Abstract:The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4‘,-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.
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