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WANG Wen-kai1 , 2) and ZHENG Le-yi1)
1)Department of Biology , Nankai University , Tianjin , 300071 , China;
2)Department of Agronomy , Hubei Agricultural College , Jingzhou , 434103 , China
(Received Nov.28 , 2000;accepted Jan.31 , 2002)
Abstract  This paper deals with two species of the Cerambycid genus Cyanagapanthia Breuning from China , in-
cluding a new species:C.aurecens sp.nov.A key to the genus is provided.The type specimen is deposited in the In-
sect Collection , Nakai University , China.
Key words  Coleoptera , Cerambycidae , Cyanagapanthia , new species
  Breuning (1968)established the genus Cy-
anagapanthia Breuning based on the type species
Cyanagapanthia bicolor.In general , Cerambycolo-
gists included the genus in Agnini of the subfamily
Lamiinae and ranked near Cribragapanthia Pic and
Anameromorpha Pic.The genus was small and
rarely collected , with only one known species from
south Asia.
Generic diagnosis (based on both the type
species and the new species):Body metallic blue ,
elongate.Antennae not fringed beneath , longer
than body;antennal tubercles fairly raised;scape
stout and short , cicatrix complete;third antennal
segment distinctly longer than fourth , twice as long
as scape;eyes coarsely facetted , deep emarginate ,
lower lobes longer than broad.Pronotum broader
than long , lateral spine well-developed.Elytra
elongate , subparallel , narrowly rounded apically;
middle tibiae not sulcate externally , tarsal claws di-
Key to species of Cynagappanthia from the world
1.Elytra metallic green , covered with short fine grayish green
pubescence;lower lobe of eyes deeper than broad;scutellum
triangular.Body length:16 -19 mm;breadth:5 -6 mm.
C.bicolor Breuing 1968
-Elytra metallic blue , densely covered with golden pubes-
cence;lower lobe of eyes slightly as deep as broad;scutellum
semicircle.Body length:16 mm;breadth:5 mm.Distribu-
tion:China(Yunnan) C.aurecensWang et……………
Zheng , sp.nov.
Cyanagapanthia bicolor Breuning
Cyanagapanthia bicolor Breuning , 1968 ,
Bull.Soc.R.Sci.Nat .Laos 16:25
Cyanagapanthia bicolor:WANG Wen-kai , 1997 ,
J .Southwest Agri.Univ.19(5):439 , 441
Material eximined:1♀2 ♂♂,(Body length:
16 ~ 19mm:breadth:5 ~ 6mm.), Yunnan:Nan-
hua county , 1600 m , June 27 , 1980 , Coll.LIU
Cyanagapanthia aurecens sp.nov.(Figs.1 ~ 3)
Body elongate.Head , prothorax , ventral sur-
face , scape and legs metallic blue.Scutellum
densely covered grayish white pubescence;pronotal
disc clothed sparsely golden hairs.Elytra metallic
blue , densely provided with erect golden hairs ,
more dense toward the apex.Antennae brownish
black , sparsely decorated beneath with black hair;
sides of frons , inner margin of eyes and hind genae
densely clothed with white pubescence;ventral sur-
face covered with fine grayish white pubescence and
speckled with grayish yellow.
Vertex deeply concave; frons convex and
sparsely punctured , broader than deep;deeply gro-
oved medially on frons and occiput;eyes deeply
emarginate , coarsely facetted , lower lobe squarish
and longer than genae.Antennae longer than body;
79ENTOMOLOGIA SINICA Vol.9 , No.1 , March 2002 ,pp.79—82  
Fig.1 Cyanagapanthia aurecens sp.nov.Wang et Zheng , adult.
antennal insertions fairly raised;scape short and
stout , thickened towards apex , cicatrix complete;
third antennal segment two times as long as scape
and longer than fourth;fifth and following segments
80   ENTOMOLOGIA SINICA Vol.9 , No.1 , March 2002
Fig.2-3 Cyanagapanthia aurecens sp.nov.Wang et Zheng.2.Female reproductive organ;3.ovipositor. 
81Wang W.K.and Zheng L.Y:New Species of Cyanagapanthia  
gradually shorter and their proportion in length as
0∶2.6∶3.0.Prothorax broader than long , deeply
transversely depressed anteriorly and posteriorly ,
coarsely punctured , densely;lateral tubercles an-
gulate and dorsal-laterally pointed.Scutellum round
behind;elytra entirely rugulose , subparallel at
sides and slightly broader behindmiddle and round-
ed apically.Femora more or less clavate;anterior
coxal cavities closed behind and mesocoxal ones
open to epimera;middle tibiae not sulcate external-
ly;claws divergent.
Female reproductive organ(figs.2-3):Ovi-
positor separated at lower middle near apex , deco-
rated with merged baculum in sides;coxite lobe
hardly chitinized and bear small styli which slightly
chitinized;vagina fairly folded in vaginal plate
which developed and sclerotized;bursa copulatrix
clavate and curved , moderately expanded at apex;
spermatheca long with irregular basal portion and its
apical portion even clavate.
Holotype ♀,China:Yunnan:Simao Caiyang-
he Xiaobazi , 1200 m , May 23 , 2000 , Coll.BU
Remarks:This new species is similar to Cy-
anagapanthia bicolor Breuing 1968 , but can be eas-
ily distinguished from the latter by the following
characters:elytra metallic blue densely decorated
with golden pubescence instead of elytra metallic
green covered with few short fine grayish green pu-
bescence;lower lobe of eyes squarish instead of
deeper than broad;scutellum semicircle instead of
triangular and elytra rugulose entirely coarsely in-
stead of rugulose finely , etc.
Breuning , S. 1968 Contribution a la connaissance des La-
miens du Laos. Bull.Soc.R.Sci.Nat.Laos 16:
Wang Wen-kai  1997 New records of Longicorn beetles in
China (Lamiinae , Cerambycidae , Coleoptera).  J.
Southwest Agri.Univ. 19(5):438-441.(in Chinese)
王文凯1 , 2) 郑乐怡1)
1)南开大学生物系 ,天津 ,300071;2)湖北农学院农学系 ,湖北荆州 , 434103
系统研究了中国金蓝天牛属 Cyanagapanthia Breuning ,共记述 2种 ,其中包括 1新种:黄毛金蓝天牛 Cyana-
gapanthia aurecens sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本馆 。黄毛金蓝天牛 Cyanagapanthia
aurecens sp.nov.:正模:♂,云南思茅菜阳河 , 1200m , 2000-Ⅴ-23 ,卜文俊采 。本种与二色金蓝天牛 C.bicolor的
区别为:鞘翅金属蓝色 ,密被金黄色绒毛而非鞘翅光裸金属绿色;复眼下叶长宽略等而非长显胜于宽;小盾片半
圆形而非三角形及鞘翅密布粗皱纹而非细皱纹等 。
关键词  鞘翅目 天牛科 金蓝天牛属 新种
82   ENTOMOLOGIA SINICA Vol.9 , No.1 , March 2002

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