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The Identity of Anemone chapaensis (Ranunculaceae) from Vietnam


全 文 :Anemone chapaensis Gagnep. (Ranunculaceae)
was described on the basis of one collection, Miéville
7 (Fig. 1: A, B), from Sa Pa (= Cha Pa) District, Lao
Cai Province, northern Vietnam[1]. In the protologue,
the author, Gagnepain, compared the species with
A. begoniifolia H. Lév. and A. howellii J. F. Jeffrey
& W. W. Smith, two species mainly distributed in
southwestern China[2–4]. He stated that A. chapaensis
differs from A. begoniifolia by: (1) the sepals nearly
glabrous; (2) the anther elliptic-oblong; (3) the achene
abruptly contracted into an inconspicuous and slightly
recurved beak, and from A. howellii by: (1) the leaves
not setose-ciliate; (2) the involucre 4–5 times larger;
(3) the pedicels 5 –9, rarely 3 –4; (4) the anther 1/3
Eichler[5], when dealing with the genus Anemone L.
in the Malesian region, also regarded A. begoniifolia,
A. chapaensis and A. howellii as closely related to each
other. He further pointed out that the three species,
which are geographically restricted in Yunnan and its
neighboring southern and southwestern mountains,
are different mainly in the flower number in the
inflorescence, the length of the fruiting pedicel, and
the pubescence of leaves, and that more material should
be examined to determine their differentiation at
species level.
According to Ziman et al.[6], Anemone chapaensis
is most similar to A. howellii, but differs in the tepal
size (10 –15 mm vs. 8 –10 mm), color (white vs.
reddish-white), and venation (anastomosing veins
more than 10 vs. anastomosing veins absent), and in
the basal leaf size (3–5 cm × 3–5 cm vs. 4–8 cm ×
Recieved: 2013–09–11    Accepted: 2013–10–15
This study was supported by the Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-EW-Z-1).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2014, 22(4): 335 ~ 340
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
张煜1,2, 杨亲二1*
(1. 中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广州 510650; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)
摘要: 通过标本检查,发现越南产毛茛科沙巴银莲花(Anemone chapaensis Gagnep.)与主要分布于我国的拟卵叶银莲花(A.
howellii J. F. Jeffrey & W. W. Smith)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。
关键词: 银莲花属; 新异名; 毛茛科; 分类学
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.04.002
The Identity of Anemone chapaensis (Ranunculaceae) from Vietnam
ZHANG Yu1,2, YANG Qin-er1*
(1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Examination of herbarium specimens has shown that Anemone chapaensis Gagnep. (Ranunculaceae)
from Vietnam is conspecific with A. howellii J. F. Jeffrey & W. W. Smith., a species mainly distributed in China.
We therefore reduce A. chapaensis to synonymy of A. howellii.
Key words: Anemone; New synonymy; Ranunculaceae; Taxonomy
336 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 1 Anemone howellii from Vietnam. A: Lai Cai, Cha Pa (= Sa Pa), Miéville 7 (P, holotype of A. chapaensis); B: Miéville 7 (P, isotype of A.
chapaensis); C: The same locality, Petelot 2196 (P); D: The same locality, Petelot 3198 (P).
第4期 337
4–7 cm).
Geographically, Sa Pa, the type locality of Anemone
chapaensis, is most closely adjacent to Hekou, Pingbian,
Maguan, Malipo, Xichou and Wenshan counties in
southeastern Yunnan Province, China, where A. howellii
occurs (Fig. 2). The rich material of A. howellii currently
available for examination allows us to have a better
understanding of the morphological variation of
this species. Its key morphological characters are
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparison of key morphological characters for Anemone howellii and A. chapaensis
Character A. howellii A. chapaensis
Habit Acaulescent rosette of leaves Acaulescent rosette of leaves
Perennating structure Short rhizomes Short rhizomes
Height (cm) 15 –48 28–53
Leaf shape Cordate-ovate or cordate Cordate-ovate or cordate
Basal leaf size (cm) 3 – 9 × 3–8 3–9 × 3–8
Leaf blade pubescence (adaxial surface) Sparsely to densely strigose Sparsely to densely strigose
Leaf blade pubescence (abaxial surface) Sparsely strigose Sparsely strigose
Petiole pubescence Sparsely pubescent Sparsely pubescent
Involucre size (mm) 8 – 18 10–20
Pedicel number (flower number) 2 – 9 3–13
Sepal number 5 5
Sepal size (mm) 9 – 13 10–15
Sepal color Often white, rarely reddish-white White
Sepal venation Anastomosing veins more than 10 Anastomosing veins more than 10
Anther shape Ellipsoid Ellipsoid
Anther size (mm) 0.9 –1.4 ca. 1.5
Achene Glabrous, with a slightly recurved beak Glabrous, with a slightly recurved beak
Fig. 2 Distribution of Anemone howellii in China (●) and Vietnam (▲) (the type locality of A. chapaensis).
338 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 3 Anemone howellii from China. A: Yunnan, Tongchong, Howell 110 (E, holotype); B: Yunnan, Wenshan, H. T. Tsai 58-8227 (KUN); C: Yunnan,
Pingbian, P. Y. Mao 4287 (KUN); D: Yunnan, Maguan, H. T. Tsai 51874 (PE).
第4期 339
Fig. 4 Anemone begoniifolia. A: China, Guizhou, Dushan, Cavalerie 2600 (E, holotype); B: China, Guizhou, Dushan, Cavalerie 2600 (P, isotype); C:
China, Chongqing, Nanchuan, Z. Y. Liu 15391 (PE); D: China, Chongqing, Nanchuan, Jinfoshan Exped. 0931 (PE).
340 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Our examination of the specimens of Anemone
howellii from Yunnan against those of A. chapaensis
from Vietnam has shown that the two species should
belong to the same taxonomic entity. They are not
essentially different from each other in any characters
(Table 1; Figs. 1, 3). For example, Ziman et al.[6]
emphasized that A. chapaensis has white tepals
whereas A. howellii has reddish-white tepals, but
actually A. howellii also often has white tepals. We also
found that tepals in A. howellii, just like those in A.
chapaensis, always have 10 –15 anastomosing veins.
Their leaf size is identical, being 3–9 cm × 3–8 cm.
Based on the above analyses, we regard it justifiable
to reduce Anemone chapaensis to the synonymy of A.
Anemone howellii J. F. Jeffrey & W. W. Smith
in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 78. 1916;
W. T. Wang in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 28: 25.
1980; W. T. Wang in Fl. Yunnan. 11: 189. 2000; W.
T. Wang, Ziman & B. E. Dutton in Fl. China 6: 319.
2001; Ziman et al. in J. Jpn. Bot. 83: 150. 2008. Type:
China. Yunnan: Teng-yueh (= Tongchong), Howell
110 (holotype, E!; isotype, K!).
A. begoniifolioides W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 12:167. 1974. Type: China. Yunnan: Wenshan,
in mixed forests, 2300 m a.s.l., 17 Aug. 1947, K. M.
Feng 11299 (holotype: PE!).
A. chapaensis Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. France
76: 315. 1929; et in Supp. Gén. Fl. Indo-Chine 1:
11. 1938; Ziman et al. in J. Jpn. Bot. 83: 150. 2008.
syn. nov. Type: Vietnam. Lai Cai: Cha Pa (= Sa Pa),
Miéville 7 (holotype, P!; isotype, P!).
Notes. In gross morphology, Anemone howellii
is readily distinguishable from A. begoniifolia (Fig. 4)
by the leaf blade 3-cleft to the middle (vs. undivided
or indistinctly 3–5-lobed). Palynologically, A. howellii,
which has 6-colpate pollen grains, is also distinct from
A. begoniifolia, which has pantoporate pollen grains[7].
Additional specimens examined: China: Yunnan:
Maguan, Q. A. Wu 8594 (KUN), H. T. Tsai 51874 (KUN,
NAS, PE); Malipo, K. M. Feng 22831 (IBSC, KUN),
Y. Z. Wang 4177 (PE); Pingbian, P. Y. Mao 4287
(KUN); Wenshan, K. M. Feng 11299 (PE, KUN),
22033 (IBSC, KUN), H. T. Tsai 51762 (IBSC, KUN,
PE), 58-8227 (KUN); Without precise locality, Sino-
USSR Yunnan Exped. 3563 (KUN, PE), Y. M. Sui
2167 (KUN); Xichou, Anonymous s.n. (KUN), S.
Z. Wang 653 (KUN, LBG). Guizhou: Anlong, Z. S.
Zhang & Y. T. Chang 2913 (IBSC, PE), Y. Zhang & M.
Tang 87 (IBSC); Libo, M. Tang & J. P. Luo 24 (IBSC),
Z. R. Xu L1337 (IBSC), L1243 (IBSC). Vietnam:
Lai Cai: Cha Pa, Petelot 2196 (P), 3197 (P), 3198 (P).
Acknowledgments  We are grateful to the curators of E,
IBSC, K, KUN, LBG, NAS, P, and PE for the permission to use
their scanned images of specimens and for research facilities.
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[2]  Wang W T. Anemone L. [M]// Flora Reipublicae Popularis
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[3]  Wang W T. Anemone L. [M]// Flora Yunnanica, Tomus 11.
Beijing: Science Press, 2000: 183–204. (in Chinese)
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[5]  Eichler H. Revision der Ranunculaceen Malesiens [J]. Biblioth
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