作 者 :1 long huo,2 He Li-King, 2Hsue Hsiang-Hao
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1985年 3期
Keywords:Craigia, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae, Pollen morphology, Systematic position.,
Due to the unique floral and pollen morphology of the genus Craigia
its systematic position, whether in the family Sterculiaceae or in the family Tiliaceae,
has often been debated.
In order to add more evidence for solving this problem, a comparative study on
pollen morphology of the genus and 15 species of 3 tiliaceous genera, viz.: Tilia Linn.,
Hainania Merr. and Excentrodendron Chang. et Miau. was carried out under the light
and scanning electron microscope. The result shows that the polarity, the structure
and position of the aperture of Craigia pollen differ from those in Tiliaceae but are
similar to those in Sterculiaceae. From palynology, it is more appropriate to place the
genus under discussion in Sterculiaceae than in Tiliaceae.