作 者 :程志斌,张伟*,华彦,徐艳春
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 11期 页码:2972~2980
Keywords:arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), pelage insulation, hair density, hair length, hair diameter, compound hair follicles,
摘 要 :被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,其保温功能对动物适应寒冷环境意义重大。为了探讨北极狐(Alopex lagopus)在被毛性状上如何适应寒冷的气候条件,对大兴安岭漠河地区人工养殖北极狐的背中部直针毛、上层绒毛、下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度、毛干细度以及毛密度、单个毛束内的毛数量、毛束密度、复合毛囊最大横切面积、1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积等14个性状因子进行测量分析。结果表明,北极狐绒毛分为上下两层,下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度和毛干细度均小于上层绒毛,上层绒毛长度与直针毛接近,直针毛长度与上层绒毛、下层绒毛长度均不存在显著相关性;毛密度与毛束密度极度正相关(P<001),但与毛根细度、毛干细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积不存在显著相关性,且与复合毛囊最大横切面积的相关性较小;复合毛囊最大横切面积受毛根细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和毛束密度的影响较小。北极狐不是通过降低毛细度的方式来增加毛密度以加强保温功能,而是通过改变被毛在皮肤内的分布格局来增加毛密度,以及将有髓质的绒毛分为上下两层来改变被毛空间结构这两种策略提高被毛内静止空气的量以加强保温功能,进而适应高纬度地区的寒冷环境。
Abstract:For many species pelage characteristics undergo seasonal variations. Likewise, intraspecies variation of pelage characteristics can occur according to location and habitat characteristics for some mammals. Such variations can substantially affect the function of the pelage. In cold environments the pelage plays a particularly key role in the survival of many mammals. Differing pelage characteristics may suggest a number of different strategies of pelage insulation. In this analysis, we explore the relationship between pelage characteristics and pelage insulation value for the captive arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) in the Mohe area of Heilongjiang Province located at the far north of China. Fourteen pelage parameters were measured. Results indicated that hair density was (26802.8±4499.8) hairs per cm2. The length of guard hairs, undercoat hairs forming the top layer and undercoat hairs in the base layer was (6.08±0.64) cm, (5.19±0.28) cm, and (294±0.30) cm respectively. The diameter of the root of guard hairs, undercoat hairs forming the top layer and undercoat hairs in the base layer was (66.33±6.55) μm, (10.14±0.67) μm, and (9.17±1.01) μm respectively. The diameter of guard hairs, undercoat hairs forming the top layer and undercoat hairs in the base layer was (113.63±492) μm, (22.22±1.64) μm, and (20.41±1.74) μm respectively. The maximum cross-sectional area of the hair bundle was (1.09±0.26 ) ×104μm2. The arctic fox had two layers of undercoat hair. The length of guard hairs was not significantly correlated with either length of the undercoat hairs forming the top pelage layer or with length of the undercoat hairs in the base layer. The length of the undercoat hairs forming the top layer was close to that of the guard hairs. However, the length, hair root diameter and hair diameter of undercoat hairs at the base layer were shorter and smaller than undercoat hairs forming the top layer. Undercoat hairs at the base layer filled in the space between guard hairs and undercoat hairs forming the top layer. At the same time, the maximum cross-sectional area of compound hair follicles was slightly correlated with hair root diameter, hair number per bundle, and hair bundle density. Hair density was not significantly correlated with hair root diameter, or with hair diameter, or with hair number per bundle, or with total maximum cross-sectional area of the compound hair follicles per mm2. However hair density was negatively correlated with the maximum cross-sectional area of the compound hair follicles (P<0.05) and positively correlated with hair bundle density (P<0.01). Pelage density (pelage insulation value) of the arctic fox was not increased by having a smaller hair diameter or increased numbers of hairs, but by varying the distribution of the hair bundle density and the maximum cross-sectional area of the compound hair follicles. We presume that the insulation value of the arctic fox pelage was enhanced by increasing the volume and retention of air within the pelage in two ways. First, hair density was increased by variable hair distribution patterns over the skin. Second, the presence of two layers of undercoat hairs with medullae changed the spatial structure of the pelage. These two strategies help the arctic fox adapt to the cold climate in the high latitude areas of China.
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