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Securing Natural Capital and Human Well-Being: Innovation and Impact in China

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摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 生 态 学 报
摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 (SHENGTAI XUEBAO)
摇 摇 第 33 卷 第 3 期摇 摇 2013 年 2 月摇 (半月刊)
目摇 摇 次
保障自然资本与人类福祉:中国的创新与影响 Gretchen C. Daily,欧阳志云,郑摇 华,等 (669)………………
建立我国生态补偿机制的思路与措施 欧阳志云,郑摇 华,岳摇 平 (686)…………………………………………
梁义成,刘摇 纲,马东春,等 (693)
生态系统服务功能管理研究进展 郑摇 华,李屹峰,欧阳志云,等 (702)…………………………………………
白洋淀流域生态系统服务评估及其调控 白摇 杨,郑摇 华,庄长伟,等 (711)……………………………………
汶川地震灾区生物多样性热点地区分析 徐摇 佩,王玉宽,杨金凤,等 (718)……………………………………
土地利用变化对生态系统服务功能的影响———以密云水库流域为例 李屹峰,罗跃初,刘摇 纲,等 (726)……
森林生态效益税对陕西省产业价格水平的影响 黎摇 洁,刘峥男,韩秀华 (737)…………………………………
海南岛生态系统土壤保持功能空间特征及影响因素 饶恩明,肖摇 燚,欧阳志云,等 (746)……………………
居民对文化林生态系统服务功能的认知与态度 高摇 虹,欧阳志云,郑摇 华,等 (756)…………………………
青海省三江源自然保护区生态移民补偿标准 李屹峰,罗玉珠,郑摇 华,等 (764)………………………………
张家界武陵源风景区自然景观价值评估 成摇 程,肖摇 燚,欧阳志云,等 (771)…………………………………
国家生态保护重要区域植被长势遥感监测评估 侯摇 鹏,王摇 桥,房摇 志,等 (780)……………………………
都江堰市水源涵养功能空间格局 傅摇 斌,徐摇 佩,王玉宽,等 (789)……………………………………………
汶川地震重灾区生态系统碳储存功能空间格局与地震破坏评估 彭摇 怡,王玉宽,傅摇 斌,等 (798)…………
“波特假说冶———生态创新与环境管制的关系研究述评 董摇 颖 ,石摇 磊 (809)…………………………………
生态环境保护与福祉 李惠梅,张安录 (825)………………………………………………………………………
丛枝菌根真菌最新分类系统与物种多样性研究概况 王宇涛,辛国荣,李韶山 (834)……………………………
“蒸发悖论冶在秦岭南北地区的探讨 蒋摇 冲,王摇 飞,刘思洁,等 (844)…………………………………………
内蒙古荒漠草原主要草食动物食性及其营养生态位 刘贵河,王国杰,汪诗平,等 (856)………………………
基于面向对象及光谱特征的植被信息提取与分析 崔一娇,朱摇 琳,赵力娟 (867)………………………………
桉树叶片光合色素含量高光谱估算模型 张永贺,陈文惠,郭乔影,等 (876)……………………………………
枫杨幼苗对土壤水分“湿鄄干冶交替变化光合及叶绿素荧光的响应 王振夏,魏摇 虹,吕摇 茜,等 (888)…………
模拟淹水对杞柳生长和光合特性的影响 赵竑绯,赵摇 阳,张摇 驰,等 (898)……………………………………
梨枣花果期耗水规律及其与茎直径变化的相关分析 张琳琳,汪有科,韩立新,等 (907)………………………
基于上部叶片 SPAD值估算小麦氮营养指数 赵摇 犇,姚摇 霞,田永超,等 (916)………………………………
我国南亚热带几种人工林生态系统碳氮储量 王卫霞,史作民,罗摇 达,等 (925)………………………………
低效柏木纯林不同改造措施对水土保持功能的影响 黎燕琼,龚固堂,郑绍伟,等 ( 934 )………………………
浙江紧水滩水库浮游植物群落结构季节变化特征 张摇 华,胡鸿钧,晁爱敏,等 ( 944 )…………………………
黑龙江凤凰山国家级自然保护区野猪冬季容纳量及最适种群密度 孟根同,张明海,周绍春 ( 957 )…………
云南苍山火烧迹地不同恢复期地表蜘蛛群落多样性 马艳滟,李摇 巧,冯摇 萍,等 ( 964 )………………………
基于综合气象干旱指数的石羊河流域近 50 年气象干旱特征分析 张调风,张摇 勃,王有恒,等 ( 975 )………
基于 CLUE鄄S模型的湟水流域土地利用空间分布模拟 冯仕超,高小红,顾摇 娟,等 ( 985 )……………………
三大沿海城市群滨海湿地的陆源人类活动影响模式 王毅杰,俞摇 慎 ( 998 )……………………………………
洋河水库富营养化发展趋势及其关键影响因素 王丽平,郑丙辉 (1011)…………………………………………
期刊基本参数:CN 11鄄2031 / Q*1981*m*16*350*zh*P* ¥ 90郾 00*1510*36*
封面图说: 卧龙自然保护区核桃坪震后———汶川大地震是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最大的一次地震,地震的强
度、烈度都超过了 1976 年的唐山大地震。 在这次地震中,震区的野外大熊猫受到不同程度的影响,卧龙自然保护区
不过,圆圆一度因惊恐逃走,失踪 5 天后才被找回来。 由于繁育基地两面山体滑坡,竹子短缺等原因,繁育基地只能
彩图提供: 陈建伟教授摇 北京林业大学摇 E鄄mail: cites. chenjw@ 163. com
第 33 卷第 3 期
2013 年 2 月
生 态 学 报
Vol. 33,No. 3
Feb. ,2013
http: / / www. ecologica. cn
*通讯作者 Corresponding author. E鄄mail: gdaily@ stanford. edu
DOI: 10. 5846 / stxb201212311906
Gretchen C. Daily, Ouyang Zhiyun, Zheng Hua, Li Shuzhuo, Wang Yukuan, Marcus Feldman, Peter Kareiva, Stephen Polasky, Mary Ruckelshaus.
Securing Natural Capital and Human Well鄄Being: Innovation and Impact in China. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2013,33(3):0677鄄0692.
Preface for Special Issue on Ecosystem Service Simulation and Management
Securing Natural Capital and Human Well鄄Being: Innovation and Impact
in China
Gretchen C. Daily1,*, Ouyang Zhiyun2, Zheng Hua2, Li Shuzhuo3, Wang Yukuan4, Marcus Feldman1,
Peter Kareiva5, Stephen Polasky6, Mary Ruckelshaus7
1 Department of Biology, 371 Serra Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
2 State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco鄄Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
3 Institute of Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi忆an Jiaotong University, Xi忆an 710049, China
4 Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
5 The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100. Arlington, VA 22203 USA
6 Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108
7 Natural Capital Project, 371 Serra Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
Key Words: ecological security, ecosystem services, InVEST models, payments for ecosystem services (PES),
poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods
1摇 Introduction
In little more than a decade, the idea that ecosystems are vital assets has spread like fire. Globally, this idea
now appears in society忆s thinking about agriculture, water, energy, cities, health, fisheries, forestry, mining, and
the infrastructure supporting these and other vast sectors鄄and it is increasingly evident in the ways communities,
corporations, governments and other institutions frame decisions[1鄄7] . In particular, there is growing demand for
rigorous approaches that integrate the values of natural capital into major development decisions, in order to reverse
the degradation of Earth忆s life鄄support systems and enhance human well鄄being.
This marks a key moment for the research communities working on this grand challenge. To meet the demand
from decision鄄makers requires that we make rapid advances on four science and policy frontiers: ( i) fundamental
understanding of ecosystem services, human well鄄being, and their inter鄄linkages, in biophysical, economic, social,
institutional, and governance domains; ( ii) practical, science鄄based tools, tailored initially for use in highest鄄
priority decision contexts; (iii) pilot demonstrations that implement new understanding and tools in key decisions;
and (iv) engaging leaders to achieve transformative and lasting change.
This Special Issue contributes exciting new work in each of these arenas, and fosters integration of knowledge
and experience across disciplines and societies. Here we begin by offering perspective on the rapid advances
underway in China today, to help orient readers internationally. Then we turn more broadly to discuss these four
science and policy frontiers, for improving the conditions and prospects of humanity and nature.
2摇 Innovation and Impact in China
Among nations, China stands out as a leader in work at the nexus of environment and human development, with
highly innovative and far鄄reaching policies, in terms of goals, scale, and duration. Following severe droughts and
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massive flooding in 1997鄄98, China began implementing policies designed to secure natural capital and human well鄄
being[8] . Together, these policies directly involve over 120 million people and investments of 700 billion Yuan over
their first decade (2000—2010) [9] . While these policies are unique to China, they mark a bold attempt to halt and
reverse environmental destruction while at the same time promoting human development, with lessons relevant to the
whole world.
China also stands out in strengthening the scientific foundation supporting these public policies. This is
illustrated in the development of a first National Ecosystem Assessment, spanning a wide range of ecosystems,
services, and spatial scales, over the past decade (2000—2010). The first step is to classify land cover for the
whole of China, for 2000, 2005, and 2010, based on Landsat TM data at 30mx30m resolution. The next stages of
work involve characterizing the composition and structure of ecosystems and their changes over the assessment
decade. The final stage will involve characterizing levels and types of ecosystem services, and changes across China
and the assessment decade. This important effort will showcase state鄄of鄄the鄄art technical approaches relevant to other
nations undertaking such assessments[10] .
Perhaps most ambitiously, China is establishing a new network of “ ecosystem function conservation areas冶
(EFCAs) [2](Figure 1). EFCAs are being zoned so as to focus conservation and restoration in places with high
return鄄on鄄investment for public benefit, to halt and reverse degradation of vital ecosystems and their services. The
zoning is also meant to focus high鄄impact human activities away from EFCAs and in places where they will do least
damage. The design and implementation of EFCAs involves assessments from local to national scales. At the national
scale, the priority services are soil conservation, water conservation, flooding mitigation, biodiversity conservation
and sandstorm prevention[1, 11] .
Each of these initiatives has dual goals: to harmonize people and nature by securing critical natural capital and
alleviating poverty. Specifically, the government aims to protect ecosystems and their biodiversity for flood control,
hydropower production efficiency, irrigation supply, more productive agriculture, and tourism. In addition, it aims
to open non鄄farm sectors, increase household income, and make land鄄use practices more sustainable in rural
areas[12] .
While these initiatives represent a massive scientific and policy undertaking, there is still little understanding of
the local costs of implementation, or their effects on poor and vulnerable populations in or near the target areas. The
EFCA model represents a new paradigm for integrating conservation and human development, but for this policy
innovation to have wide applicability and success, it will be important to assess and improve local livelihoods[12鄄15] .
This need points to the science and policy frontiers before us.
3摇 Advancing the science of ecosystem services and human well鄄being
3. 1摇 Quantifying provisioning and regulating service values
In theory, if public and private institutions recognize the values of ecosystem services, then we can greatly
enhance investments in the natural capital underpinning them and foster human well鄄being at the same time. But in
practice, the global research community is still in early stages of developing the scientific foundation, and policy and
finance mechanisms, for integrating natural capital into land鄄use and other resource decisions on large scales.
Relative to other forms of capital, assets embodied in ecosystems have been poorly understood, scarcely monitored,
and undergoing rapid degradation[16鄄17] .
Correcting this requires quantifying ecosystem services and their values as rigorously and routinely as in business
accounting. In China, there is tremendous current research on developing and using new methods to quantify the
value of ecosystem services provided by a range of different ecosystems (e. g. , forest, grassland, river, farmland,
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Figure 1摇 China忆s new system of Ecosystem Function Conservation Areas (EFCAs) . As delineated by the Ministry of Environmental
Protection and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, EFCAs span 24% of China忆s land area and 25% (708) of its counties. The work reported
in this Special Issue is aimed at developing the conceptual frameworks, the research and policy approaches, and the practical tools for
achieving the dual goals of EFCAs: to secure biodiversity and ecosystem services and to alleviate poverty. ( Figure courtesy of our
collaborator Z. Ouyang, Research Center for Eco鄄Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. )
marine), at different scales (e. g. , watershed, county, provincial, regional, national), and in both biophysical and
economic terms[18鄄27] .
Some of the contributions to this Special Issue focus such quantification on places that have recently experienced
loss. Indeed, it is often only after their loss that we recognize the importance of ecosystem services, such as in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina or cyclones in India[28鄄29] . For example, Hainan Island has experienced significant
reduction in natural forest as a result of the doubling of rubber plantations over the past decade. Hainan also
experienced intensive flooding in October 2010, causing 11. 5 billion Yuan in damages and the evacuation of over
130,000 people. Rao et al. [30] map and quantify the provision of soil conservation services across Hainan Island,
showing the great importance of the Mountainous Area of Central Hainan National Ecology Function Reserve. They
also quantify the higher performance generally of natural than human鄄dominated ecosystems in providing soil
conservation services. This work is key to promoting natural forest protection and sustainable agriculture to enhance
flood control, water quality in rivers and in coastal waters, hydropower, and agricultural productivity, and tourism
development, and other benefits.
Another key region that has undergone recent, dramatic loss is the Wenchuan earthquake area. Three important
papers in the Special Issue examine the need and opportunity to improve ecological security in this area. First, Fu et
al. [31] quantify the importance of water retention for flood control in Dujiangyan City, the epi鄄center for the Richter
8. 0 Wenchuan earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province in 2008. They find that, although water retention
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functions in Dujiangyan City were impaired in some places by the earthquake, overall they remain high. The most
critical water retention areas cover 35% of the city, and require much stronger protection to ensure flood and water
resource security of the city and whole Chengdu Plain beyond.
Second, Xu et al. [32] complement this analysis with a broad spatial assessment of biodiversity, identifying two
biodiversity hotspots (the Minshan region and the southern Qionglai mountain region) where establishing a protected
ecological corridor would greatly enhance biodiversity conservation. And, third, Peng et al. [33] map and quantify the
carbon storage in the earthquake area, finding a significant decline in carbon storage of ca. 10伊106 t in elevations of
750—1750m asl. They recommend priority post鄄disaster restoration and carbon management strategies including
improving forest area and quality; certain restoration approaches that will be most effective; and a suite of sustainable
agriculture improvements on farmland and grazing land.
Finally, underpinning virtually all quantification of ecosystem services at large scales, is the remote sensing
science of monitoring and assessing vegetation. This is nicely illustrated in the Special Issue by Hou et al. [34], who
undertake this using cumulative NDVI across China忆s National Key Ecological Function Regions, National Important
Ecological Function Regions, National Biodiversity Protection Priority Regions, and National Natural Protection
Regions. These protected regions account for 56% of China忆s land area. They also assess the condition and trends in
vegetation across regions, which is crucial to estimating service provision today and into the future.
3. 2摇 Quantifying cultural services and intangible dimensions of value
In addition to methods and analysis for provisioning and regulating services, there is also a critical research
frontier on intangible cultural ecosystem services. These refer to “ecosystems忆 contribution to the nonmaterial benefits
(e. g. , capabilities and experiences) that arise from human鄄ecosystem relationships冶 [35] . Conceptual frameworks,
methodologies, and data for characterizing cultural ecosystem services were developed in the social and behavioral
sciences before the ecosystem services field emerged. This foundation is ripe for integrating with broader ecosystem
services work, to define cultural services operationally, deploy methods for estimating their values, and analyze the
tradeoffs and synergies they present[36] .
In this Special Issue, Cheng et al. [37] apply the travel cost method (TCM) and contingent valuation method
(CVM) to characterize the value of natural landscapes in the scenic area of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan
Province. They use questionnaires to estimate use ( visitation) values of 7930 million Yuan. In addition, they
estimate non鄄use values: existence (496 million Yuan), option (174 million Yuan), and bequest (301 million
Yuan) values. Taken together, these estimates show that people greatly value this scenic spot, but there remains a
gap between estimating and actually realizing Wulingyuan忆s value in a sustainable way.
This study is complemented by Gao et al. [38], who characterize the perception and attitudes of local people
concerning ecosystem services of culturally protected forests鄄those stewarded by local people on the basis of traditional
practices and beliefs. Using semi鄄structured interviews, they found that services considered important have been
better protected. While a great range of valuable services derive from the forest, cultural services are valued most
highly. Enthusiasm for stewarding culturally protected forests was high, with 70 percent of respondents willing to
manage them, with no difference across age, education level, or gender.
3. 3摇 Securing ecosystem services and human well鄄being through compensation mechanisms
As in the case of cultural services, there are very well鄄established fields in the behavioral, economic, health,
and social sciences that together could yield a strong foundation for linking explicitly ecosystem services and human
well鄄being鄄through compensation mechanisms. This exciting work is in early stages now, with much interdisciplinary
research and also real鄄world policy experiments in a suite of pioneering countries.
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Ouyang et al. [39] explain the national urgency in establishing compensation mechanisms that effectively secure
the provision of vital ecosystem services. The mechanisms require ecosystem service beneficiaries鄄from existing,
restored, or newly constructed ecosystems鄄to pay for the services and the activities required to sustain them. Such a
system rewards production of services, and helps ensure fairness among producers and consumers. Ideally the system
also ensures appropriate economic returns to ecological investors, thereby encouraging sustained or enhanced
production of services, and promoting a better “ human鄄nature harmony 冶. Reflecting on the experience in
compensation mechanisms globally, Ouyang et al. draw out key strategies for improving the schemes in China:
clearly defining goals and target geographic regions; enhancing participation and protecting participants; streamlining
institutional oversight and governance; developing consistent standards; implementing accountability and
enforcement; and balancing rights and responsibilities.
Zheng et al. [40] follow with progress and perspectives on ecosystem services management in China. They point
to the challenge of quantifying services individually, as done in some of the articles presented above, as well as
characterizing relationships among services across scales, and incorporating understanding of services into policy
design. Calling for focused, interdisciplinary research to address these challenges, they also highlight the need for
better displaying of results of services analysis.
In a nice demonstration of the work called for by Ouyang et al. [39] and Zheng et al. [40], Li et al. [41] examine
the aims, theoretical foundation for, and design of a forest eco鄄benefit tax that would help internalize the externalities
of forest ecosystem services. Taking Shaanxi Province as a case study, they analyze the potential impact of such a tax
using an input鄄output model encompassing 42 sectors. Applying under three alternative scenarios, they find a tax
rate of 10% has larger impacts on industrial prices of the following sectors: the forestry industry; furniture
manufacture; timber processing; and the bamboo, rattan products and paper industry. Their results show such a tax
potentially feasible under any of these realistic scenarios.
3. 4摇 Further research advances
The lines of work presented in the Special Issue are exciting and vigorous, and we expect rapid progress in many
important areas. Here we highlight a few opportunities for breakthrough worthy of special attention:
First, major advances in methods and tools are needed to incorporate dynamic effects, as well as shocks and
uncertainty. This means we need to go beyond working simply off maps describing ecosystems and their services, and
move to being able to capture dynamic changes, such as in climate or in vegetation鄄as well as changes arising through
economic development and evolving human preferences. Feedbacks within ecosystems, and between ecosystem
services and human behavior, can have profound effects on outcomes, and should inform policy design. Similarly,
shocks such as fires, droughts, disease, and economic fluctuations, all can have major influences on ecosystems and
the services produced. The occurrence of these shocks is difficult to predict but virtually certain to come about.
Understanding their likely impacts on ecological and social systems will help us prepare for them.
A second major area for further development is in relating ecosystem condition to human health. The
relationships between biophysical attributes of ecosystems and human communities are complex[42] . Destruction of
ecosystems can at times improve aspects of community health; for example, draining swamps can reduce mosquito
habitat, thus reducing the incidence of malaria. On the other hand, ecosystems provide many services that sustain
human health, for which substitutes are not available at the required scale, such as purification and regulation of
drinking water flow; regulation of air quality; nutrition ( especially of protein and micronutrients); psychological
benefits; and, in complex ways, regulation of vector鄄borne disease[7] . To date, there is little rigorous research
establishing the links between ecosystem conditions and human health.
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Finally, the links between ecosystem and human condition, considering the many dimensions of human well鄄
being, remain poorly characterized. So far, ecosystem services work often focuses on quantifying the contribution of
natural capital to human well鄄being in the aggregate鄄that is, to all members of a society as a whole. It is now critical
that we create practical, well鄄designed tools for decision鄄makers that reveal specifically how poor and vulnerable
members of society will be affected by resource and development projects. Without this, there is a risk of worsening
the plight of the poor in pursuing economic growth and human development. The efforts in China are especially
noteworthy in their aims to forge a new path that combines improved well鄄being of people and preservation of Earth忆s
life鄄support systems.
4摇 Advancing practical, open鄄source Tools
Mainstreaming ecosystem services into everyday decisions requires a systematic method for characterizing their
value鄄and the change in value resulting from alternative polices or human activities. Unlike the accounting tools we
apply to measure the value of traditional economic goods and services, which are already well established and
integrated into economic decisions, we have no ready set of existing accounting tools to measure the value of
ecosystem services[43鄄45] . Without these tools, ecosystem services are invariably undervalued or not valued at all鄄 by
governments, businesses, and the public[16鄄17, 44, 46] .
The Natural Capital Project, an international partnership, is developing tools for Integrated Valuation of
Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs ( InVEST). These open鄄source, software鄄based models help decision makers
visualize the impacts of potential policies by quantifying and mapping the generation, distribution, and economic
value of ecosystem services under alternative scenarios[47鄄48] . They are designed for use in an iterative decision鄄
making process, in which stakeholders identify critical management decisions and explore scenarios of change ( e.
g. , demographic, climate, technological) . The outputs identify tradeoffs and compatibilities between environmental,
economic, and social benefits. The models are being applied in a wide range of decision contexts and scales
globally[11, 49] .
InVEST spans a range of terrestrial and marine services (Figure 2). The modular design permits evaluation of
synergies and tradeoffs under alternative decisions options. The models are open鄄source, developed in fruitful
collaboration with researchers and practitioners from many disciplines, institutions, and countries. In this Special
Issue, four papers use InVEST in contrasting decision contexts[30鄄31, 50鄄51] .
5摇 Pilot demonstrations promoting innovation in policy and governance
An effective way to guide policy and institutional change is through pilot demonstrations in key decision contexts
concerning ecosystem services. Priority decision contexts in many countries include
誗Zoning, or spatial planning, as in the EFCA case;
誗The evaluation and design of major infrastructure investments;
誗Agriculture and food security;
誗Natural defenses against extreme weather events;
誗Urban development
Poverty alleviation and other human development objectives are central in all of these decision contexts.
Li et al. [52] take the Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve as a key case to evaluate the compensation mechanism of
ecological migration currently implemented there. Sanjiangyuan is one of the most important nature reserves in
China, key to the ecological security of lower watersheds in China and Southeast Asia. To develop a fair and effective
standard of compensation, Li et al. [52] estimate the opportunity costs of ecosystem conservation to local people, using
three approaches. They conclude that, while an ecological compensation mechanism alone is unlikely to be sufficient
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Figure 2摇 The suite of InVEST models, created and being improved through an open鄄source process. Models in development are available
for research use
in alleviating poverty, it can play an important, partial role.
6摇 Engaging Leaders for Transformative Change
Engaging leaders is crucial for support of pioneering individual efforts. It is even more important for replication
and scaling of successes, locally, nationally and globally. There are now hundreds, maybe even thousands, of
individual efforts underway. It is important that the ecosystem service research and policy communities bring visibility
to these efforts, so that they mature into more than the sum of their parts. With our emerging scientific foundation,
credible yet practical tools, and pioneering demonstrations, we can engage leaders to achieve the transformative
change necessary.
The time is ripe to begin asking some questions, in considering how to focus, prioritize, and accelerate the work
ahead. What real鄄world successes have been achieved, in integrating natural capital into decisions and thus
achieving better outcomes? What forms do successful efforts take? By what pathways have individual efforts achieved
local impact, replication, and eventual scaling? What new science and policy initiatives are needed to magnify the
collective impact of these proliferating efforts, to secure the well鄄being of people and nature? In the years just ahead,
it will be time for a synthesis and analytical review of ecosystem service demonstrations, with special attention to their
social, economic, institutional, and governance dimensions.
This Special Issue on ecosystem services comes at a critical time for advancing many lines of work and for
thinking about new questions ahead. With rapid economic development in China, the conflict between environment
and development is escalating. Ouyang et al. [39] say it well: “The establishment of effective ecological compensation
mechanisms to ensure sustained provision of ecological services is urgently needed for national ecological safety, and
is also an inevitable requirement for social justice and human鄄nature harmony. 冶 We hope this message is taken up
with seriousness and vigor not only in China but across the world.
Acknowledgements: We owe thanks to many colleagues in the rapidly emerging fields linking nature and human
well鄄being. For help and inspiration over the years, we thank especially Wang Rusong, Paul Ehrlich, and Harold
Mooney. For leading the way in new field work in China, we thank our close collaborators Li Jie, Fu Bin, Liang
Yicheng, Li Cong, Li Feng, and Brian Robinson, and the many members of the Natural Capital Project
386摇 3 期 摇 摇 摇 Gretchen C. Daily et al: Securing Natural Capital and Human Well鄄Being: Innovation and Impact in China 摇
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internationally. We are very grateful to The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the
Winslow Foundation, and the International Cooperation Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences (GJHZ0948)
for support.
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586摇 3 期 摇 摇 摇 Gretchen C. Daily et al: Securing Natural Capital and Human Well鄄Being: Innovation and Impact in China 摇
ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Vol. 33,No. 3 February,2013(Semimonthly)
Ecosystem Service Simulation and Management
Securing Natural Capital and Human Well鄄Being: Innovation and Impact in China
Gretchen C. Daily, Ouyang Zhiyun, Zheng Hua, et al (677)
Establishment of ecological compensation mechanisms in China: perspectives and strategies
OUYANG Zhiyun, ZHENG Hua, YUE Ping (686)
Regional cooperation mechanism and sustainable livelihoods: a case study on paddy land conversion program (PLCP)
LIANG Yicheng,LIU Gang, MA Dongchun, et al (693)
Progress and perspectives of ecosystem services management ZHENG Hua,LI Yifeng,OUYANG Zhiyun,et al (702)…………………
Ecosystem services valuation and its regulation in Baiyangdian baisn: Based on InVEST model
BAI Yang, ZHENG Hua, ZHUANG Changwei,et al (711)
Identification of hotspots for biodiversity conservation in the Wenchuan earthquake鄄hit area
XU Pei, WANG Yukuan, YANG Jinfeng, et al (718)
Effects of land use change on ecosystem services: a case study in Miyun reservoir watershed
LI Yifeng,LUO Yuechu,LIU Gang,et al (726)
Impacts of forest eco鄄benefit tax on industry price levels in Shaanxi Province, China LI Jie, LIU Zhengnan,HAN Xiuhua (737)……
Spatial characteristics of soil conservation service and its impact factors in Hainan Island
RAO Enming, XIAO Yi, OUYANG Zhiyun, et al (746)
Perception and attitudes of local people concerning ecosystem services of culturally protected forests
GAO Hong, OUYANG Zhiyun, ZHENG Hua, et al (756)
Standard of payments for ecosystem services in Sanjiangyuan Natural Reserve LI Yifeng, LUO Yuzhu, ZHENG Hua, et al (764)…
Natural landscape valuation of Wulingyuan Scenic Area in Zhangjiajie City
CHENG Cheng, XIAO Yi, OUYANG Zhiyun, et al (771)
Satellite鄄based monitoring and appraising vegetation growth in national key regions of ecological protection
HOU Peng, WANG Qiao, FANG Zhi, et al (780)
Spatial Pattern of Water Retetnion in Dujiangyan County FU Bin, XU Pei, WANG Yukuan, et al (789)……………………………
Spatial distribution of carbon storage function and seismic damage in wenchuan earthquake stricken areas
PENG Yi,WANG Yukuan,FU Bin,et al (798)
Frontiers and Comprehensive Review
The Porter Hypothesis: a literature review on the relationship between eco鄄innovation and environmental regulation
DONG Ying, SHI Lei (809)
Ecological protection and well鄄being LI Huimei,ZHANG Anlu (825)……………………………………………………………………
An overview of the updated classification system and species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
WANG Yutao, XIN Guorong, LI Shaoshan (834)
Autecology & Fundamentals
Evaporation paradox in the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains
JIANG Chong, WANG Fei, LIU Sijie, et al (844)
The diet composition and trophic niche of main herbivores in the Inner Mongolia Desert steppe
LIU Guihe, WANG Guojie,WANG Shiping, et al (856)
Abstraction and analysis of vegetation information based on object鄄oriented and spectra features
CUI Yijiao, ZHU Lin,ZHAO Lijuan (867)
Hyperspectral estimation models for photosynthetic pigment contents in leaves of Eucalyptus
ZHANG Yonghe,CHEN Wenhui,GUO Qiaoying,et al (876)
Response of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Pterocarya stenoptera seedlings to submergence and
drought alternation WANG Zhenxia,WEI Hong,L譈 Qian,et al (888)……………………………………………………………
Effect of flooding stress on growth and photosynthesis characteristics of Salix integra
ZHAO Hongfei, ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Chi, et al ( 898 )
Water consumption of pear jujube trees (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) and its correlation with trunk diameter during flowering and fruit
development periods ZHANG Linlin, WANG Youke, HAN Lixin, et al ( 907 )…………………………………………………
Estimation of nitrogen nutrient index on SPAD value of top leaves in wheat
ZHAO Ben, YAO Xia, TIAN Yongchao, et al ( 916 )
Population, Community and Ecosystem
Carbon and nitrogen storage under different plantations in subtropical south China
WANG Weixia, SHI Zuomin, LUO Da, et al ( 925 )
Impact on water and soil conservation of different bandwidths in low鄄efficiency cypress forest transformation
LI Yanqiong, GONG Gutang, ZHENG Shaowei, et al ( 934 )
Seasonal changes of phytoplankton community structure in Jinshuitan Reservoir, Zhejiang, China
ZHANG Hua, HU Hongjun , CHAO Aimin, et al ( 944 )
Winter carrying capacity and the optimum population density of wild boar in fenghuang Mountains National Nature Reserve
of Heilongjiang Province MENG Gentong, ZHANG Minghai,ZHOU Shaochun ( 957 )……………………………………………
Diversity of ground鄄dwelling spider community in different restoring times of post鄄fire forest, Cangshan Mountain, Yunnan Province
MA Yanyan,LI Qiao,FENG Ping,et al ( 964 )………………………………………………………………………………………
Landscape, Regional and Global Ecology
Drought characteristics in the shiyang river basin during the recent 50 years based on a composite index
ZHANG Tiaofeng, ZHANG Bo, WANG Youheng, et al ( 975 )
Land use spatial distribution modeling based on CLUE鄄S model in the Huangshui River Basin
FENG Shichao,GAO Xiaohong,GU Juan,et al ( 985 )
Research Notes
Patterns of terrestrial anthropogenic impacts on coastal wetlands in three city clusters in China WANG Yijie, YU Shen ( 998 )……
Eutrophication development and its key affected factors in the Yanghe Reservoir WANG Liping, ZHENG Binghui (1011)……………
8101 摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 33 卷摇
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