Abstract:The effect of Nano-subnanocomposites on contents and distribution of organic C,total N and P in soil organic-mineral granules in drab fluvo-aquic soil were studied through potted planting in greenhouse.The major results are as follows: 1) Nano-subnanocomposites application changed the contents of soil organic-mineral granules compared to control with equivalent contents of nitrogen,phosphorus,potash.The contents of F1(<2 μm) and F3(10—50 μm) decreased,while the contents of F2(2—10 μm) and F4(50—100 μm) increased.2) The contents of organic C,total N and P in different sized granules and total soil were enhanced due to Nano-subnanocomposites application,and the magnitude of enhancement depended on different Nanocomposites materials with the following order: Nanomontmorillonite>Nano-kaoline>Nano-polystyrene.3) Although the contents of organic C,total N and P in F3(10—50μm) was lower comparer to others,it was still important in terms of soil fertility since it account for the highest distribution proportion of granules in drab tidal soil,so F3(10—50 μm) was still important in terms of soil fertility.4) The increased distributive proportion of organic C,total N and P in F2(2—10 μm) granules was highest due to Nano-subnanocomposites application,which showed that most nutrients had entered the F2(2—10 μm) granules,and F2(2—10 μm) played an essential role in the cycling,transforming and holding capacity of soil nutrients.