摘 要 :土地利用、土地利用变化和林业 (L U L U CF)活动是引起大气温室气体浓度上升的主要因素之一 ,评价、监测 L UL UCF活动的碳源 /汇功能还存在很大的不确定性。近年来我国在该方面开展了一些研究和测定工作 ,但研究力度还远远不够 ,研究方法还存在一些问题。针对 L U L UCF活动对碳贮量影响的测定和监测中的碳库选择、监测间隔期、样地数量以及土壤容重影响和校正等有关方法学问题进行了阐述 ,以期为我国该方面的研究和监测有所裨益。
Abstract:Human-induced land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities are believed to be one of the most important factors contributing to rising greenhouse gases in atmosphere and global climate change. To accurately assess the impacts of LULUCF activities on atmospheric carbon is vital for human being to develop, implement and evaluate policies and measures against the climate change. Periodic measuring and monitoring carbon stock changes is a key method to achieve this. However, great uncertainties ex...