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A Newly Recorded Species of Verbena Linn. in China


全 文 :植物学通报 2005, 22 (1): 32~34
Chinese Bulletin of Botany
①通讯作者。Author for correspondence. E-mail: wangqing80@126.com
收稿日期:2004-03-24 接受日期:2004-11-03 责任编辑:孙冬花
实 验 简 报
1,2,3王 青① 2李 艳 2陈 辰
1(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室 北京 100093)
2(辽宁师范大学生命科学学院 大连 116029)
3(中国科学院研究生院 北京 100039)
摘要 长苞马鞭草(Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D. Rodriguez)原产北美。2001年春天我们首次在中
大、显著且比花萼明显的长,易和原产中国的唯一马鞭草属的V. officinalis L.区分开。
关键词 马鞭草属, 长苞马鞭草, 新记录, 中国
A Newly Recorded Species of Verbena Linn. in China
1,2,3WANG Qing① 2LI Yan 2CHEN Chen
1(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)
2(College of Life Science, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029)
3(Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039)
Abstract Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D. Rodriguez is a well-known native in North America.
In spring 2001, it was found for the first time growing thickly by itself or among other species of plants
in the wasteland near Malan reservoir of Dalian, northeastern China. The morphology appears to be
similar to that of the original species. Since its floral bractlets are often large, conspicuous and much
longer than the calyx, V. bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D. Rodriguez can be easily distinguished from V.
officinalis L., only one species native in China.
Key words Verbena Linn., V. bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D. Rodriguez, Newly recorded species,
马鞭草科植物——长苞马鞭草Verbena bracte-
ata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D. Rodriguez。现报道如下:
长苞马鞭草 新拟 图1
Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J. D.
Rodriguez in Anales Ci. Nat. 4: 260. 1801; J. A.
Steyermark in Fl. Missouri 1260. 1963; W. C. Mar-
tin in Fl. New Mex. 1689. 1981; A. Cronquist et al.
in InterMt. Fl. 4: 294. 1984; G. M. Diggs. Jr. in Illus.
Fl. NC. Tex. 1056. 1999; H. J. Scoggan in Fl. Can. 4:
1295. 1978.——V. bracteosa Michs. in Fl. Boreali-
332005 王 青等: 中国马鞭草属的新记录——长苞马鞭草
Amer. 2: 13. 1803.
Stem mostly decumbent; leaves deeply
incised, pinnatifid, or 3-cleft; spikes at the apices
of stems and branches; floral bractlets usually
much longer than the calyx, mostly very large,
consp icuous , and fo l iaceous ; f lowers
inconspicuous. But V. officinalis L. is the only
one native species of the genus in China. Stems
slender, ascending or erect; leaves once or twice
pinnatifid, 2-5-cleft, or deeply incised; spikes very
slender, paniculately disposed or even solitary,
elongate; floral bractlets usually about half as long
as the calyx, not conspicuous (Gleason, 1974).
生,平卧或外倾,长 10~60(70) cm,具伸展
cm,宽0.3(1)~2.5(3) cm,具不规则的齿和裂,
图 1 长苞马鞭草(王青,陈辰 2001052203, LNNU)
Fig. 1 Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & J.D.Rodriguez (Wang and Chen 2001052203, LNNU)
34 22(1)
部,长 2~20 cm;花序上的苞片,线状披针
形,全缘,长 5~15 mm,具粗毛;花萼长
2.5~4.0 mm,具粗毛,萼裂短且靠合;花冠
淡紫色,很少白色,冠筒长约 4 mm,在其
喉部内侧的上方有细的柔毛,冠檐宽 2 ~ 3
mm;雄蕊 4,着生于冠筒的中部,2枚在上,
直接着生在花冠上;子房 2心皮合生,4室,
每室 1 胚珠;花柱 1,柱头 2;果实成熟时
包在萼内,分成 4 个小坚果,小坚果线形,
长 2.0~2.5 mm,黄色至红褐色,合生面密被
网状突起,下半部是细条状突起。花期 5~9
月。果期 6~10月。2n=14, 28。
China. Liaoning(辽宁): Dalian(大连), grow-
ing in the wasteland near Malan reservoir(马栏水
库), alt. 23 m(海拔23 m), 2001-05-22 , Q. Wang(王
青) and C. Chen(陈辰) 2001052203(LNNU)。
碎石或沙质的开阔地,海拔可达 2 700 m
(Cronquist et al., 1984)。国内外目前均未见到
致谢 本文撰写、标本鉴定和拟名得到了
Cronquist A, Holemgren AH, Holemgren NH, Reveal JL,
Holemgren PK (1984) Intermountain Flora. The New
York Botanical Garden, New York, 4: 294
Gleason HA (1974) The New Britton and Brown Illus-
参 考 文 献
trated Flora of the Northeastern United States and
Adjacent Canada. Hafner Press, a Division of Macmillan
Publishing Co, INC, New York, 3: 126-133