摘 要 :本文报道了云南省勐腊自然保护区内的白颊长臂猿(Hylobat es concolor leucogenys)全年的觅食情况及食谱。长臂猿喜食植物的果,其次分别为叶、嫩枝叶和花,偶食小型动物。植物性食物占93.60%,其中每天采食果、叶、花和嫩枝,叶的时间分别占觅食时间的38.63%、35.52%、4.6%17.29%,动物性食物占6.40%,每天捕食动物性食物的时间占觅食时间的3.89%,主要捕食昆虫。
Abstract:The paper presents the feeding and the food category of the white-cheek gibbon (H.c.leucogenys)in the whole year in Meng La Natural Conservation Area, Yunnan Province.White-cheek gibbons prefer extremely selective fruits, and nextly leaves, young shoots and leaves, flowers, and only occasionally Some small animals. The plant materials account for 93.60%.The ratio of the feeding time in each day among fruits, leaves, flowers, young shoots and leaves and animals are 38.63%, 35.52%, 4.67%, 17.29% and 3.89% The...
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