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Setiacis—A New Genus of Grasses

Our observations on characters of leaf epidermis, lemma, palea etc. in the genera
Acroceras Stapf (many species), Neohusnotia tonkinensis (Balansa) A. Camus (the type of
Neohusnotia), Setiacis diffusa (Chia) S. L. Chen & Y. X. Jin (the type of Setiacis), Lasiacis
divaricata (L.) Hitchc. (the type of Lasiacis[4]) and Psilochloa pilgerana (Schweick.) Launert
(the type of Psilochloa[4]) in Subtribe Paspalinae[1] Keng& Keng f. show that Setiacis diffusa
differs from the others by several characters, which merits establishing a new genus—Setiacis
S. L. Chen & Y. X. Jin in this subtribe[1].  The Latin description of the new genus is given
in this paper.

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