作 者 :LIU Jian-Quan, LIU Shang-Wu
期 刊 :植物分类学报 2000年 1期
Keywords:Ligulariopsis, Senecioneae, Karyomorphology,
Investigated in the present work was the karyomorphology of Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen.
The interphase nuclei were categorized to be the complex chromocenter type, and the mitotic
prophase chromosomes were categorized to be the interstitial type. The metaphase chromosomes
ranged from 2.70 μm to 4.70μm with the average 3.62 μm in length. The karyotype was formulat-
ed as 2n = 58 = 34m + 18sm(2sat) + 6st and belonged to 2A type. The karyomorphological charac-
teristics of Ligulariopsis are very similar to those of Ligularia and Parasenecio, but there are more
submedian-centromeric and median-centromeric chromosomes in Ligulariopsis.