Abstract:In the present study, 45 sampling points from 14 counties were investigated in order to determine the occurrence and pathogen of root rot of wheat in Henan Province. The pathogenicity, damage and pathogen of the disease were studied using artificial inoculation, nematocide treatment, morphological and molecular biological identifications, respectively. The results showed that wheat root rot nematode distribution in Henan Province is region-dependent. The pathogen was successfully isolated from 34 sampling spots of 10 counties, located at north-central region of Henan with sandy soil. In contrast, none of pathogen was isolated from both wheat roots and soil in southern area of Henan with sticky heavy soil. After aldicarb treatment,the grain number per spike, thousand kernel weight and yield of wheat were significantly increased compared to untreated control. The pathogenicity assay of isolated nematodes found that the nematode can infect wheat and inhibit plant growth significantly. Pratylenchus agilis was the major pathogen of wheat root rot nematode in Henan Province.
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