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Structural Analysis of Peptides of PSⅡ Light-harvesting Complexes in Siphonous Green Algae, Codium fragile

Peptide composition and arrangement of 4 major light harvesting complexes LHCP1-3 and LHCP3′isolated from siphonous green algae (Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot.) were investigated. LHCP1 showed five main peptides, 34.4, 31.5, 29.5, 28.2 and 26.5 kD in SDS PAGE, the 34.4 and 31.5 kD peptides were never found in higher plants. LHCP3 contained the other four kinds of LHCP1 peptides except 34.4 kD, while LHCP3′consisted of only 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides. We found that 34.4, 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides were easy to decompose from LHCP 1 when subjected to SDS PAGE without pretreatment. They might be located at the exterior of LHCP1, while the 31.5 and 29.5 kD peptides were at the central part. The 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides often occurred in CPa, the center complex of PSⅡ. They are possibly the LHCⅡ peptides tightly associated with CCⅡ. According to the results described above, a peptide map of LHCP1 was sketched.


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