作 者 :PENG Jian-Ying, SHU Huai-Rui, PENG Shi-Qi
期 刊 :植物分类学报 2002年 1期
Keywords:Ziziphus jujuba Mill.,
The genetic relationships of 14 Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba ) cultivars and one wild
jujube species (Z. spinosus ) were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD).
Thirty-seven primers were screened from 120 10-mer arbitrary primers, and a total of 429 DNA
bands were amplified, among which 214 (49.88%) were polymorphic. Based on the RAPD data,
genetic distances among the samples were calculated and a dendrogram was constructed by using UP-
GMA’s method. The results showed that the genetic distances within varieties were larger than those
among varieties. We consider therefore that the classification of Chinese jujube varieties was artifi-
cial, and those varieties should be reduced. According to the genetic relationships of cultivars, a
new infraspecific classification of Chinese jujube should be made.