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A New Synonym of Tainia (Orchidaceae)


全 文 :热带亚热带植物学报 2015, 23(5): 492 ~ 494
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Received: 2015–04–23    Accepted: 2015–05–29
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31100149) and Science and Technology Basic Work, Project of the
Ministry of Science and Technology, China (2013FY112100).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: lilin@scib.ac.cn
(1. 福建农林大学园林学院, 福州 350002;2. 越南林业大学, 河内 100803, 越南;3. 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650;4. 中国科学院大学, 北
京 100049)
摘要: 经过对标本馆馆藏标本的研究,确认原四川特有的峨眉带唇兰[Tainia emeiensis (K. Y. Lang) Z. H. Tsi]与大花带唇兰(T.
macrantha Hook. f.)为同种植物,因此予以归并。
关键词: 峨眉带唇兰;大花带唇兰;带唇兰属;新异名;兰科
doi: 10.11926/j.issn.1005–3395.2015.05.002
A New Synonym of Tainia (Orchidaceae)
ZHAI Jun-wen1, VU Quang-nam2, WANG Wan-yao3,4, LI Lin3*
(1. College of Landscape Architecture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 2. College of Forestry Biotechnology,
Vietnam Forestry University, Hanoi 100803, Vietnam; 3. South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China; 4.
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Morphological comparisons indicate that Tainia emeiensis (K. Y. Lang) Z. H. Tsi, previously recorded
as endemic to Sichuan, China is conspecific with T. macrantha Hook. f. and reduced as a heterotypic synonym.
Key words: New synonym; Orchidaceae; Tainia; Tainia emeiensis; Tainia macrantha
Tainia Blume is an orchid genus in the subfamily
Epidendroideae, tribe Collabieae[1]. There are about
30 species, distributed from India, Sri Lanka and the
Himalayan region, north to China, Japan, south from
SE Asia to New Guinea and the Pacific islands[2]. In
his revised monograph, Turner[3] regarded Ania Lindl.
and Mischobulbum Schltr. distinct from Tainia based on
morphology. Despite that, most of these species have
long been treated under Tainia s.l. including Ania,
and sometimes also including Mischobulbum[1–2,4–5].
In the most recent classification based on molecular
phylogeny[6–9], Ania was separated from Tainia s.l.
and re-established. Currently only 22 of these were
previously recognized species, the rest being proposed
as species of Ania.
Whilst examining herbarium collections of this
genus for a revision of Tainia and its allies, the types of
T. emeiensis (K. Y. Lang) Z. H. Tsi and T. macrantha
Hook. f. were found morphologically very similar
(Fig. 1). Lang[10] reported Mischobulbum emeiense
based solely on type specimens collected from Emei Shan
(Mount Emei) in central Sichuan Province, China. Then
Tsi[5] transferred M. emeiense to Tainia. In the original
description, the author specified it differs from T.
macrantha in having rounded leaf base, bigger sterile
bract, less and smaller flowers, and scarcely or slightly
lobed lip. These characters, however, are not sufficient
to recognize T. emeiensis as a species distinct from T.
macranthe. It should be noted that the holotype of T.
emeiensis was collected while the flowers were still in
第5期 493翟俊文等:兰科带唇兰属一新异名
bud. After dissecting fresh flowers of T. macrantha,
we confirmed that the shorter inflorescence, larger
sterile bracts, smaller flowers, and not conspicuous
lateral lobes of lip are all coincident with those of
flowers of T. macrantha in bud.
Other than the type specimens, no additional
specimen of this species has ever been collected
until recently it was found in Gulin Xian, Sichuan
Province. Not surprisingly, the species differs from
the original description in its larger flowers and
Fig. 1 Holotypes of Mischobulbum emeiense (A, B) (PE) and Tainia macrantha (C, D) (K)
494 第23卷热带亚热带植物学报
conspicuous lateral lobes of lip. Moreover, based on
further investigations of herbarium specimens, we
concluded that the shape of the leaf base, as well as
the floral characteristics of T. emeiensis falls well
within the variation range of T. macrantha, e.g., some
individuals are subrounded in their leaf base, while
some others are cuneate or truncate; inflorescence
3-flowered, also 6-flowered. It becomes evident that
the two species are conspecific and T. emeiensis is
therefore treated as a synonym of T. macrantha.
Tainia macrantha Hook. f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl.
19: t. 1860. 1889; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov.
Beih. 4: 181. 1919; H. Turner in Orch. Monogr. 6: 82.
fig. 46. 1992. —— Mischobulbum macrathum (Hook.
f.) Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 20: 127. 1912. Type: China:
Guangdong, Ford 153 (holotype K! Fig. 1: C–D).
Tainia emeiensis (K. Y. Lang) Z. H. Tsi. in Fl.
Reip. Pop. Sin. 18: 236. 1999.—— Mischobulbum
emeiense K. Y. Lang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 20(2): 185.
fig. 4. 1982. ‘emeiensis’; H. Turner in Orch. Monog.
6: 73. 1992, syn. nov. Type: China: Guangdong, Lang,
Gao & Yang 023 (holotype PE! Fig. 1: A–B).
Ecology. Understory plant occurs in wooded
slopes or near streams and in moist areas, along
valleys under broad-leaved forests, altitude from 700–
1200 m.
Distribution. China (Guandong, Guangxi, Sichuan),
Vietnam (Lao Cai).
Specimens examined. CHINA. Guangdong (广
东): Xinyi (信宜), S. P. Ko (高锡朋) 51680 (IBSC,
KUN), R. K. Huang (黄荣焜) 31142 (IBSC, PE,
KUN); Mt. Luofushan (Lofaushan) (罗浮山), C.
Ford 153 (K), Merrill 11011 (US), N. K. Chun (陈念
劬) 41531 (IBSC); Ruyuan (乳源), L. Li (李琳) 093
(IBSC); precise locality not known, N. K. Chun (陈
念劬) 31142 (IBK, IBSC, PE, KUN); Guangxi (广
西): Rongshui (融水), Damiaoshan (大苗山), L. H.
Chun (陈少卿) 14901 (IBSC, IBK, PE, KUN), L.
H. Chun (陈少卿) 14765 (IBSC, IBK, PE, KUN,
HITBC), Hexian (贺县), H. C. Chun (陈亨春) et al.
500292 (IBSC, IBK), Luocheng (罗城), Beijing Team
( 北 京 队) 895581; Longsheng (龙胜), Longsheng
Collection Team (龙胜采集队) 50204 (IBK); Jinxiu
(金秀), Yaoshan (Dayao Shan Mtns.) (大瑶山), S. S.
Sin (辛树帜) 22349, 23659 (IBSC); Sichuan (四川):
Mt. Emeishan (峨眉山), K. Y. Lang (郎楷永), B. C.
Gao (高宝莼) et al. 023 (PE); Gulin Xian (古蔺县),
Huangjing (黄荆), X. J. He (何兴金), Q. S. Zhao (赵
清盛) 189057 (SZ).
Acknowledgments   The authors would like to thank the
staffs of herbaria K, P, US, PE, KUN, IBSC, IBK, HITBC and
SZ for permission to examine the specimens. We are grateful to
Prof. Kai-yong LANG for providing us with detailed collection
information and Engineer Ce-hong LI for his assistance in the
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