Abstract:The intact meristematic cells of Triticum aestivum L. were labelled with BrUTP and then detected with an
anti-BrdU antibody and protein A-gold, and a large number of gold particles representing newly syn- thesized RP
I transcripts were observed over the nucleolus of the cells. Most of the gold particles were located in the
electron-dense area, which corresponds to DFC (dense fibrillar component), and the periphery of FC (fibrillar
center), while the centre of FC and condensed chromatin showed few gold particles, suggesting that sites of RP I
transcription are mainly located in DFC and the periphery of FC. Gold particles in DFC were frequently clustered
and lined. The nucleolus-associated body (NAB) was often observed in the nucleus. It was a fibrillo-granular body
closely associated with the nucleolus, and in which were concentrated gold particles representing the newly
synthesized RNA.