作 者 :KUNG Hsian-Shiu, ZHANG Li-Bing
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1998年 3期
Keywords:Ser.Moupinensia, Ser.Sinensia, P.
Rufopaleaceum, P.saxicola, P.kangdingense, P.sinense var.lobatum, P.mollissi-,
The members of Polystichum Roth sect. Lasiopolystichum Daigobo are familiar
ferns in the alpine area of W. China, N. India and the Himalayas. They are deciduous with
thin, weak leaves; their persistent base of petioles forms a clumb hiding and protecting buds
from the frost in winter. This may be an adaptation to severe alpine environments. As an en-
demic and natural group, the treatment of it by S. Daigobo(1972) as an independent sec-
tion, Polystichum sect. Lasiopolystichum is reasonable. On the basis of examination of the
specimens of mainland China, 30 species are recognized under this section although S.
Daigobo(1972) established this section with only three species included. Based on the mi-
croseales on the lower surface of pinnae, the section is divided into 2 series: Ser. Moupinen-
sia and Ser. Sinensia. Moreover, three new species, two new varieties and a new combina-
tion are reported: P. rufopaleaceum, P. saxicola, P. kangdingense, P. sinese var. lo-
batum , P. mollissium var. laciniatum , and P. integrilobum .