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Floral morphogenesis of Wikstroemia delavayi (Thymelaeaceae) and its phylogenetic implication

 Floral morphogenesis of Wikstroemia delavayi Lecomte was investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and compared with its allied groups. Initiation and early development of floral parts in W. delavayi followed unidirectional sequences from the abaxial side to the adaxial side. Because the floral parts grew faster at the adaxial side than at the abaxial one in following development, the zygomorphic pattern in the early development changed and finally became an almost actinomorphic form at anthesis. The disc was initiated from the abaxial base of the floral tube and its
lobes were alternate with lower whorl stamens. According to this initiatial and developmental pattern, it is reasonable to interpret the disc as a part of the androecium rather than a modification of the receptacle. The located position and development of the disc was correlative with the development of other floral organs, which might provide insight to delimit Wikstroemia and Daphne based on different floral developmental pattern that might exist between the two genera. The developmental process of W. delavayi indicated that the syncarpous and uniloculate gynoecium was in fact bicarpellate, which consisted of a fertile carpel and a sterile one.  It was pseudomonomerous. Even though the ovary in both Wikstroemia and Daphne was uniloculate, the location of the ventral bundles in the ovary was obviously different from each other according to data to date. In this respect, further investigation is undertaken between the two genera.

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