Abstract:The karyotype analyses with chromosome C-banding were carried out in Thinopyrum bessarabicum (Savul. & Rayss. ) A. love, Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski and Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvel. The C-banding patterns between Th. bessarabicum and P. juncea were distinctively different, indicating the interspecific differentiation. Most of the C-bands distributed on chromosome telomere in Th. bessarabicum, P. juncea and L. racemosus, being more prominent in L. racemosus than in Th. bessarabicum and P. juncea. Most chromosomes of the three tested species lacked centromeric bands and intercalary bands. In C- banded karyotype of L. racemose, the banding patterns of some Leymus chromosome were similar to those in Th. bessarabicum and P. juncea. The genome relationships among Th. bessarabicum, P. juncea and L. racemosus were discussed.
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