全 文 :Alismataceae (s. str., excluding Limnocharitaceae)
is an aquatic or semi-aquatic herb family containing
12 genera and ca. 80 species[1–2]. The family has a
subcosmopolitan distribution, but mainly occurs
in swamps and wetlands of temperate and tropical
regions in North Hemisphere[3]. According to the
checklist of vascular plants in Laos[4], Sagittaria L.
was the only recognized member of Alismataceae s.
str. In April 2013, we collected a specimen of Caldesia
Parl. from Khammouan Province in central Laos
during a botanical exploration, which represents
a new record of the genus and another member of
Alismataceae s. str. to the country.
Caldesia is a small genus consisting of three[3] to
four[1,5] species. The genus is palaeotropical-temperate,
distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia[3,5].
Comparing with other genera of Alismataceae s.str.
distributed in Old World, Caldesia is characterized by
its much branched inflorescence and numerous (up to
12) androecium[1,3,6] (Fig. 1). The sample we collected
from Laos is conspecific with C. grandis, the only
species with leaves of which length shorter than width
in the genus (Fig. 1).
收稿日期: 2014–04–11 接受日期: 2014–05–29
基金项目: 中国科学院国际合作重点项目(KSCX2-EW-Z-10, GJHZ201317)资助
作者简介: 周卓(1986~ ),男,主要从事植物系统学与植物地理学研究工作。E-mail: zhouzhuo@mail.kib.ac.cn
* 通讯作者 Corresponding author. E-mail: hsun@mail.kib.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2014, 22(5): 447 ~ 449
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
周卓1, ONEVILAY Souliya1,2, 邓涛1,3, 谭运洪4, 孙航1*
(1. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,昆明 650201; 2. Ministry of Health, Traditional Medicine Research
Center, Vientiane, Laos; 3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 4. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,云南 勐腊 666303)
摘要: 首次报道老挝泽泻科(Alismataceae)一新记录属——泽薹草属(Caldesia),及新记录种——宽叶泽薹草(Caldesia grandis)。
关键词: 泽薹草属; 宽叶泽薹草; 老挝; 泽泻科; 新记录
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.05.003
Caldesia Parl., A New Record Genus of Alismataceae to Laos
ZHOU Zhuo1, ONEVILAY Souliya1,2, DENG Tao1,3, TAN Yun-hong4, SUN Hang1*
(1. Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China; 2. Ministry of Health,
Traditional Medicine Research Center, Vientiane, Laos; 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 4. Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanic Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666303, China)
Abstract: Caldesia Parl. and C. grandis Sam. are reported as new records from central Laos. Caldesia grandis,
the only species with leaves of which length shorter than width in the Old World wide-spread genus Caldesia, is
originally recorded in China, Bangladesh, India and Malaysia. The description and photos in natural habitats of the
species are here provided.
Key words: Caldesia; Caldesia grandis; Laos; Alismataceae; New record
448 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 1 Caldesia grandis. A: Habit; B– C: Leaves; D – E: Flowers with caduceus petals, showing persistent sepals, numerous stamens and carpels. All
photographed by ZHOU Zhuo.
第5期 449
Caldesia grandis Sam., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 24:
116. 1930; Chen,Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 8: 139.
1992; Wang et al., Fl. China 23: 87. 2011. 宽叶泽薹草
Type: J. D. Hooker s. n. with T. Thomson, Mont.
Khasia, India (holotype, NY! photo)
Rhizomes erect. Petiole 15–55 cm; leaf blade
suborbicular, 4.5–7 cm × 6 –8 cm, veins 9–12, base
usually subtruncate, apex notched, ribbed. Scapes
erect, 30–60 cm high; inflorescences paniculate, much
branched. Flowers 3-verticillate; pedicels 1.2– 2 cm.
Sepals persistent, reflexed, elliptic to broadly ovate, 3–
4 mm. Petals reflexed, white, spatulate or subobovate,
6 –7 mm. Stamens 9–12. Carpels usually 15–17; style
ca. 1.5 mm, slender. Fruitlets subobovoid, ca. 2 mm,
with 3–5 longitudinal ribs abaxially and an erect beak.
Specimen examined: Laos. Khammouane
Province, Nakai District, south of Nam Theun
National Biodiversity Conservation Area, marshland,
Sunhang 14312 (KUN).
Distribution and conservation: The species is
originally recorded in China, Bangladesh, India and
Malaysia[3]. It is a new record in central Laos. Caldesia
grandis occurs as rare and small populations in China.
Only three natural populations including one population
in Yunnan Province and two populations in Hunan
Province were found in Mainland China according to
a specific field investigation[7]. In Laos, we also found
the population was small and disturbed by nearby
fish ponds. The conservation in-situ should be made
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. WANG
Qing-feng in Wuhan Botanical Garden and Dr. Donald LES in
University of Connecticut for their help in providing information.
We also thank Mr. CHEN Yong-sheng and Mr. WANG Qia for
their help in the fieldwork.
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DNA sequences [J]. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2012, 63(2): 407–416.
[3] Wang Q F, Haynes R R, Hellquist C B. Alismataceae [M]// Wu
Z Y, Hong D Y, Raven P H. Flora of China, Volume 23. Beijing:
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2010: 84–89.
[4] Newman M F, Ketphanh S, Svengsuksa B, et al. A Checklist of
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Garden, 2007: 1–43.
[5] Lehtonen S. Systematics of the Alismataceae: A morphological
evaluation [J]. Aquat Bot, 2009, 91(4): 279–290.
[6] Chen Y D. Alismataceae [M]// Sun X Z. Flora Reipublicae Popularis
Sinicae, Tomus 8. Beijing: Science Press, 1992: 137–139. (in
[7] Chen J M, Gituru R W, Wang Y H, et al. The extent of clonality
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2009, 84(4): 301–307.