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The Identity of Anemone xiaowutaishanica (Ranunculaceae)


全 文 :Anemone xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang & Bing
Liu (Ranunculaceae) was described based on two
specimens, Bing Liu 983 (PE) (Fig.1: A) and Bing
Liu 415 (PE) (Fig.1: B), from Xiaowutai Shan, Hebei
Province, China, with the former being designated as
the holotype[1]. In the protologue, the authors stated
that the species was related to those within section
Himalayica (Ulbr.) Juz. (as ‘Himalayicae’) in the
vertical rhizome, rosulate leaves, 1-flowered cymes,
sessile involucral bracts, linear stamen filaments,
tricolpate pollen grains with spinulose tectum, and
subulate styles, but differed by the 3-partite or 3-sect
involucral bracts, 3 carpels per flower, and strongly
bilaterally compressed ovaries. They established a
new section, section Leptothece W. T. Wang & Bing
Liu, to accommodate the new species, pointing out
that the section was remarkably more advanced than,
and might be derived from, section Himalayica.
As emphasized by Wang and Liu[1], Xiaowutai
Shan, the highest mountain with an altitude of 2882 m in
northern China, had been previously very well botanized.
The description of a new species of Anemone, a genus
often with quite showy flowers, from such a well-
botanized area, caught our attention. We checked the
type specimens of A. xiaowutaishanica against the rich
herbarium material of Anemone from Xiaowutai Shan
and other regions in China kept in the major Chinese
herbaria, and found that A. xiaowutaishanica is not
热带亚热带植物学报 2014, 22(1): 26 ~ 30
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
张煜1,2, 杨亲二1*
(1. 中国科学院华南植物园,中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广州 510650; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)
摘要: 通过标本检查,发现小五台银莲花(Anemone xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang & Bing Liu)与银莲花(A. cathayensis Kitag. ex Ziman
& Kadota)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。由于银莲花属于银莲花亚组[subsection Omalocarpus (DC.) Tamura],
故同时将根据小五台银莲花而建立的小五台银莲花组(section Leptothece W. T. Wang & Bing Liu)处理为银莲花亚组的异名。
关键词: 银莲花属; 新异名; 毛茛科; 分类学
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.01.004
The Identity of Anemone xiaowutaishanica (Ranunculaceae)
ZHANG Yu1,2, YANG Qin-er1*
(1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Examination of herbarium specimens has shown that Anemone xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang & Bing
Liu is conspecific with A. cathayensis Kitag. ex Ziman & Kadota. We therefore place A. xiaowutaishanica in
synonymy under A. cathayensis. As A. cathayensis belongs to subsection Omalocarpus (DC.) Tamura, we place
section Leptothece W. T. Wang & Bing Liu, which was established based on A. xiaowutaishanica, in synonymy
under subsection Omalocarpus.
Key words: Anemone; New synonymy; Ranunculaceae; Taxonomy
Recieved: 2013–08–21    Accepted: 2013–10–13
This study was supported by the Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-EW-Z-1).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
第1期 27
essentially different from A. cathayensis Kitag. ex
Ziman & Kadota. (Figs. 2, 3), a species placed within
section Omalocarpus (DC.) Juz. by Wang[2], Tamura[3],
and Ziman et al.[4], and very common on Xiaowutai
Shan. The rhizome is erect, thick, covered with the
vestiges of old leaf-sheaths in the uppermost part; the
leaves are suborbicular or reniform-pentagonal, 3-sect,
with the petioles sparsely pubescent or glabrescent;
the scapes are also sparsely pubescent or glabrescent,
with flowers 1 to 5 in umbelliform cymes; the ovaries
are glabrous and bilaterally compressed. While the
carpels per flower were described to be 3 in number
in A. xiaowutaishanica, those of A. cathayensis had
been reported to be highly variable, ranging from 4 to
Pollen grains of Anemone cathayensis, according
to Xi and Chang[5], are tricolpate with spinulose tectum,
and thus are morphologically the same as those in A.
xiaowutaishanica reported by Wang and Liu[1].
It seems that the main reason why Wang and
Liu[1] did not refer Anemone xiaowutaishanica to section
Omalocarpus but compared it with section Himalayica
is that the type specimens of A. xiaowutaishanica
have 1-flowered cymes. Indeed, section Himalayica is
characterized by mostly having 1-flowered cymes, but
this character also, albeit quite occasionally, occurs
within section Omalocarpus[2–3]. Anemone imbricata
Maxim. is an example. This species has strongly
compressed and broadly winged achenes, and thus
is often placed into section Omalocarpus[2–3], but its
cymes are 1-flowered. Our molecular phylogeny also
places this species into section Omalocarpus of Wang[2]
and of Tamura[3] (Zhang and Yang, unpublish.), not
supporting the treatment as a monotypic section, i.e.,
section Imbricata of Ziman et al.[6] (never formally
described). The flower number on the cymes is
variable in A. cathayensis from Xiaowutai Shan
(Fig. 2) or other regions (Fig. 3), ranging from 1 to
5, and 1-flowered cymes are very common in this
species. Wang and Liu[1] noted the strongly bilaterally
compressed ovaries in A. xiaowutaishanica, a most
important character of section Omalocarpus, but
regrettably this feature did not remind them of this
Fig. 1 Specimens of Anemone cathayensis. A: China, Hebei, Xiaowutai Shan, Bing Liu 983 (PE, holotype of A. xiaowutaishanica); B: The same
locality, Bing Liu 415 (PE, paratype of A. xiaowutaishanica).
28 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 2 Specimens of Anemone cathayensis, all from Xiaowutai Shan (a mountain located in Zhuolu and Weixian), Hebei, China, showing the habit and
the flower number variation on the cymes. A: Anonymous 2326 (PE); B: J. W. Feng 94 (PE); C: Anonymous 395 (PE); D: Anonymous 1803 (PE).
第1期 29张煜等:小五台银莲花(毛茛科)的名实订正
Fig. 3 Specimens of Anemone cathayensis from Beijing, Hebei, and Shanxi, China, showing the habit and the flower number variation on the cymes.
A: Hebei, Laishui, K. M. Liou 2190 (PE); B: Shanxi, Jiexiu, Harry Smith 5891 (PE); C: Beijing, Mentougou, Z. T. Wang et al. 240 (PE); D: Hebei,
Neiqiu, Y. Liu 12965 (PE).
30 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Significantly, Hoot et al.[7] recently proposed
a reclassification of Anemone, which recognized two
subsections under section Omalocapus, subgenus
Anemonidum (Spach.) Juz., i.e., subsection Omalocarpus
(DC.) Tamura and subsection Himalayicae (Ulbr.)
Tamura. This classification is the first formal phylogeny-
based one of Anemone. Here we accept this new classi-
Based on the above analysis, we synonymize
Anemone section Leptothece and A. xiaowutaishanica.

Anemone subsect. Omalocarpus (DC.) Tamura
in Sci. Rep. Osaka Univ. 16(2): 27. 1967. Type: A.
narcissiflora L.
A. sect. Leptothece W. T. Wang & Bing Liu in J.
Syst. Evol. 46: 738. 2008. syn. nov. Type: A. xiaowu-
taishanica W. T. Wang & Bing Liu.
For a more complete synonymy see Tamura[3].
Hoot et al.[7] listed only three species in this
subsection, i.e., Anemone demissa Hook f. & Thomson,
A. narcissiflora, and A. tetrasepala Royle. This
subsection is virtually identical in species composition
to section Omalocarpus as defined by Wang[2], Tamura[3],
and Ziman et al.[4,8]. According to Tamura[3], this sub-
section may include ca. 15 species in Eurasia and
western North America, mostly in the alpinesubalpine,
or the arctic-subarctic zones.

Anemone cathayensis Kitag. ex Ziman & Kadota
in J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 7. 2006. Type: China. Hebei:
Xiaowutai Shan, 1914, Y. Nagai 48 (holotype, TI!).
A. cathayensis Kitag., Lineam. Pl. Mansh. 213.
1939, pro syn.; et Neo-Lineam. Pl. Mansh. 290. 1979,
nom. nud; Tamura in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 17: 114.
1958, nom. nud.; W. T. Wang in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis
Sin. 28: 54. 1980, nom. nud.; W. T. Wang, Ziman & B.
E. Dutton in Fl. China 6: 320. 2001, nom. nud.
A. xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang & Bing Liu in
J. Syst. Evol. 46: 739. 2008, syn. nov. Type: China.
Hebei: Xiaowutai Shan, alt. 1692 m, grassy slope in
ravine, 15 Sept. 2007, Bing Liu 983 (holotype: PE!).
This species is distributed in China (Hebei,
Shanxi) and Korea. A variety with pubescent ovaries
and achene body, var. hispida Tamura, is recognized
from China (northwestern Henan, northern Hebei),
and Korea[2,9–10].
Wang et al.[10] and Ziman et al.[4] stated that
Anemone cathayensis is characterized by the involucral
leaves (bracts) larger than the basal leaves, but our
examination of a large amount of herbarium material
of the species does not support this statement. The
involucral bracts are highly variable in size, but they
are almost always smaller than the basal leaves. In
the Latin protologue of A. cathayensis, Ziman et al.[4]
described its tepals as white or pinkish (alba sive
roseola), but in the discussion on its relationships with
other species, they mentioned the tepals as being blue
or pink. After careful perusal of the field notes of the
collections of A. cathayensis kept in major Chinese
herbaria we did not find specimens with the tepals
recorded as blue.
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