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An Examination on Indumentum and Fruit of Dimocarpus longan and D. confines

Examination on hairs and fruits of the Dimocarpus longan Lour.  (Guiyuan) and
D. confinis (How et Ho) H. S. Lo (magic fruit) was carried out. The fruit of D. longan
was found to be of smoothly colliculate or granulate protuberances and typical tuft hairs on
the surface, and the leaf was also of tuft hairs on the lower surface. However, the fruit of
D. confinis was of dense and hard aculeate protuberances and simple and glandular hairs on
the surface, and the leaf was also of the same kind of hairs on the lower surface. These char-
acteristics of D. longan can been easily detected in samples of commercial fruits, which were
misidentified as the fruits of D. confinis. Moreover, the fruit surface of Guiyuan Sampled
from the markets had no any artificially destroryed trace, which indicated that they were
not forged through the processing of the fruits of D. confinis, and thus they were true
Guiyuan, the fruit of D.  longan.

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