Abstract:Large amounts of plantlets of Gentiana manshurica Kitag. from germinated seeds in vitro can be obtained by micropropagation. Flower buds differentiate on shoot tip and leaf axil when ptantlets are transferred into MS medium supplemented with 0.4 mg/l zeatin, 0.2 mg/l NAA, 0.4 mg/l kinetin and 2 mg/l succinic acid-2, 2-dimethyl hydrazide under the cultural conditions of 28±2℃, 1,300 lx and 8 hours per day. The anthesis of blue-purple flower can prolong to 4 weeks. The development of pollen and ovule is normal and is similar to that of Gentiaceae described in the monograph"Systematic embryology of the angiosperms", by Davis (1966). Flowers in vitro are utilized expectantly for breeding or for commerical use directly.