摘 要 :报道了中国西藏兰科植物二新记录种:无叶沼兰(Crepidium aphyllum (King & Pantl.) A. N. Rao)和矮生白点兰Thrixspermum pygmaeum (King & Pantl.) Holttum。无叶沼兰和本属另一腐生种C. saprophytum (King & Pantl.) A. N. Rao的主要区别为假鳞茎圆柱形,唇瓣平展,顶端圆形,中萼片直立。矮生白点兰与T. masciflorum A. S. Rao & J. Joseph相似,但本种花序短于叶,苞片螺旋排列、花瓣匙形、唇瓣下凹且3裂、中裂片顶端下凹、胼胝体有毛。
Abstract:Two new records of Orchidaceae, Crepidium aphyllum (King & Pantl.) A. N. Rao and Thrixspermum pygmaeum (King & Pantl.) Holttum, are described based on fieldwork in southeastern Xizang (Tibet), China. Crepidium aphyllum is easy to distinguish from the heteromycotrophic species C. saprophytum by cylindrical pseudobulb, flat lip with rounded apex and erect dorsal sepal. Thrixspermum pymaeum (King & Pantl.) Holttum is similar to T. masciflorum A. S. Rao & J. Joseph, but differs from it by having inflorescence shorter than leaf, bracts spiralled, petals spathulate, lip concaved and 3-lobed, with a hairy callus connecting with column and emarginated middle lobe.
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