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全 文 :崖柏种子繁育研究
张世强 1, 2*,谭小梅 1,吴斌 2,卢伟 2 (1.重庆
市林业科学研究院, 重庆沙坪坝 400036;2.重
摘 要 [目的] 研究崖柏种子繁育中的技术
需求,为该树种的拯救繁育奠定基础。 [方法]
究温度、 基质对崖柏种子发芽率及出苗率影
立枯病的影响。 [结果] 崖柏种子发芽适宜的
温度为 15~20 ℃,最适温度为 20 ℃,发芽率
可达 95%,在 25 ℃条件下崖柏种子基本上不
能萌发。 崖柏种子在 40 ℃温水浸泡下露白数
量最多,浸泡 24 h 后露白数量无明显增加。在
容器育苗基质中,18 号基质即锯末 2/3、 森林
表土和一般土各占 1/3,有利于崖柏容器苗出
苗率。 几种试剂中,硫酸亚铁对崖柏病虫害防
治效果最好,累计发病度为 15%,其次是敌克
松为 17%,波尔多液为 21%,抗枯灵为 22%,
高锰酸钾效果最差。 [结论]锯末对崖柏容器苗
关。 森林土含量过高不利于崖柏容器苗的出
关键词 崖柏;发芽率;出苗率;容器育苗;立
作者简介 张世强(1966-),男,重庆城口人,
高级工程师, 从事森林培育方面的研究,E-mail:
txmzyq2006@126.com。 * 通讯作者。
收稿日期 2015-03-05
修回日期 2015-04-08
Study on Seed Breeding of Thuia sutchuenensis
Shiqiang ZHANG1, 2*, Xiaomei TAN1, Bin WU2, Wei LU2
1. Chongqing Academy of Forestry, Shapingba 400036, China;
2. Chongqing Daba Mountain National Nature Reserve Administration, Chengkou 405900, China
*Corresponding author. E-mail: txmzyq2006@126.com
Received: March 5, 2015 Accepted: April 8, 2015A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2015, 16(4): 712-715
Copyright訫 2015, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticultrue
T huia sutchuenensis (Cupres-saceae: Thuia) is an evergreentree, and it is a unique national
treasure of plant in China. Thuia
sutchuenensis is naturally distributed
in the Chengkou Mountains of Daba
Mountains. Chongqing is considered
the only distribution region of Thuia
sutchuenensis across the world. At
present, Thuia sutchuenensis forest is
only distributed in the cliffs and ridges
with altitude of 700 -2 100 m in the
southern and southeastern Chongqing
Daba Mountain Nature Reserve. How-
ever, the Thuia sutchuenensis popu-
lation has been fragmented. Due to in-
breeding, the seed yield, germination
rate and emergence rate of Thuia
sutchuenensis have all been reduced,
critically endangering the Thuia
sutchuenensis population. Currently,
Thuia sutchuenensis is in danger of
extinction[1-5]. In this research, the seed
breeding of Thuia sutchuenensis was
studied more systematically, which
has extremely important theoretical
and practical significance in making up
blanks in field of seed breeding of
Thuia sutchuenensis, recovering
Thuia sutchuenensis populations and
rescuing and protecting the public
Material and Methods
The tested Thuia sutchuenensis
seeds were collected from the
Mingyue Village, Xianyi Town,
Chengkou County, Chongqing City in
2013. Mingyue Village has a north
subtropical mountain climate, with an-
nual average temperature of 13.8 ℃ ,
Abstract [Objective] This research aimed to study technical requirements by seed
breeding of Thuia sutchuenensis so as to lay a foundation for the saving and
breeding of Thuia sutchuenensis. [Method] The seeds of Thuia sutchuenensis, col-
lected from Xianyi Town, Chengkou County, Chongqing City, were used as material.
The effects of temperature and matrix on germination rate and emergence rate of
Thuia sutchuenensis were investigated. In addition, the control effects of different-
type and different-concentration pesticides on seedling blight of Thuia sutchuenensis
were also studied. [Result] The suitable temperature for seed germination of Thuia
sutchuenensis was 15 -20 ℃ , while the optimum temperature was 20 ℃ , under
which the germination rate could reach 95%. At temperature of 25 ℃, the seeds of
Thuia sutchuenensis almost could not germinate. The seeds of Thuia sutchuenensis
germinated most if soaked in warm water of 40 ℃. After 24 h soaking, the germi-
nated seeds were not increased significantly. Among the matrixes for container
seedling, the 18th matrix, composed by sawdust (2/3) and forest topsoil or general
soil (1/3), was conducive to the seed germination in containers. Among the pesti-
cides, the control effect of ferrous sulfate on diseases and pests in Thuia sutchue-
nensis was best with cumulative incidence of 15% , followed by those of fe-
naminosulf (17%), Bordeaux mixture (21%), Kangkuling (22%) and potassium per-
manganate. [Conclusion] Sawdust had great effect on emergence rate of Thuia
sutchuenensis in container seedling, which might be related to good water retention
and permeability of sawdust. However, too much forest soil was not conducive to
the emergence rate of Thuia sutchuenensis in container seedling. Ferrous sulfate
had the best control effect on diseases and pests in Thuia sutchuenensis.
Key words Thuia sutchuenensis; Germination rate; Emergence rate; Container
seedling; Seedling blight
Agricultural Science & Technology2015
annual average sunshine hours of
1 534 h, average frost-free period of
234 d, annual average rainfall days of
166 d and annual average rainfall of
1 261.4 mm[6].
Determination of seed vigor of
Thuia sutchuenensis The tested
seeds were collected from the Daba
Mountain Nature Reserve in Chengk-
ou County, Chongqing City during
September to October of 2013. The
plump seeds, with no diseases or
pests, were selected and placed in in-
cubators. The incubating temperatures
were designed as 0, 15, 20 and 25 ℃,
respectively. There were four dupli-
cates, with 100 seeds per duplicate,
for each of the four temperature treat-
ments. The numbers of germinated
seeds were recorded every day. When
the germination ended, the un-germi-
nated seeds were dissected, and the
vigors of the intact seeds were deter-
mined with the TTC method[7-8].
Germination rate (Gr) = ΣGt / Nt ×
Wherein, Gt represents the num-
ber of germinated seeds on the t th d; Nt
represents the number of total seeds.
Treatment of Thuia sutchuenensis
seeds A certain number (1 800) of
plump and size-appropriate seeds
were randomly divided into nine
groups with 200 seeds per group. The
seeds were soaked in warm water of
40, 50 and 60 ℃ for 12, 24 and 36 h,
respectively (Table 1). After the soak-
ing, the floating empty and bad seeds
were eliminated, and only 100 seeds
were kept for each of the treatments.
Subsequently, the seeds were disin-
fected with 0.1% potassium perman-
ganate and then rinsed with clean wa-
ter. A certain amount of river sand was
cleaned and dried, and then sterilized
for 30 min. The seeds were inoculated
in the river sand in artificial climate
chambers. During the inoculating, the
river sand was kept humid. Once the
seeds germinated, they could be trans-
ferred to containers[9].
Container seedling of Thuia
sutchuenensis The matrixes were
prepared by mixing different materials.
There were total 21 matrix formulas
(Table 2). After prepared, the matrixes
were disinfected with ferrous sulfate
spray. The germinated seeds were
transferred into containers filled with
different matrixes. A total of two ger-
minated seeds were placed in each
pot, and then they were covered with
0.6 cm depth soil. After the sowing, the
seeds were watered sufficiently, and
since then, the seeds were watered
once respectively each morning and
evening. There were five duplicates,
with 10 plants per duplicate, for each
treatment. Thus, a total of 1 050 Thuia
sutchuenensis seeds were sowed.
Diseases and pests control in Thuia
Early-stage preparations
① Seed treatment. Before the
sowing, the seeds were soaked in
0.5% potassium permanganate for 15
min and then rinsed with clean water
for promoting germination.
② Soil treatment. The prepared
matrixes were mixed with 0.5% ferrous
sulfate and then packed. Before the
sowing, the planting holes were shed
with certain mixture of sand and fe-
naminosulf (3 000 ∶1). The prepared
matrixes were sprayed with 0.15% fer-
rous sulfate.
③ After the seedlings emerged,
watering was performed appropriately.
When the temperature was too high,
the shed was removed for cooling and
④ After the seedling emerged,
0.5% ferrous sulfate was sprayed ap-
Drug selection The used drugs in-
cluded ferrous sulfate, Kangkuling,
Bordeaux mixture, fenaminosulf and
potassium permanganate.
Table 1 Design of seed germination-
promoting test
1 40 12
2 40 24
3 40 36
4 50 12
5 50 24
6 50 36
7 60 12
8 60 24
9 60 36
CK 0 0
Table 2Matrix formulas and Duncan’s multiple comparison of emergence rate
Matrix component
Emergence rate
Fine sand Sawdust Forest soil General soil
J1 1 0 0 0 0.68 efg DEF
J2 0 1 0 0 0.84 abc ABC
J3 0 0 1 0 0.20 m K
J4 0 0 0 1 0.30 lm JK
J5 1/3 1/3 1/3 0 0.52 hij FGHI
J6 1/3 1/3 0 1/3 0.40 jkl HIJ
J7 1/3 0 1/3 1/3 0.56 ghi EFGH
J8 0 1/3 1/3 1/3 0.28 lm JK
J9 2/3 1/6 1/6 0 0.62 fgh DEFG
J10 1/6 2/3 1/6 0 0.82 bcd ABC
J11 1/6 2/3 1/6 0 0.48 ijk GHI
J12 2/3 1/6 0 1/6 0.90 ab AB
J13 1/6 2/3 0 1/6 0.76 cde BCD
J14 1/6 1/6 0 2/3 0.38 kl IJ
J15 2/3 0 1/6 1/6 0.52 hij FGHI
J16 1/6 0 2/3 1/6 0.20 m K
J17 1/6 0 1/6 2/3 0.70 def CDE
J18 0 2/3 1/6 1/6 0.96 a A
J19 0 1/6 2/3 1/6 0.60 fghi DEFG
J20 0 1/6 1/6 2/3 0.56 ghi EFGH
J21 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 0.62 fgh DEFG
Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0.05
level; different capital letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0.01
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015
Experimental methods Different
concentrations of drugs above were
sprayed once 7 d after the seedlings
emerged, and clean water was spayed
once 15 min later. The situation of inci-
dence in the container bags was ob-
served before the next time of spray-
ing. A total of four grades were ar-
ranged: 0 represented none diseases
or pests; I represented incidence be-
low 30% ; II represented incidence
ranging from 30% to 50% ; III repre-
sented incidence above 50%. The inci-
dence rate was calculated according
to following formula:
Incidence rate = (0 × Number of
total container bags of 0 grade + 1 ×
Number of total container bags of I
grade + 2 × Number of total container
bags of II grade + 3 × Number of total
container bags of III grade) / 3 × Total
surveyed container bags.
Results and Analysis
Seed germination rate and seed
vigor of Thuia sutchuenensis
At 20 ℃, the germination of Thuia
sutchuenensis seeds started on the
9th d and ended on the 20th d since
the sowing; the cotyledons started to
be outspread on the 18th d and were
wholely outspread on the 20th d. At 15
℃, the germination started on the 10th
d and ended on the 19th d; the cotyle-
dons started to be outspread on the
20th d, and 56% of the cotyledons were
outspread till the 30th d. At 25 ℃ , only
one seed germinated, and only one
cotyledon was outspread till the 23th d.
Germination-promoting treatment
of Thuia sutchuenensis seeds
There were significantly differ-
ences in number of germinated Thuia
sutchuenensis seeds among different
temperature treatments. In the temper-
ature treatment group of 40 ℃ , the
germinated Thuia sutchuenensis
seeds were most. The number of ger-
minated Thuia sutchuenensis seeds
also different greatly among different
soaking times, and the germinated
seeds were most after a 24-h soaking.
Effect of different matrix formula on
emergence rate of Thuia sutchue-
There were significant differences
in emergence rate of Thuia sutchue-
nensis container seedlings among
different matrix formulas. The highest
emergence rate was higher than 90%.
The emergence rates of J18 and
J12 were all higher than 90%, and the
emergence rate of J18 was the highest
(96% ). The lowest emergence rate
was lower than 30% . Among all the
matrix formulas, the emergence rates
of J3, J4, J8 and J16 were all lower
than 30%. The emergence rates of J3
and J16 were lowest (only 20%). The
highest emergence rate was 4.5 times
higher than the lowest. Among the 21
matrix formulas, there were 14 formu-
las of which the emergence rates were
higher than 50%, and the emergence
rates of the others were lower than
50%, including J3, J4, J6, J8, J11, J14
and J16 (Table 2).
Diseases and pests control for
Thuia sutchuenensis
The container seedlings of Thuia
sutchuenensis were susceptible to
diseases and pests, bringing devastat-
ing losses to container seedling. In or-
der to determine the optimum drug
concentration for preventing seedling
blight, a test was carried out during the
container seedling of Thuia sutchue-
nensis. The results showed that the
control effect of ferrous sulfate was
best with cumulative incidence of 15%,
followed by those of fenaminosulf
(17%), Bordeaux mixture (21%) and
Kangkuling (22%). The control effect
of potassium permanganate was worst
with cumulative incidence of 30% . In
the CK group, the cumulative inci-
dence was 47% (Table 3).
Conclusions and Discus-
Thuia sutchuenensis seeds have
no dormancy period, and they can
Table 3 Survey on control effects of various pesticides in Thuia sutchuenensis
Drug No. Concentra-tion
Time∥m-d Total surveyed
Treatment Observation 0 I II III
Ferrous sulfate 1 1∶00 05-18 05-25 200 6 4 0 6 0.01
2 1∶00 05-25 06-04 200 47 29 14 47 0.12
3 1∶00 06-10 06-18 200 24 26 21 24 0.15
Kangkuling 1 1∶700 05-18 05-25 200 6 4 1 6 0.01
2 1∶700 05-25 06-04 200 32 28 19 32 0.14
3 1∶700 06-01 06-18 200 31 6 42 31 0.22
Bordeaux mixture 1 1∶1 05-18 05-25 200 16 1 42 16 0.21
2 1∶1 05-25 06-04 200 23 25 1 23 0.05
3 1∶1 06-01 06-18 200 20 8 13 20 0.08
Fenaminosulf 1 1∶300 05-18 05-25 200 8 5 33 8 0.17
2 1∶300 05-25 06-04 200 19 49 1 19 0.09
3 1∶300 06-01 06-18 200 31 2 30 31 0.15
Potassium 1 1∶1 000 05-18 05-25 200 5 8 57 5 0.30
permanganate 2 1∶1 000 05-25 06-04 200 20 26 16 20 0.12
3 1∶1 000 06-01 06-18 200 15 1 23 15 0.12
CK 1 Water 05-18 05-25 45 1 3 20 1 0.47
2 Water 05-25 06-04 45 9 8 10 9 0.28
3 Water 06-01 06-18 45 12 0 16 12 0.36
Agricultural Science & Technology2015
Responsible editor: Tingting XU Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
germinate under appropriate condi-
tions. Moreover, Thuia sutchuenensis
seedlings can be obtained. The suit-
able temperature for germination of
Thuia sutchuenensis seeds is 15 -20
℃ , while the optimum temperature is
20 ℃ . At 25 ℃ , Thuia sutchuenensis
seeds basically can not germinate. At
20 ℃ , the germination rate of plump
Thuia sutchuenensis seeds can reach
When soaked in warm water of 40
℃ , the Thuia sutchuenensis seeds
germinate most, and after a 24 h soak-
ing, the germinated seeds will be not
increased significantly. It is indicated
that the germination-promoting situa-
tion of Thuia sutchuenensis seeds is
best when they are soaked in warm
water of 40℃ for 24 h.
In the matrix formulas in which
sawdust represents higher than 2/3,
the emergence rates of Thuia
sutchuenensis are all higher than 70%.
It is suggested that sawdust has great
effect on emergence rate of Thuia
sutchuenensis seedlings, which may
be related to good water retention and
permeability of sawdust. The compo-
nent analysis of formulas for which the
emergence rates are lower than 30%
shows, the proportion of forest soil is
all very high. So it can be preliminarily
concluded that too high proportion of
forest soil in formula is not conducive
to emergence rate of Thuia sutchue-
nensis seedlings. For the matrix for-
mula of J18, composed by sawdust
(2/3), forest soil (1/6) and general soil
(1/6), the emergence rate of Thuia
sutchuenensis seedlings is highest.
The results of this study show that
the control effect of ferrous sulfate is
best with cumulative incidence of 15%,
followed by those of fenaminosulf
(17%), Bordeaux mixture (21%) and
Kangkuling (22%). The control effect
of potassium permanganate is worst
with cumulative incidence of 30% . In
the CK group, the cumulative inci-
dence was 47%.
Through one-year test and obser-
vation, several following measures are
summarized for preventing and con-
trolling seedling blight in Thuia
sutchuenensis: the organic fertilizers
for preparing matrixes should be fully
decomposed, crushed and sieved to
reduce particulates; the sowing seeds
should be selected carefully and the
rotten seeds must be discarded; the
prepared matrixes should be thor-
oughly disinfected with ferrous sulfate
or carbendazim; the sowing seeds
need to be disinfected with 0.5%
potassium permanganate; 0.5% fer-
rous sulfate needs to be sprayed once
on the 7th d since the emergence; suf-
ficient watering should be performed
regularly; at high temperature, the ven-
tilation inside the shed should be
maintained well for cooling.
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