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全 文 :云南大学学报 (自然科学版)  1998 , 20 (5):395 ~ 396 CN 53-1045/N ISSN 0258-7971
Journal of Yunnan University
Tissue Culture from Ovary of Hyacinthus orientalis L①
Lǜ Yanbo Chen Shanna Liang Yan Hu Zhihao Li Tianxin
(Department of Biology , Yunnan University , 650091 , Kunming , PRC)
Abstract The whole plant can be induced from ovary explant of Hyacinthus orientalis L by tissue culture tech-
nique.In our study , the MS medium supplemented with BA 5mg/ L and NAA 1 mg/ L is more adaptable to induce cal-
lus and shoo t bud.The medium fiting to the grow th of shoo t bud is MS+BA 2mg/ L+NAA 2 mg/ L.The MS medi-
um without any exogenous ho rmones was fit for roo t induction.
Key words Hyacinthus orientalis L , ovary , tissue culture
Hyacinthus orientalis L ,which is native to East Europe and South Africa , is one of the famous f low ers in
the world.It has high ho rticultural value for its show iest colour , at tractive shape and favour f ragrance.Howev-
er , i t is diff icult for Hyacinthus orientalis to reproduce sexually in natural ci rcumstance.Its propagation de-
pends on asexual reproduction w ith bulb.Tube culture is considered to be a useful method for both ef ficient
propagation and breeding of Hyacinthus orientalis.Although there are many reports on the tissue culture of
Hyacinthus orientalis
[ 1 ,2] , no studies have been published on plant regeneration f rom ovary-derived callus.
And the tissue culture f rom ovary is one of methods to prevent w ild rare endangered plant species.The species
used in our research wo rk are new ones f rom America.Plant material:flower bud and flower.
1 Cultural conditions
The f low ers were excised carefully f rom the young inflorescence , and sterilized in 70%ethanol for 30—40
s and in 0.1% aqueousmercuric chlo ride fo r 10 min , then rinsed three times wi th sterile distilled water.Then
in asept ic condition the flow ers were cut open and the ovaries w ere taken down and used for inoculat ion.The
cultures w ere grow n at(25±2)℃ and given light 12 h per day.The illumination photometer is 1 500 lux .
2 Callus initiation and shoot bud differentiation
The ovary explants w ere be inoculated on the MS medium +BA 5 mg/L+NAA 1 mg/L.After 15 d , the
ovary sw elled.Significant callus formation w as observed w ithin three w eeks on the surface of the explants.
Then the swelling ovary and callus w as dissected into pieces about 5—6 mm3 in size , and these pieces w ere fur-
ther subcultured under the same condition.The calli g row ed rapidly.After 20 d in culture , the growing point
can be seen by the naked eyes , and 10 d later , the buds appeared.
3 Subculture and multiplication
The shoo t buds were cut dow n and inoculated on the M S medium+BA 2mg/L+NAA 1 mg/ L.After 10
d , the bulb w as formed.After 20 d later(30 d af ter inoculation), some axillary buds g rew from the bulb.
① Received 1998-02-28
4 Root induction
When the shoot bud g rew to 2 —3 cm , the well-developed shoot buds were cultured on the M S medium
w ithout any exogenous hormones for root induct ion.Roots emerged from the cut end of the shoo ts within 10 —
15 d.When roots g rew to about 1 —2 cm , the in vit ro-developed plant lets can be used for transplantation.
5 Discussion
The inducement of callus and o rgans were closely related to exogenous hormones and the developmental
stage of the ovary .When the f low ers were just beginning to open or still buds , the ovary w as too young.The o-
vary w as easy to dry up and its swelling w as not obvious.But when the flower began to w ither , though the o-
vary was easy to induce callus , its ovary w as not f it fo r the formation of bud and root.It is best choice that the
ovary taken down from the f low ers having bloomed for 5—6 d.The kind of ovary w as mo re favourable to in-
duce callus and plant let.MS+BA 10mg/L +NAA 1 mg/L and MS +BA 5 mg/L +NAA 1 mg/L both can
rapidly induce the callus.But in the former medium , the concentration of cytokinin w as too high , and the medi-
um didn t benef it for the formation and g row th of shoot buds.On many kinds of media , the root can be repidly
induced from the bulb , for example ,MS medium w ithout any exogenous hormones ,MS+IBA 2 mg/ L and MS
+BA 5 mg/L+NAA 1 m/L +activated charcoal 5 g/L etc.On the M S medium w ithout any exogenous hor-
mones , the roots g rew fastest and best , and the cost price w as lowest.That may be the result of sequent actions
of hormones.
Acknowledgements We give our heart felt thanks to M rs.Hu Qionghua and M r.Wan Dong for thei r
support in this research.
1 Yuan Yaling.Callus culture of Hyacinthus orientalis L.Plant Magazine , 1992 , 19(1):21
2 Cao Ziy i , Liu Guomin.The teaching material of practical plant callus culture technique.Lanzhou:Science and Technology Press
of Ganshu , 1996.185
吕燕波 陈善娜 梁 燕 胡志浩 李天星
(云南大学生物系 , 昆明 , 650091;第一作者 23 岁 ,女 , 硕士研究生)
摘要 通过组织培养技术可以从风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)子房诱导出完整植株.在我们的
研究中 ,MS+BA 5 mg/ L+NAA 1 mg/ L 较适于诱导愈伤组织和芽.适于芽生长的培养基是 MS+BA 2
mg/ L+NAA 2 mg/L.MS(不加任何外源激素)培养基适于诱导生根.
关键词 风信子 ,子房 ,组织培养
分类号 Q 945.5
396 云南大学学报(自然科学版)                  第 20 卷