Abstract:Changes of chlorophyll metabolism during the albinic stage including both degreening and regreening processes were studied. The results indicated that an decrease of Cato content was nor the cause of mutant degreening, and that the mutant belonged to the total Chl-dificient type. The changes of Chlase activity level indicated that Chi breakdown was not the main factor which led to degreen of the mutant. A greater changes of content of intermediates of Chl biosynthesis during the albinic period δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphohilinogen (PBG) were accumulated, but uroporphyrin Ⅲ (Uro Ⅲ ), protoporphyrin IX (Proto IX ), Mg-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-Proto IX ) and protochlorophyll (ide) (Pchl (lide)) were decreased. Specialy during the degreening process Uro Ⅲ was gradually decreased, but an initiation of regreening, the Uro Ⅲ was markedly accmulated. It was proved that there was a blockage in Chi biosynthesis in the mutant, which could be somewhere in the formation of uroporphyrinogen Ⅲ (Urogen Ⅲ ).