摘 要 :发表了圆柏属一新品种,即直立型偃柏(Sabina chinensis(L.)Ant. var. sargentii ‘Electus’)。新品种为直立的灌木或小乔木;叶两型鳞叶交互对生或生于小枝顶部,针叶刺状轮生,紧贴枝上,具有强烈分枝的特点,枝条斜上。
Abstract:A new variety of Sabina from Northeast China is described, that is Sabina chinensis(L.)Ant. var. sargentii ‘Electus’. It is a shrub or small tree with two-type leaves. The scale leaves decussately grow on the top of small branches; the needles whorled grow and cling to branches, appear thorn shape and the characteristic of branching, the branches show assurgent angle.