Abstract:This paper summarized our experience,and lessons while we were doing starch gel electrophoresis experiment for allozyme analysis. High resolution was often achieved on some enzymes with certain buffer systems, for example, DIA, GPI, HEX, SOD and TPI with S6 ( Soltis et al., 1983); AMP with S8;MDH with S9; and SKD with W2 (Wendel and Weeden, 1989). Staining recipe of Soltis and Reiseberg (1986) was recommended for visualizing AMP. Agar staining was preferred to agarose staining for the reason of lower cost and slower diffusion of bands. For GPI, special attention should be paid to the choice of extraction buffer. In some cases, the bands of GPI were significantly reduced using the phosphate grinding buffer of Soltis et al. (1983) in some groups such as Mosla. The use of gel and electrode buffer No. 1 (S1) should be avoided if the materials are isozymes and alleles rich.