Abstract:The screening of rice (Oryza sativa L.) variants resistant to blast was studied by using α-picolinic acid treatment. In order to establish the selection conditions, anthers and anther-derived calla of rice strain C2, which is susceptible to blast, were cultured ma media supplemented with different concentrations of α-picolinic acid to examine the response to α-picolinic acid. it was shown that callus induction frequency of anther and callus growth were obviously declined in relevance to the increasing the concentrations of α-picolinic acid. 40 mg/L of α-picolinic acid was the crucial concentration for anther-derived callus induction and growth of the rice strain C2. The callus lines tolerated to 40 mg/L of α-picolinic acid were selected from rice strain C2 and then regenerated into green plants. By identification of blastresistance in the seedling and boot stage of R1 and R2 generations, two variants No. 4-091 and No. 2-07 resistant to Pyricularia oryzae strain ZA1 and ZB11 were obtained, however, the grain yield per plant of these variants were not so high as C2.