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Hypericum sect. Ascyreia (Clusiaceae): new species and subspecies from China

全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 43(3): 271–277(2005) doi:10.1360/aps050047
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 22 March 2005 Accepted: 6 April 2005
Hypericum sect. Ascyreia (Clusiaceae): new species and
subspecies from China
Norman K. B. ROBSON
(Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD)
Abstract Two new species, both related to H. hookerianum Wight & Arn., are described
from northern Yunnan, H. fosteri N. Robson and H. wardianum N. Robson. The former is
apparently endemic, having been found in only one locality, whereas the latter also occurs in
north-eastern Myanmar. Both differ in particular from H. hookerianum in that the capsule is
elongate, not ovate-subglobose and the sepals are not ribbed. In addition, H. bellum ssp.
latisepalum is raised to specific rank as H. latisepalum (N. Robson) N. Robson and the variable
H. lagarocladum is divided into two subspecies, one broad-leaved with a spreading habit (ssp.
lagarocladum) and the other narrow-leaved and more erect (ssp. angustifolium N. Robson).
Key words Hypericum L., Clusiaceae, section Ascyreia, new taxa, Yunnan, China.
In connection with the revision of Clusiaceae – Hypericoideae for Flora of China, it is
necessary to publish four nomenclature innovations in Hypericum L. sect. Ascyreia. Of
these, two are new species from Yunnan and two result from changes of opinion since
publication of the author’s monographic treatment of that section (Robson, 1985).
1. Hypericum fosteri N. Robson, sp. nov. Fig. 1
H. hookeriano affine, sed sepalis inter venas haud prominescentibus, in alabastro
patulis in statu fructificanti recurvatis, capsula anguste ovoideo-cylindrica, differt.
Frutex ad circ. 1.5 m altus ramis erectis vel patulis. Caules primo 4-lineati mox teretes
internodiis 2-4 cm longis foliis brevioribus. Folia petiolata petiolo 1-2 mm longo; lamina
anguste ovata vel lanceolata, 3.5-5×1.3-2.2 cm, apice obtusa vel rotundata basi rotundata,
subtus pallida, glandulis laminaribus breve striiformibus vel punctiformibus, glandulis
ventralibus densis, nervis lateralibus principalibus 4(-5)-jugis, ut videtur sine venatione
reticulata. Inflorescentia 1-2-floris a nodo apicali orta, bracteis linearibus deciduis,
pedicellis 5-7 mm longis. Flores circ. 4-4.5 cm in diametro, plus minusve profunde
cyathiformes. Sepala patula, in statu fructifero recurvata, subaequalia, oblonga vel
elliptico-oblonga, 10-11×4.5-5 mm, apice late obtusa vel apiculato-obtusa, margine
integra, glandulis laminaribus linearibus, ad apicem striiformibus, haud impressis. Petala
aurea, 2-2.5×1.5-2 cm, sepalis 2-2.5plo longiora, late obovata, margine integra
eglandularia, apiculo rotundato. Fasciculi staminorum quoque circ. 75 staminibus instructi,
staminibus longissimis circ. 8 mm longis, petalis 0.35-0.4plo longioribus. Ovarium anguste
ovoideum, circ. 8×5 mm, stylis circ. 4-5 mm longis, ovario 0.5-0.65plo longioribus,
liberis patulo-retrocurvis. Capsula anguste ovoideo-cylindrica, 1.8-2.3 cm×10-12 mm.
Semina porphyrea, 0.8-1 mm longa, vix carinata, testa lineari-reticulata. Fl. Mai-Jul. Fr.
Shrub, to ca. 1.5 m tall, branches erect to spreading. Stems 4-lined when young, soon
terete; internodes 2-4 cm, shorter than leaves. Leaves with petiole 1-2 mm; blade narrowly
272 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 43

Fig. 1. Hypericum fosteri N. Robson. A, habit with flower and immature fruit; B, leaf; C, sepal, D, petal; E, mature

ovate to lanceolate, 3.5-5×1.3-2.2 cm, abaxially paler; laminar glands short streaks to
dots; abaxial glands dense; base rounded, apex obtuse to rounded; main lateral veins
4(-5)-paired, without visible tertiary reticulation. Inflorescence 1-2-flowered, from apical
node; bracts linear, deciduous. Pedicels 5-7 mm. Flowers ca. 4-4.5 cm in diam., ±deeply
cupped; buds not noted. Sepals spreading, recurved in fruit, oblong to elliptic-oblong,
No. 3 Norman K. B. ROBSON: Hypericum sect. Ascyreia: new species and subspecies from China 273
subequal, 10-11×4.5-5 mm; laminar glands lines becoming streaks near apex, not
becoming impressed (sepals not ribbed), margin entire, apex broadly obtuse or
apiculate-obtuse. Petals golden yellow, broadly obovate, 2-2.5×1.5-2 cm, 2-2.5×as long
as sepals; margin entire, eglandular; apiculus rounded. Stamen fascicles each with ca. 75
stamens, longest ca. 8 mm, 0.35-0.4×as long as petals. Ovary narrowly ovoid, ca. 8×5
mm; styles ca. 4-5 mm, 0.5-0.65×as long as ovary, free, spreading-outcurved. Capsule
narrowly ovoid-cylindric, 1.8-2.3 cm×10-12 mm. Seeds reddish-brown, 0.8-1 mm,
scarcely carinate; testa linear-reticulate. Fl. May-Jul. Fr. Aug.
China. Yunnan: Mt. Zixishan, above town of Chuxiong, midway between Kunming and
Dali, in understorey on cut-over bank with Camellia forrestii (Diels) Cohen Stuart and Michelia
yunnanensis Franch. ex Finet & Gagnep., alt. 2400 m, 1994, Foster 941026 (seed).
Cultivated. England. Kent, Sevenoaks, Plaxtol, Ivy Hatch, White House Farm, ex
seed Foster 941026, July 2000, Foster s.n. (holotype, BM).
H. fosteri is morphologically intermediate between the north Thailand endemic H.
siamense N. Robson and H. hookerianum Wight & Arn., which is distributed in the
Himalaya from central Nepal to northern Myanmar and is disjunct in Meghalaya, Manipur,
west and central Myanmar, northern Thailand and southern India. It is nearer H. siamense
in its spreading, obtuse, unribbed sepals and narrowly ovoid-cylindric capsule and
approaches H. hookerianum in its narrowly ovate to lanceolate leaves and rather deeply
cyathiform flowers. It is known only from Maurice Foster’s seed collection and the plants
grown from it. Judging from its restricted natural distribution and that of its close relative
H. wardianum (see below), as well as the distance from its nearest relatives, H. fosteri
would appear to be a relict endemic of northern Yunnan.
2. Hypericum wardianum N. Robson, sp. nov. Fig. 2
H. fosteri N. Robson affine, sed foliis angustioribus basi cuneatis sine glandulis
ventralibus sed glandulis laminaribus elongatioribus, floribus minoribus, sepalis in
alabastro erectis in statu frutificanti patulis inter venas haud prominescentibus margine
interdum eroso-denticulatis, capsula anguste ellipsoidea vel cylindrico-ellipsoidea, differt.
Frutex ad circ. 1.5 m altus ramis erectis vel patulis. Caules primo 2-4-lineati mox
teretes internodiis 2-5 cm foliis brevioribus. Folia petiolata petiolo 1.5-2.5 mm longo;
lamina lanceolata, 3.5-7×(1-)1.4-2.2 cm, apice rotundata vel apiculato-obtusa basi subtus
pallidiora, glandulis laminaribus longe striiformibus vel punctiformibus, sine glandulis
ventralibus, nervis lateralibus principalibus 3-jugis, interdum venatione reticulata laxa
instructa. Inflorescentia 1-4-floris a nodo apicali orta, bracteis linearibus deciduis,
pedicellis 5-10 mm longis. Flores 3-3.5 cm in diametro, plus minusve profunde
cyathiformes; alabastra subglobosa apice late obtusa vel rotundata. Sepala in alabastro
erecta in statu fructificanti erecta vel subpatula, subaequalia, oblonga vel elliptica vel
oblanceolato-spathulata, 6-9×2-4 mm, apice apiculato-obtusa vel rotundata, margine
integra vel subtiliter eroso-denticulata, glandulis laminaribus linearibus vel distaliter
punctiformibus. Petala aurea, late obovata, 1.5-2×1-1.5 cm, sepalis 2-2.5plo longiora,
margine integra eglandularia, apiculo rotundato. Fasciculi staminorum quoque circ. 70
staminibus instructi, staminibus longissimis circ. 8-9 mm longis, petalis circ. dimidio
minoribus. Ovarium anguste ellipsoideum, circ. 7×4 mm, stylis 4-5 mm longis, ovario
0.8plo longioribus, liberis patulo-retrocurvis. Capsula anguste cylindrico-ellipsoidea,
(1.2-)1.5-1.6 cm×7-10 mm. Semina porphyrea, 0.7-0.9 mm longa, haud vel vix carinata,
274 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 43

Fig. 2 Hypericum wardianum N. Robson. A, habit with flower; B, leaf; C, sepal; D, petal; E, branch with immature
fruit; F, mature fruit.

testa lineari-reticulata. Fl. Mai.-?Jul. Fr. Aug.-Oct.
Shrub, to ca. 1.5 m tall, branches erect to spreading. Stems 2-4-lined when young,
soon terete; internodes 2-5 cm, shorter than leaves. Leaves with petiole 1.5-2.5 mm; blade
lanceolate, 3.5-7×(1-)1.4-2.2 cm, abaxially paler; laminar glands long streaks to dots;
abaxial glands absent; base broadly to narrowly cuneate, apex rounded to apiculate-obtuse;
main lateral veins 3-paired, without or with lax reticulate venation. Inflorescence
1-4-flowered, from apical node; bracts linear, deciduous. Pedicels 5-10 mm. Flowers
No. 3 Norman K. B. ROBSON: Hypericum sect. Ascyreia: new species and subspecies from China 275
3-3.5 cm in diam., ±deeply cupped; buds subglobose, apex broadly obtuse to rounded.
Sepals erect in bud, erect to spreading in fruit, oblong to elliptic or oblanceolate-spathulate,
subequal, 6-9×2-4 mm; laminar glands lines to distally dots, not becoming impressed
(“sepals not ribbed”), margin entire or finely eroded-denticulate; apex apiculate-obtuse to
rounded. Petals golden yellow, broadly obovate, 1.5-2×1-1.5 cm, 2-2.5×as long as sepals;
margin entire, eglandular; apiculus rounded. Stamen fascicles each with ca. 70 stamens,
longest ca. 8-9 mm, 0.5×as long as petals. Ovary narrowly ellipsoid, ca. 7×4 mm; styles
4-5 mm, ca. 0.8×as long as ovary, free, spreading-outcurved. Capsule narrowly
cylindric-ellipsoid to ±broadly ellipsoid, (12-)15-16×7-10 mm. Seeds reddish brown,
0.7-0.9 mm, not or scarcely carinate; testa linear-reticulate. Fl. May-?Jul. Fr. Aug.-Oct.
China. Yunnan: Yangbi, Ziyang, above Yangbi, dry hillside in clearings, alt. 2560 m,
1981-05-10 (bud), Sino-Brit. Exped. Cangshan 0469 (BM; also E, n.v.), W. side of
Diancangshan mountain range, vicinity of Dajiuping, broad-leaved evergreen fagaceous
forest, alt. 3000 m, 1984-06-30 (fl), 1984 Sino-Amer. Bot. Exped. 631 (BM).
Myanmar. Kachin: The Triangle (North), Tama Bum, cliff faces of steep rocky north
gulley, alt. 2850 m, 1953-10-18 (fr), Kingdon Ward 21484 (holotype, BM).
Cultivated. England: Sussex, Ardingly, Wakehurst Place, ex seed Kingdon Ward
21484, 30 June 1970 (fl), Schilling s.n. (BM); Surrey, Limpsfield, 48 Granville Road, ex
cutting ex Wakehurst Place, 2000-08-13 (fr), Robson s.n. (BM).
Since its introduction in 1953, H. wardianum has been grown in several English
gardens as H. hookerianum or H. aff. hookerianum. Like H. fosteri, however, it differs
from that species in having unribbed sepals and elongate capsules. It differs from H. fosteri
in having narrower leaves with a cuneate (not rounded) base, no abaxial glands and longer
laminar glands; smaller flowers with sepals erect in bud and spreading (not reflexed) in
fruit; and ellipsoid or cylindric-ellipsoid capsule. In some of these characters it approaches
H. hookerianum, but it is not directly intermediate in morphology between these species.
In cultivation the petals are often bright red outside at the base, which may be a result of
unfavourable conditions of growth.
3. Hypericum lagarocladum N. Robson in Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 12: 247. 1985.
In the discussion of the variation and affinities of H. lagarocladum (Robson, 1985),
this species was compared with H. acmosepalum N. Robson. Subsequent study, however,
has shown that it and the derivative H. wilsonii N. Robson form a group related to the H.
beanii group (H. beanii N. Robson, H. addingtonii N. Robson, H. kouytchense Lévl., H.
pseudohenryi N. Robson, H. forrestii (Chittenden) N. Robson and H. bellum). These
groups can be distinguished by their capsules—5-sulcate in the H. lagarocladum group but
not sulcate in the H. beanii group.
As was also explained in the above-mentioned discussion, the variation in H.
lagarocladum is clinal. In the eastern part of its range (Hunan, Guizhou), it is more erect
with narrower leaves, sepals and capsules, showing a tendency towards H. wilsonii. In the
north-west (Sichuan), the habit is spreading and the leaves, sepals and capsules broader.
In between, in north-east Yunnan, there are intermediate forms that tend to link the two
extremes and prevented me originally from dividing the species. A reconsideration of the
variation, however, has led me to the conclusion that it is possible to divide the species into
two subspecies, ssp. lagarocladum in Sichuan and Yunnan and ssp. angustifolium in
Guizhou and Hunan. Unfortunately the type of the species (from near Kunming, see below)
is somewhat intermediate in morphology. The subspecies can be distinguished as follows:
276 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 43
Leaves broadly elliptic to broadly oblong-ovate, rounded to subretuse; sepals lanceolate to
oblong-lanceolate or narrowly ovate; capsule ovoid to ovoid-conic; plant to ca. 0.7(-1) m tall; branches
spreading…………………………………………………………………………...…..ssp. lagarocladum
Leaves narrowly elliptic, obtuse to acute; sepals narrowly elliptic to lanceolate; capsule narrowly
ovoid-conic; plant to 1.5 m tall; branches arching………………………..…………...ssp. angustifolium
Hypericum lagarocladum ssp. lagarocladum
Plant up to 0.7 (more rarely to 1 m) tall, with branches widely arching to spreading,
forming a wide hummock at first, later stems more narrowly arching; internodes shorter to
longer than leaves. Stem internodes 1.8-4 cm. Leaves with petiole 1-1.5 mm; lamina 2.5-6
×0.8-4.5 cm, narrowly elliptic or ovate-elliptic to broadly oblong-ovate or broadly
triangular-ovate, obtuse to rounded or subretuse; ventral glands absent. Inflorescence
1-15-flowered. Sepals 6-9×4-5 mm, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute to
obtuse. Capsule 14-17×10-12 mm, ovoid to ovoid-conic.
China. Sichuan: Tianquan, He 44213 (SZ); Emei, Chien 6098 (E); Kiating (Loshan),
Min R., Faber 426 (K); chiefly near Tatsienlu (Kangding), Pratt 292 (BM, E, K); Yiba
Shan, Yaan-Hanyuan road, Lancaster 807 (BM). Yunnan: Kunming to Xiaguan, 260 km,
Sino-Brit. Exped. Cangshan K149 (BM, E); Tong-tchouan (Dongchuan), Maire 1076/1913
(E); Tsu-Yung, McLaren’s Colls. 159F (E); Songming, B. Y. Qiu 51716 (IBSC); prope
Yunnanfu (Kunming), Schoch 3 (K); Kunming, B. Y. Qiu 51937 (holotype, KUN!; isotype,
Hypericum lagarocladum ssp. angustifolium N. Robson, ssp. nov.
A ssp. lagaroclado habitu altiori (ad 1.5 m), ramis arcuatis non vel vix patulis, foliis
anguste ellipticis apice obtusis vel acutis, sepalis anguste ellipticis vel lanceolatis, capsula
anguste ovoideo-conica, differt.
China. Guizhou: Shiheryung to Lungchang Putting, Teng S. W. 0306 (IBSC);
Yinjiang, vicinity of Xiaopingsho, W. side of Fanjing Shan, Sino-Amer. Guizhou Bot.
Exped. 1811 (holotype, BM!); Kaili, Cao Z. Y. 1440 (KUN); Qingzhen, Teng S. W. 90367
(IBSC). Hunan: Qianyang, Lee C.T. 199 and 541 (both IBSC).
4. Hypericum bellum H. L. Li in J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 308. 1944.
In my monographic account (Robson, 1985) I described two subspecies, ssp. bellum
and ssp. latisepalum N. Robson under the impression that the two subspecies were parts of
a single geomorphological trend, ssp. latisepalum to the south of the main Himalayan range
from Yunnan through Myanmar (Kachin) to Assam, where there were intermediates
between it and ssp. bellum. The latter subspecies is otherwise confined to the north of the
main range in Xizang and in NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan.
Further study has shown, however, that the Assam population belongs to ssp.
latisepalum, and that the trends in the two taxa do not meet in Yunnan but rather diverge
from there. The trend in ssp. bellum from plane leaves in Yunnan to undulate leaves in
Xizang (for example) is thus seen as a specialisation trend, whereas before it had seemed
like a reversion trend. In Yunnan the two taxa remain distinct although their distributions
overlap, and there seems to be no reason for not treating them as species. Roy Lancaster,
who is familiar with ssp. latisepalum in the field, has always regarded it as probably
distinct from H. bellum (Lancaster, 1989), and I now agree with his opinion.
5. Hypericum latisepalum (N. Robson) N. Robson, stat. nov.
No. 3 Norman K. B. ROBSON: Hypericum sect. Ascyreia: new species and subspecies from China 277
H. bellum ssp. latisepalum N. Robson in Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot.) 12: 274
(1985). Type: China. Yunnan: Tali (Dali), top of YoYo Mt., viii. 1932?, McLaren’s Colls.
214C (holotype, BM!; isotype, E!).
The following table shows the main characters in which H. latisepalum and H. bellum
differ. The most significant ones are asterisked:

Table 1 Main characters in which Hypericum latisepalum and H. bellum differ
Character H. latisepalum H. bellum
Height 1-1.5 m 0.35-1.35 m
*Stem 4-lined, slightly ancipitous 2(4)-lined, terete
Petiole 1.5-3 mm 0.5-2 mm
Leaf apex obtuse to rounded rounded-apiculate to retuse
Leaf margin plane plane to usually undulate
Leaf ventral glands absent absent or usually ±sparse
Inflorescence 1-8(-13)-flowered 1-5(-7)-flowered
*Flower diameter 4-6 cm 2.4-4 cm
*Sepal size 8-13×(5-)6-8 mm 3-9×2.5-6 mm
*Sepal shape broadly ovate to broadly elliptic narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblong or obovate
*Stamens per fascicle 25-65 16-26
Stamen length: petal length (0.5-)0.6-0.7 0.35-0.4(-0.6)
Ovary subglobose to broadly ovoid broadly to narrowly ovoid
*Style length 6-7 mm 3-5 mm
Capsule broadly ovoid broadly to usually narrowly ovoid
*Seed length 1.2-1.5 mm 0.7-0.9 mm
* Shows the most significant characters.
Acknowledgements I am very grateful to Maurice Foster for material of Hypericum fosteri,
to Margaret Tebbs for the drawings of the new species, and to Mike Gilbert for helpful advice.
Lancaster R. 1989. Travels in China: A Plantsman’s Paradise. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Antique
Collector’s Club. 226.
Robson N K B. 1985. Studies in the genus Hypericum L. (Guttiferae). 3. Sections 1. Campylosporus to 6a.
Umbraculoides. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany 12: 163-325.
Norman K. B. ROBSON
(Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD)
摘要 描述了中国云南北部的金丝桃属Hypericum L.(藤黄科)两个新种,即楚雄金丝桃H. fosteri N.
Robson和漾濞金丝桃H. wardianum N. Robson。二者均与短柱金丝桃H. hookerianum Wight & Arn.相
主要以蒴果伸长,非卵状近球形,萼片无中脉而有别于短柱金丝桃。此外,将宽萼金丝桃H. latisepalum
(N. Robson) N. Robson从亚种提升为种;将变异较大的纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum N. Robson划分为
两个亚种,即叶较宽、具有开张习性的原亚种纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. lagarocladum和叶较窄、
更为直立的新亚种狭叶金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. angustifolium N. Robson。
关键词 金丝桃属; 藤黄科; 金丝桃组; 新分类群; 云南; 中国