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ubtree, TASS and an Analysis of the Genus Caragana

Subtree analysis and three area satements (TASS) procedure are used to deal with the area relationship in historical biogeography. On the basis of the taxon cladogram, the procedure could identify and eliminate the paralogy node and determine the informative subtree. The area relationships are generally illustrated in several subtrees and the consensus tree. The distribution pattern of the genus Caragana comprising about 72 species and occurring in 13 areas, was analyzed by using subtree method and TASS procedure in this study. The results showed seven subtrees representing the area relationships of section and series of the genus, and the consensus tree provided the 13 area relationships. These results are congruent with our former result using component analysis for Caragana.

张明理1* Pauline Y.LADICES 2,Gareth NELSON 2(1.  中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093; 墨尔本大学植物学院,维多利亚3010,澳大利亚)

摘要: 子树分析和三分法(TASS)程序是历史生物地理学中分布区关系的一种分析途径.它以分类群分支图为基础,以剔除其中分布区关系相悖理的结点并确定具信息的子树为目标,以便更有效地利用分布区信息.对分布区关系可以用若干子树和一个分布区分支图来表示.对锦鸡儿属(Caragana)植物72种和13个分布区的子树分析和TASS程序运算后,得到7个具信息的子树,它们分别表达了锦鸡儿属属内组、系所具有的分布区关系.属的分布区分支图也表达了13个分布区的关系.与以前我们对本属成分分析的结果相吻合.

关键词: 子树;TASS 程序;锦鸡儿属;地理分布式样

通讯作者。E-mail: <zhangml @ ns.ibcas.ac.cn>.

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