ZHENGXiu-zhen (The Centre of Forest &Hor ticu lture ,Wuhan Univer sity ,Wuhan , H ubei 430072 , Ch ina)
Abstract:Dynamic changes of some endogenous ho rmone content and activit ies of some related en-
zymes during the germination of the seeds of Amorpha f ruti icosa L.and Robinia pseudoacacia L .is
described.The results are as fo llow s:the germination rate of the seed of Amorpha f rut iicosa L.rises
g radually since the second day af ter planted in Petri dishes.T he germination rate of the seed of Rob-
inia pseudoacacia L.rises quickly since the fourth day and exceeds t Amorpha fruti icosa L.since
the 4.5 day.The content of zeat in riboside keeps stable during the germination , the changes o f the
contents of g ibberellin and indole acetic acid have the same trends;The content of abscisic acid o f
Amorpha f ruti icosa L.starts to fall af ter five days since i ts g ermination , while the content of ab-
scisic acid in Robinia pseudoacacia L.starts to rise.The change of content of abscisic acid is related
w ith the change of germination rate o f the seeds of Amorpha fruti icosa L .and Robinia pseudoaca-
cia L..T he changes of activi ties of amylase and catalase during the germination have the same trend.
Activity of pe ro xidase of the seed of Robinia pseudoacacia L.begins to rise af ter five day s since its
germination w hile the activity of peroxidase of the seed of Amorpha f rut iicosa L.keeps stable , and
the changes have relationship w ith the changes o f germination rate.
Key words:indigobush amo rpha;black locust;endogenouse plant ho rmone;enzyme-linked immuno-
so rbent assay ;enzyme
166 Effect of Simulative Anoxia on the Activity of Antioxidant Enzyme and Lipid Peroxidation of Coix and
LI Ya-nan , FUBi-shi  (Col lege o f Li f e S cience , Yang tz e Univer sity , J ing zhou , H ubei 434025 , China)
CHEN Da-qing   Col leg e o f Li fe S cience ,Yangtz e Universi ty , Jing zhou , H ubei 434025 , Ch ina;Col leg e o f Li fe S cience ,Wuhan Univer sity ,Wuhan , H ubei 430072 , Ch ina
Abstract:The change of the content of malonaldehyde(MDA)and lipid perox idation(LPO), and that
of the act ivity of supero xidedismutase(SOD)and pero xidase(POD)o f coix(Coi x lacrymajobi L .)
and maize(zea may L.)under simjulative anoxia stress w ere studied.The results showed that the
t reatment of anoxia increased the content of MDA of coix and maize , also resulted in the production
· Ⅵ ·
of LPO.On the o ther hand , the content o f LPO in coix w as low er than maize , and compared w ith
the anoxia t reatment before the MDA maintained relative low level in the roots of coix .Further-
more , the activity of SOD re tained quite high state in the ro ots of coix ,but there w ere a high activity
of POD and SOD in the leave o f maize.
Key words:anoxia st ress;coix(Coix lacrymajobi L.);maize(zea may L.);lipid pe ro xidation;an-
tio xidant enzyme
169 Effects of Light , IAA and NAA on Hypocotyls Elongation of Arabidopsis
LI Zhi-Yang ,LI Ya-Nan (Co llege o f Li f e S cience ,Yang tze Universi ty , J in gzhou , Hubei 434025 , China)
CHEN Da-Qing   Col leg e o f Li fe S cience ,Yang tze Universi ty , J ingzhou , Hubei 434025 , Ch ina;
Col leg e o f Li fe S cience ,Wuhan Universi ty ,WuHan , Hubei 430072 , Ch ina
Abstract:The w ild-ty pe(WT)Arabidopsis and i ts pho to receptor null mutants w ere used to study the
effects of lig ht , IAA (indole-3-ace tic acid) and NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid).The results
show ed that hypocotyls elongat ion of WT could be inhibited independent ly by w hite light , IAA and
NAA.Under w hite light , the inhibi tion of hypocoty ls elongat ion of WT was significant ly increased
than that in the dark w hen g row n on media containing 1μmo l/L and 10μmol/L IAA , but it w as re-
duced in evidence than that in the dark w hen g row n on media containing 100 μmol/ L IAA.There
w as no significant difference betw een white light- and dark-g row n inhibitions of hypocoty ls elonga-
tio n of WT when grow n on media containing 1μmol/L NAA .Under w hi te light the inhibit ion o f hy-
poco ty ls elongation o f WT was significantly reduced than tha t in the dark w hen grow n on media con-
taining 10 μmol/L and 100 μmol/ L NAA.Different photorecepto r nul l mutants w ere used to re-
search the action of pho to receptor , and the results indicated that crypto chrome 1 , phytochrome A
and phy tochrome B participate in the modulation of light inhibi tion process of hypocotyls elongation.
Key words:light quantity;indole-3-acetic acid(IAA);α-naphthalene acetic acid(NAA);Arabidopsis;
hypoco ty ls;elongation
172 Amino Acid Composition of Gomphus purpuraceus Protein
TAN Ai-hua ,LIUFa-zhi  (Department o f Biology , Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College ,Yichang , Hubei 443000 , China)
Abstract:The contents and composit ion of the am ino acids in the f rui tbody protein o f Gomphus pur-
puraceus were analyzed.T he results show ed that on a dry w eight basis , the crude pro tein(N 6.25)
content of Gomphus purpuraceus f ruitbodies w as 26.14%, 17 amino acids content o f Gomphus pur-
puraceus f rui tbody protein w as 17.92%, and the essential amino acids(Trp w asn t measured)con-
tent of the total amino acids w as 43.97%.
Key words:Gomphus purpuraceus;pro tein;amino acid;composi tion
174 Advances in Research on Molecular Biology of Plant Pol len Development
LIU Le-cheng   Co llege o f Hor ticu lture and Gardenin g , Y ang tz e Un iver sity , J ingzhou , Hubei 434025 , China;Inst itute o f Vegetable S cience , Zhej iang Universi ty , Hang zhou , Zhej iang 310029 , Ch ina
ZHANG Tao  Col lege o f Li fe S cience , Laiyang Ag ricu ltural Universi ty , Qingdao , Shandong 266109 , China;
Insti tute o f Veg etable Science , Zhej ian g Universi ty , H ang zhou , Zhej ian g 310029 , China
CAO Jia-shu  (Insti tute o f Vegetable S cience , Zhej ian g Univer sity , H angzhou , Zhej iang 310029 , China)
Abstract:In recent years , significant prog ress has been made in researche s on plant pollen develop-
ment wi th the application of modern mo lecular biolo gical techniques.A s a resul t , many specif ic
genes in plant pollen development have been cloned.The cloning , expression and control ling of spe-
cific g enes in developing po llen were review ed briefly .
Key words:pollen development;specific gene;male sterili ty;gene engineering
179 Effects of Natural and Human-caused Disturbance on Waterlogging Land Ecosystem in Four-lakes Re-
HEHao , LIU Zhang-yong  (Col lege o f Ag ronomy ,Y angtz e Univer sity , J ing zhou , H ubei 434025 , China)
Abstract:The ecological envi ronment of w aterlog ging land in Four-lakes Region w as inf luenced both
by natural and human-caused disturbance facto rs.Natural disturbance facto rs included tectonization ,
climate , hydro logical change and so forth.Human-caused disturbance factors included ag ricultural
policies , population pressure , water conserv ancy , envi ronmental po llution and so on.U nder natural
disturbance condi tions , the w aterlog ging bo t tom land presents regular change , however , the deg ree
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