Abstract:The characteristics of K, Na contents of the pasture-for-cutting of Aneurolepidiurn chinense grassland of Northeast China were studied. Results showed that: K concentration of every organ of the aboveground part of A. ch inense was highest in early growing season, then decreased gradually as plant continues to grow. The variation of Na concentration was more or less similar to that of K, but there was a sudden increase in August. The concentrations of K, Na in the aboveground part of the community were higher than those in the underground part..The variations of K, Na accumulations of the aboveground part of ,A. chinense in the growing season were of the single-peak type, the peaks of K and Na appeared in July and August respectively. The variations of K, Na accumulations of the aboveground parts of Carex duriuscula and Heleocharis acicularis were similar to those of the biomass, which were of the double-peak type. The accumulations of K and Na in the underground part of community were significantly higher than those in the aboveground part; the accumulations of K, Na in leaf and stem were very close to each other. The K, Na accumulations in the community were accounted for 0.25% and 0.71% of the total reserves of the soil, 2.31% and 0.93% of the soluble plus exchangeable reserves of the soil respectively.
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