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全 文 :苘麻韧皮纤维研究
(西安交通大学 , 西安 , 710049) 
董政娥 温桂清 陶用珍 孙小寅 万振江
摘 要:采用正交试验设计方法研究苘麻韧皮的脱胶,得出最优工艺。并得出酸碱处理对木质素去除基础上无效这一结论 ,分析
关键词:苘麻 脱胶 木质素 研究
中图法分类号:TS 102.22   文献标识码:A
本项目获西安工程科技学院 2001年科学研究计划项目资助。
  苘麻(Abutilon Theophrasti Medic)为锦葵科苘麻
属植物。一年生 ,茎直立 ,叶圆形 ,在易涝地及干旱
地区均可生长 ,既有大量野生植株 ,又可栽培 。据记
载 ,其种子可作冬葵子入药 ,茎皮纤维可制绳索。
随着人们对环境污染问题的日益关注 ,合理开
纤维为原料 ,经手工分选 、浸酸 、碱煮脱胶 、漂白等工
序制成精干麻 ,测试了所得纤维性能。
1 苘麻韧皮纤维的化学成分测试
苘麻茎收获后 ,在水中浸泡 3 ~ 6天(以手工能
剥下韧皮为宜),剥皮 ,晾干。依 GB5889-86 测定了
其化学成分 , 见表 1。纤维含胶率 29.60%, 灰分
表 1 茼麻韧皮的化学成分分析
项目 脂蜡质 水溶物 果胶物质 半纤维素 木质素 纤维素
含量(%) 0.85 5.22 8.76 16.85 16.40 51.92
2 脱胶工艺的优化
2.1 工艺流程[ 1 , 2]
2.2 正交试验设计[ 3]
在大量试验的基础上 ,选取了 4个因素 ,分别取
三水平进行正交试验 ,具体情况见表2 。
表 2 正交试验选取的因子及水平
水平 浸酸浓度(g L)A
浓度(g L)C
1 1.2 50 8 1.5
2 1.8 60 11 2.5
3 2.4 70 14 3.5
  其它工艺参数选择如下。浸酸:时间 1 h ,浴比
1∶20;碱煮:三聚磷酸钠 2.5%(o.w.f),亚硫酸钠2%
(o.w.f),常压 ,浴比 1∶20;打纤:正反交替各 4圈 ,每
打 1圈翻动 1 次 ,每打 2圈用自来水冲洗 1 次;漂
白:双氧水 4 g L ,硅酸钠 2.5 g L ,氢氧化钠 2 g L ,温
度 90 ~ 92℃,浴比 1∶20(试样重量按原纤维重量的
2.3 正交试验设计表及试验结果
根据表 3中残胶率数据可知 ,苘麻脱胶的最优
工艺应为 A2B2C3D2 。根据木质素残余含量可知 ,最
优工艺应为 A2B1C3D1 ,综合考虑 ,采用 A2B2C3D2 工
艺处理一批麻样 ,初步进行了分析研究。
表 3 正交试验设计表及试验结果
试验号 A B C D 残胶率(%)
1 1 1 1 1 6.39 13.00
2 1 2 2 2 4.31 13.74
3 1 3 3 3 4.62 13.31
4 2 1 2 3 5.53 12.88
5 2 2 3 1 4.76 12.45
6 2 3 1 2 4.79 13.05
7 3 1 3 2 3.63 14.26
8 3 2 1 3 6.39 14.55
9 3 3 2 1 9.33 14.19
Ⅰ(残胶率) 15.32 15.55 17.57 20.48
Ⅱ(残胶率) 15.08 15.46 19.17 12.73
Ⅲ(残胶率) 19.35 18.74 13.01 16.54
Ⅰ(木质素) 40.05 40.14 40.60 39.64
Ⅱ(木质素) 38.38 40.74 40.81 41.05
Ⅲ(木质素) 43.00 40.55 40.02 40.74
2.4 经最优工艺处理的试样的性能
测试处理之后麻样的木质素含量为 10.42%;
所得“束纤维”细度较大麻粗 ,长度较大麻长;“束纤
维”上分叉较多 ,当试图拉开伸出纤维的绒毛时 ,绒
毛可能多被拉断 ,产生短绒毛 ,怀疑为单纤维;在光
·572·【64】                               纺织学报 第24卷 第 6期
DOI :10.13475/j.fzxb.2003.06.026
学显微镜下观察 ,发现苘麻纤维的横节较苎麻少。
3 分析讨论
1.由表 1及表 3可见 ,不论是原麻还是脱胶后
的麻 ,木质素的含量均较高 。这说明该化学脱胶工
艺不能有效去除木质素 ,且木质素含量在原麻含胶
及脱胶麻残胶率测定中采用碱煮的方法 ,而碱煮并
不能充分溶解木质素 。
2.“束纤维”上的绒毛应为苘麻的单纤维 ,单纤
维细而短。单纤维不易从束纤维上分离下来 ,是因
为脱胶后纤维间木质素含量仍然很高(含量 10%以
上),使纤维牢固地粘结在一起 。
3.由表 3可见 ,酸预处理的酸浓度增加 、处理
温度提高及碱煮时间延长 ,均使残胶率提高。原因
解 ,在测定残胶率时 ,降解了的纤维素也在碱煮中溶
出 ,从而使测得的残胶率数值增大。另外表 3的正
酸浓度最大时残余木质素含量最多 ,酸处理时间最
短时残余木质素含量最少 。但若不用酸处理 ,则半
纤维素及果胶的去除难度加大 ,这是多年来苎麻脱
4.比较表 3中残胶率和木质素含量两组数值 ,
木质素含量数值差异不大 ,而残胶率数值间差异较
的去除影响很大 ,而对木质素的去除影响不大 。结
合这些数值本身 ,基本上可以认为:苎麻的常规化学
维素 ,而对木质素的去除则是无效的(仅去除了木质
素的 36.6%)。所以 ,对于木质素含量较高的大麻 、
荨麻 、苘麻等麻纤维 ,必须另外寻找合适的去除木质
素的方法。也正因为考虑到这一点 ,本文最优工艺
的选择中选用了 B2D2 而未选用 B1D1 。
5.根据脱胶后纤维的长度 、细度及纤维的表面
形态 ,认为苘麻纤维采用现今的脱胶及纺纱技术纺
制细支纱较为困难 ,但若纺较粗的纱加工装饰品 、家
用纺织品 、床上用品则较容易 ,如果结合麻的吸湿透
气 、抗菌保健等性能 ,这类产品将具有很好的市场前
景 。另外 ,考虑到黄麻[ 4] 、亚麻[ 5] 、剑麻[ 6] 等已用于
加工纤维增强复合材料 ,同为韧皮纤维的苘麻也将
4 结束语
高低对纤维性能的影响 。据分析[ 7] ,在木材中木质
素作为一种填充和粘结物质 ,在木材细胞壁中能以
物理或化学的方式使纤维素纤维之间粘结和加固 ,
增加木材的机械强度和抵抗微生物侵蚀的能力 。可
见木质素与碳水化合物之间的结合相当紧密 ,欲研
的方法 ,难度是很大的 。作者认为 ,生物化学法将是
解决这一问题的有效方法 ,其难点在于要开发出一
特种性能(如抗菌 、防辐射等),以进一步挖掘纤维的
潜力 ,开发相应的产品 。
3.就目前情况看 ,苘麻作为服装用纤维尚有一
定困难 ,但在装饰品 、家用纺织品 、床上用品以及纤
维增强复合材料等方面很有探讨价值 。
致谢:本文得到了中国纺织工程学会麻纺织专业委员会 2001年
学术交流会与会专家的指导 ,在此谨向各位专家 、学者表示衷心感谢。
参 考 文 献
1  姜繁昌等.苎麻纺纱学.北京:纺织工业出版社 , 1989:49~ 78.
2  郁崇文等.苎麻纱线生产工艺与质量控制.上海:中国纺织大学
出版社 ,1997:20~ 29.
3  汪荣鑫.数理统计.西安:西安交通大学出版社 , 1986:149~ 158.
4  郑 融等.黄麻纤维 环氧复合材料及其性能分析.复合材料学
报 , 1995(1):18~ 25.
5  R.W.Kessler et al.New Strategies for Exploiting Flax and Hemp.
Chemtech , 1996(12):34~ 42.
6  K.Joseph.Effect of Ageing on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of
Sisal-fiber-reinforced Polyethylene Composites.Composites Science and
Technology , 1995:99~ 110.
7  杨淑蕙主编.植物纤维化学.北京:中国轻工出版社 , 2001:69.
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·573·纺织学报 第 24卷 第 6期                               【65】
A Research of Predicting the Handle of Cotton Fabrics by BP Neural Network
In the paper artificial neural network(ANN)is adopted to analyze cotton fabric s handle.The BP neural network is constructed to botain
the handle.The predicted values and the tested values are compared , which is in good agreement. Cao Jianda et al(35………………… )
The Dyeing Properties of Lyocell Fabric
The authors made a comparison of the strength and microstructure of Lyocell fabric treated with different concentrated caustic soda under
the relaxation condition with the concolorous ability considered when Lyocell is blended with modal or cotton fibres.It shows from the study:
with the changes of microstructure of Lyocell fabric treated by concentrated caustic soda , and the better dyeing concolorous performance between
Lyocell fabric and mercerized cotton obtained while the concolorous performance is the worst between Lyocell and unmercerized cotton fibres.
Lu Xian e et al(37………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
A Study of the Treatment for Bleached Cotton Fabrics with Citric Acid
With critric acid , 2D resin , critric acid triethanolamine to finish the bleached cotton fabrics respectively , the effects on the whiteness ,
break age , strength , crease recovering angle of the bleached cotton fabrics have been anylized in the paper.And the function of triethanolmine
and of the additive in the finishing bath is also discussed. Wang Xiaoming et al(40……………………………………………………… )
The Influence of Corona Treatment on Fabric Surface Wettability
In this paper , the influence of corona treatment on surface wettability of different fabricwas compared.The effects of number of radicals on
fabric surface after corona treatment and the wettability of corona treated fabric depending on time were studied.The result showed that the
corona treatment could improve the surface wettability of fabric and the influence of corona treatment on non-polar substrate was greater than on
polar substrate.The wettability of fabric obtained through corona treatment would go down with the increasing of the time.
Chi Kedong et al(42)
A Study of the Synthesis and Property of Carboxymethyl Starch of High Degree of Substitution
The influence factors on the synthesis of carboxymethyl starch with high degree of substitution have been confirmed by experiments
designed on the basis of orthogonality project L9(34).A carboxymethly starch with high degree of substitution of 0.92 was obtained with the best
determined parameters of synthesis.The adhensive property , the structure determination and surface morphorlogical analysis of the carboxymethyl
starch(DS=0.92)were also dealt with in this paper. Zhang Xiaodong et al(44……………………………………………………… )
An Experimental Study of Structure Design of Bulletproof Laminated Composites
In this paper the relationship between resin content and ballistic properties of laminated composite targets , and the proper mode of
composite between fabric and resin have been studied for the bulletproof laminatee composites.The resin content in the composites should be in
the range of 14%~ 20%, and should avoid penetrating.In the above-mentioned range of resin content , the ballistic limits of bulletproof
laminated composites mainly depend on the number of fabric layers and have nothing to do with resin content. Xiong Jie et al(47……… )
The Development of Engineering Design for Textiles and Clothing Mechanical Performance(Ⅱ)
The paper deals with the development of engineering design system for textiles and clothing mechanical performance.The paper is the
continued part of discussions and reviews on various engineering aspects of structure design , material design and manufacturing design for
industrial fabrics as well as mechanical design for clothing performance based on human factors. Zhang Xin et al(49…………………… )
The Design of a Needle Selection Controlled by a Piezoelectricity Ceramic-picce
The article focuses on the application of using piezoelectricity ceramic-piece to control needle selection in an electronic-jacquard loom.
Particularly , its mechanism and control principle was have been dealt with.First , the theory and feasibility of utilizing contradictorily strain to
control needle selection was described.Then , a design of a needle selection controlled by a piezoelectricity ceramic-piece has been put forw ard.
The information given in this article can be applicable to designing electronic jacquard loom. Wang Dehuang(52………………………… )
The Relationship Between the Weight per Square Meter and the Loop Length of Sweaters
Through tests and theoretical analysis , the regression equations on the relationship between the loop length and the weight per square meter
of the flat knit , rib 1+1 , full rib , milano rib , full cardigan , which is the commonly-used stitches of sweaters , have been obtained.With the
result , the formulas on the interrelationship between the weight per square meter and the loop number of sweaters have been deduced.
Hu Xinyi(54)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The Stress Distribution after the Textile Band Rolled
To compare with rolling-down systems , the rolling-up systems have some character.Based upon the elasticity theroy and commenting the
rolling-up systems utilized in textile , paper-making and printing businesses , a new controlling system over the tension has been put forward in
this paper. Yang Yajun et al(56………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Technique of Manufacture
An Exploration for the Sample Testing Method for the Imported and Exported Fabrics
In this paper the authors have summarized the advantages of sample testing method for the imported and exported fabrics.According to the
series of batches and ths single lot , we have adopted sample-examined way separately.Sample testing method SN T1099-2002 has been put
forward.In the practice of application and dissemination , srch approach is of stronger teasibility and utilization ,which cmld greatly the improve
the efficiency. Guo Huiqing(59………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
A Study of Processing Equipment and the Drawing Technology in the Slenderizing Wool Fibers
The paper mainly describes a suite of equipment on false twist drawing and setting for wool fibers.The key processing parametersw are also
introduced. Yang Suoting et al(61……………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
A Preliminary Study of ATM Fiber Degumming
The paper deals with ATM bast fiber degumming.Orthogonal experiment has been used to get the optimum techniques for degumming this
fiber.The experimental data show that acid or alkli treatment can not remove the lignin from the fiber.A preliminary analysis has been made of
the characteristics and application of the degummed fibers. Guan Yingting et al(64……………………………………………………… )
A Study of Technology of PV Knitting Yarns of Soybean Protein Fibers
The paper introduces the basic characteristics and performances of soybean protein fibers.According to practice in spinning process , the
influence of spinning factocs on blended yarn quality is analysed by spinning processes.The results can be used as a reference data for
improving the guality of blended soybean protein fibers. Zhao Bo et al(66……………………………………………………………… )
The Application of Specially Circulating Weave in the Design of Imaging Fabrics
Combining the design features of imaging fabric , the author analyzed and studied the characteristics of the construction for non-divisible
odd circulating weave and the relatively complicated weave.The author , also , presents an applicable method in the paper. Li J ialin(69…… )