作 者 :Zhang Zhi-Yu, Lu An-Ming
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1984年 22卷 3期 页码:175-180
The pollen morphology of 12 species representing 6 genera was exami-
ned under the light; scanning and transmission electron microscope. According to form of
aperture; sculpture and structure of exine; the palynological relationships among the 6 gene-
ra are discussed.
1. Scopolia Jacq. (plate 1:1-4)
Pollen grains subspheroidal or irregular; 43.7-49.6 μ in diameter; nonaperturate; Exi-
ne about 1.2-1.5μ thick; verrucate; with verrucae unequal in size; spinulose or granular.
Stratification indistinct; with no columella layer visible under TEM.
2. Anisodus Link et Otto (plate 1: 5-12)
Pollen grains subspheroidal; 43.4-48.7 μ in diameter; nonaperturate. Exine 1.5-1.8 μ
thick; verrucate; with verrucae unequal in size; spinulose or smooth. Stratification indis-
tinct under TEM.
3. Atropanthe Pascher (plate 2: 1-4)
Pollen grains subspheroidai or spheroidal; triangular-circular in polar view; oblong in
equatorial view; 47.2-49.3 μ ×39.8-47 μ; 3-colpate; colpi wide or narrow; colpus membra-
nes finely granular. Exine with irregular short-stick sculpture; 2.3μ thick; distinctly 2-la-
yered; columella layer clearly visible; sexine thicker than nexine under TEM.
4. Przewalskia Maxim. (plate 2: 5-8)
Pollen grains subspheroidal; triangular-circular in polar view; oblong in equatorial view;
39.2-40.3 μ × 36.4-42.8 μ ; tricolporate; ora lalongate; colpus membranes granular. Exi-
ne reticulate; 2-layered; 2u thick; columella layer distinct; sexine and nexine equal in thick-
ness under TEM.
5. Physochlaina G. Don (plate 2: 9-12; plate 3: 1-12)
Pollen grains polymorphic; usually subspheroidal; 36.5-39.4μ in diameter; aperture
varying from nonaperturate (P. macrophylla); 3-4 rugose (P. physaloides) to 3-colporate
(P. praealta). Exine 1.5-2μ thick; reticulate; smooth or with spinulose or verrucous pro-
cesses under SEM; distinctly 2-layered; or without stratification; columella layer differentia-
ted or not.
6. Hyoscyamus Linn. (plate 4: 1-9)
Pollen grains subspheroidal; circular-triangular in polar view; oval in equatorial view;
39.9-41.8 μ × 38.7-4.2 μ; tricolporate. Ora orbicular; colpus membranes finely granular
or with striate processes. Exine reticulate or striate-rugulate; 2-2.3μ thick; distinctly 2-la-
yered; columella layer developed.
The dendrogram (Fig. 1) indicates probable phylogenetic relationships among the six
genera in the subtribe Hyoscyaminae.