Abstract:Scanning electron microscopic observations of the leaves in some conifers are described. These are hyplocheilie stomata surrounded by different morphological subsidiary cells. In Keteleeria, the lateral wall of larger subsidiary cells possesses prom.inant eutieular globoides. Cuticular semigloboides between the sinuoms epidermal anticlinal walls are most obvious in other epidermis. However the single laver of cushion cells which looated underneath the guard ceils of the abaxial epidermis in Cathaya is discovered. The mesophyll ceils with incurved walls of Cathaya consist mainly of single layer of flat oubical cells flat longi-cubieal cells as of the polytriehaeeous lamcllae, thus it may be designated as mesolamellae. It not only supports the establishment of Cathaya Chun and Kuang as a new genus of the Pinaeeae but also may be another important biosystematical evidence between Cathaya and Pinus. The distribution and polymorphism of foliar solereids in Amentotaxus which are different from leaves of other gymnosperms described. The transfusion tracheids are also different in some ways from other genera.