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Pollen Morphology and Exine Ultrastructure of Genus Cordia in Boraginaceae in China

To study the taxonomy of the family Boraginaceae further, the pollen morphology and exine ultrastructure of 10 species in the genus Cordia L. belonging to the family Boraginaceae were examined, and four aperture types were found. These types are 3-porate, 3-colporate, 3-syncolpate and 3-colporoidate. There are four ornamentation types on the exine surface: microspinulate, spinulate, reticulate and irregularly striatereticulate. The characteristics of pollen morphology in this genus show that Cordia L. is a unique taxon and a rather primitive genus in the Boraginaceae.

刘家熙1 席以珍2*  宁建长2 张静梅 李雅轩1 赵云云1  孙晓红1

(1. 首都师范大学生物系,北京100037;2. 中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093)

摘要:为了深入探讨紫草科 (Boraginaceae)的分类问题 ,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了该科破布木属(CordiaL .) 10种植物的花粉形态和外壁超微结构。发现该属花粉具三孔、三孔沟、三拟孔沟和三合沟 4种萌发孔类型。外壁表面具微刺状纹饰、刺状纹饰、网状纹饰和不规则的条纹网状纹饰。破布木属的花粉特征表明 :该属花粉在紫草科中既是独特的分类群 ,又是比较原始的属种。

关键词: 破布木属;紫草科;花粉形态;外壁超微结构

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