作 者 :Chen Wei-pei and Zhang Si-mei
Keywords:Brasenia schreberi, Peltate leaf,
Abstract:The present investigation is a report with a detailed account of peltate leaf development in Brasenia schreberi. The preliminary indication of leaf initiation is seen in periclinal divisions of the subepidrmal cells on the flank of the shoot apex. By the time a leaf primordium becomes 73 μm high, the apical growth is present, and it has undergone repeated periclinal and anticlinal divisions and introduces aew cells into the body of the primordium. The procambial strand is evident very early in ontogeny. Vacuolation of cells proceeds acropetally along the primordium. At 109 μm longitudinal sections reveal a ventral outgrowth. This ventral growth, termed a lateral zone or Querzone, is initiated by subepidermal cells on the ventral (adaxial) side of primordium. The Querzone is considered to represent the congenital fused laminar margins of the leaf. Transection analysis of a primordium of 160 μm indicates that the Querzone growth is initiated on the midbasal portion of primordium. Below the midbasal portion of primordittm which later forms the petiole of the leaf. The marginal ‘growth occurs at a time when the primordinm is approximately 160 μm high. Initiation of marginal growth takes place in 42 μm from the base of a primordium. Marginal growth at first can be seen while the primordium exhibits unilateral. By anticlinal divisions, the marginal initials produce the upper and lower protoderm, which give rise to the upper and lower epidermis respectively, and submarginal initiates divide in anticlinal plane, giving rise to the adaxial and abaxial layers. Subsequent divisions of the adaxial layer are anticlinal only so that it forms a single layer which later develops as the palisade parenchyma. The cells of the abaxial layer, by divisions in all planes, form the tissues of the spongy parenchyma and all of the lateral venation system. At maturity, the mesophyll is much less compact and there are mumerous large intercellular spaces in the spongy region and between the palisade cells. The veins are collateral: There is a reduction in the amount of xylem and the ultimate veinlets terminate as single spiral tracheids. The glandular bairs are mumerous on the lower epidermis and are epidermal in origin, each consisting two basel cells and one termined cell. On the basis of morphological examination we suggest that the peltate leaf of Brasenia schreberi is clearly distinct from the foliage leaf in the development of adaxial meristem and marginal growth. We found the primordimn of Brasenia schreberi as an erect organ and arises.by monopodial growth. In the development of leaf and the form of venation the Brasenia schreberi shows marked resemblance and relationship to the Nelumbo nucifera.
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