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Notes on the Genus Elaeocarpus Linn. from China

The Chinese Elaeocarpus Linn. is revised. Here reported are those taxa
with different treatment in “Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. “, Tomus 49 (1), including one
new species and one new variety: Elaeocarpus limitaneioides Y. Tang and E.
glabripetalus var.  grandifructus Y.  Tang,  Four species and two varieties are
reduced: E. boreali-yunnanensis H. T. Chang is reduced to E. lacunosus Wall.
ex Kurz; E. floribundioides H. T. Chang to E. austro-yunnanensis Hu; E.
fengjieensis P. C. Tuan to E. duclouxii Gagnep .; E. kwangsiensis  H .T.
Chang to E. glabripetalus var. alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang; E. glabripetalus
var. teres H. T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. glabripetalus ; E. prunifolioides
var. rectinervis H. T. Chang to E. prunifolioides Hu. It is found that three
species, E. rugosus Roxb., E. sikkimensis Mast. and E. decandrus Merr., were
wrongly determined as E. apiculatus Mast., E. fleuryi Gagnep. and E. chinensis
Hook. f., respectively. In the paper also reported are some provincial new
records. The infrageneric systems are discussed briefly and the Masters’ system is
followed with some modifications.

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