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全 文 :电子显微学报 J. Chin. Electr. Microsc. Soc. 第 35 卷
Status of gold and silver minerals in the Chen’er
gold deposit in Shanxi Province
ZHANG Zhen-hua1,YIN Jing-wu1* ,CHEN Pu-pu1,WANG Meng-ya1,
ZHAO Fei1,SUN Yan-dong1,ZHANG Piao1,ZHANG Xu-dong2
(1. Institute of Earth Science,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083;2. Shaanxi Xinyuan Industry and Trade
Limited by Share Ltd. Luonan Shaanxi 726104,China)
Abstract On the basis of geologic survey,the paper studied the status and the composition of gold and silver minerals of Chen’er
gold deposit of by means of electron microprobe analysis (EPMA). The results show that the amount of Au element decreases while
the amount of Ag element increases from core to rim in the early period electrum. It is the first time to discover hessite and matildite in
Chener gold deposit. There was no report about the hessite and matildite in the others’work. The hessite is wrapped in matildite.
Because Te,Bi and Au have similar geochemical characteristics and close relations,so we can take the hessite and matildite as the
mark of the ore searching.
Keywords Chen’er gold deposit;EPMA;occurrence;containing gold and silver minerals
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* 获奖照片介绍*
(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京 100101)
拍摄仪器:冷冻扫描电子显微镜 Hitachi S-3000N&Quorum PP3000T。
拟南芥又名鼠耳芥、阿拉伯芥,拉丁文名为 Arabidopsis thaliala (L.)Heynh,为十字花科植物,具有生育
的模式实验材料。图片拟南芥《小花》处理方法为:先将样品经液氮雪泥速冻,经低温镀膜后在 - 130℃状态