Factors influencing local residents’ attitude towards nature conservation in natural tourism destination: a comparative study on China’s Jiuzhaigou National Park and UK’s New Forest National Park
摘 要 :居民的自然保护态度对自然旅游地的自然保护与旅游可持续发展至关重要,自然旅游地居民自然保护态度的影响因子及影响方式,已经成为自然旅游地管理的重要内容,但相关研究薄弱。以中国九寨沟和英国新森林国家公园(New Forest National Park,NF)为例,根据实地问卷调查数据,从两地居民的人口属性、旅游环保期望、旅游环境影响感知及旅游环境伦理观与其自然保护态度关系的角度,进行定量比较研究。研究发现:(1) 两地居民的自然保护态度受不同因子的影响,存在明显的中外差异;(2) 人口属性特征如性别、年龄、居住年限、教育水平及旅游业参与情况对新森林国家公园社区居民的自然保护态度没有影响;但性别、旅游业参与情况却影响九寨沟居民的自然保护态度,女性及旅游业参与者更支持对九寨沟进行自然保护;(3) 新森林国家公园居民的自然保护态度受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理观的影响:旅游环保期望较高、持保护主义环境伦理观的新森林国家公园居民,更有可能支持对新森林国家公园进行自然保护;(4) 九寨沟居民的自然保护态度不受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理的影响,但受其旅游环境影响感知的影响;居民的旅游环境影响感知越消极,越支持对九寨沟进行自然保护。
Abstract:Nature conservation has become an important part of natural tourism destination management, and local residents′ attitude towards nature conservation is crucial to the environmental protection and the sustainable tourism development in the destinations. Nevertheless, there has been only little research work on local residents′ environmental attitude and their attitude towards nature conservation in destination to the present. This paper was aimed to determine what factors and how they influence local residents′ attitude towards nature conservation in natural tourism destination. Taking China′s Jiuzhaigou National Park and UK′s New Forest National Park as cases, this paper made a comparative quantitative analysis of local residents′ demographic features, environmental improvement expectation of tourism development, perception of tourism environmental impact, tourism environment ethics and the relations to their attitude towards nature conservation. Random sampling questionnaire survey was conducted respectively in local communities of the two case study areas in 2008 and 2009. After some statistic analyses of Chi-Square test, Spearman′s rho Correlation, ANOVA and MANOVA with the software of SPSS16.0, this research came to some results as below: (1) As to local residents in natural tourism destination, their attitude towards nature conservation is effected by various factors with obvious difference between the UK and China; (2) demographic features of local residents have no impact on New Forest National Park′s residents′ attitude towards nature conservation; while gender and possibility of tourism participation do influence local residents’ attitude towards nature conservation in Jiuzhaigou National Park: female residents (Chi-Square χ2=5.720, P=0.017) and those who participated in tourism business (Chi-Square χ2=7.365, P=0.007) are more likely to support nature conservation here; (3) As for residents in New Forest National Park, their attitude towards nature conservation is effected by their environment improvement expectation of tourism development (FNF=2.222, PNF=0.071<0.10) and their tourism environment ethics rather than their perception of tourism environmental impact (FNF=1.240, PNF=0.298). Residents who held stronger environmental improvement expectation of tourism development and who are environment protectionism in New Forest National Park are more likely to be nature conservation supporters (FNF=5.295, PNF=0006); (4) With reference to local residents in Jiuzhaigou National Park, their environment improvement expectation of tourism development (FJZG=.686, PJZG=0.563) and tourism environment ethics (FJZG=0.437, PJZG=0.648) have no impact on their attitude towards nature conservation, but their perception of tourism environmental impact does influence their attitude towards nature conservation (FJZG=3.237, PJZG=0.017<010). The more negative their perception of tourism environmental impact is, the stronger they hold supportive attitude towards nature conservation there.
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