作 者 :Chu Ge-Lin
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1988年 4期
Keywords:Baolia, Ploycnemeae, Systematic position,
Baolia Kung et G. L. Chu was established on the basis of B. bracteata Kung et G.
L. Chu described in 1978 from Diebu County on the border between Gansu and Sichuan provin-
ces. It is placed in the tribe Chenopodieae in 《Flora Reipulicae Popularis Sincae》, but
considering its flowers with a bract and 2 bracteoles it is betwter transferred to the tribe Polv-
cenmeae. So far the tribe Polycnemeae contains 4 genera in total, i.e. Nitrophila S. Wats. with
4 species, distributed in Southwestern US, Mexico and Argentina, Hemichroa R. Br. with
3 species all in Australia, Polycnemum Dumort. with 4 species in Europe, Mediterranean,
Middle Asia to Siberia, Baolia Kung et G. L. Chu with 1 species, occurring in central China
with a very limited area.